How to draw a hummingbird step by step: pencil drawing lesson. How to draw realistic hummingbirds Draw hummingbirds with a pencil

Hummingbirds are not just one kind of bird, but a very extensive group of bird species that are united by common characteristics. These are mainly small birds, often surprisingly small from a bumblebee. They feed on the nectar of flowers, and for this they are served by a long thin beak. The wings of the hummingbird are long, pointed, adapted to the bird hanging in the air near the flower, the nectar of which the hummingbird sucks out with its proboscis-shaped beak. Many hummingbirds are very brightly colored - sparkling like little jewels.

It will be interesting for us to learn how to draw a hummingbird in the aspect of the image of a bird in flight.

How to draw a hummingbird - lesson 1

I look for an expressive picture on the Internet and copy it. But not directly, but, for self-development, I unfold my bird in a mirror.

In stages it looked like this.

Pencil sketch:

The body is oval:

The head is rather large on a mobile neck. The eyes are also large, the beak is long:

Both wings are now folded back:

The tail, which looks like a folded fan, is slightly bent forward:

So he eats.

But let's look for some more interesting images of hummingbirds.

How to draw a hummingbird - lesson 2

We will copy this hummingbird as it is - it is also useful for the development of hands and eyes.

The sequence of the drawing is the same, first the torso:

Head with a long, curved beak:

The wings are small. They even look a little strange, but, nevertheless, they provide the bird with an excellent flight. The tail is small and kind of kurgozny.

And here is the final drawing of the Hummingbird:

Small details take skill. Anna Mason will teach you how to create painterly paintings through careful planning

The tiny hummingbirds have a lot of small details, making them ideal for proportional enlargement and work in my ultra-precise manner. A prominent feature of male hummingbirds is its colorful, iridescent feathers. Looking closely, you can see that they have both pale and bright colors and dark, almost black markings. You need to work very carefully, because two opposite shades can easily mix, turning into a muddy puddle.

I will teach you how to draw two birds, keeping the key and achieving the effect of overflow. You will need a high-quality, high-resolution stock photo. When posting from someone else's photos, always respect copyright. You should not sign a work done from someone else's photograph - this is not ethical. I came up with my own composition by placing two birds around a flower. I always draw from the monitor, because this way you can enlarge the image and see all the details. On her website Anna offers a video version of this master class.

Necessary accessories


  • Hot-pressed watercolor paper 46 x 61 cm


  • Payne's Gray
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Winsor Lemon
  • Winsor Green Yellow Shade
  • Cobalt Turquoise Light
  • French Ultramarine
  • Scarlet Lake
  • Kraplak red durable (Permanent Alizarin Crimson)
  • Translucent Orange
  • Quinacridone Red

All colors- Winsor & Newton Artists' Colors or Schmincke Horadam Aquarel.


  • Rosemary & Co synthetic pointed spotters in sizes from 000 to 5


  • Mechanical pencil HB
  • Polymer eraser
  • Ruler

Step 1. Outline sketch

I started by lightly sketching the boundaries between the different shades and tones. Transferring the image from the monitor, I measured something with a ruler, and painted something by eye. Do not hurry. I spent three hours on this.

Step 2. Light colors

With a # 5 brush and a well-diluted Waste of Payne's Gray and Burnt Sienna, I covered the highlights — the ocher feathers on the belly. With the same mixture, I touched the head and wings, which will then be painted over in a darker tone so that when applied it looks softer.

Step 3. Sequence of colors

I applied the watery shades of Winsor Lemon, Winsor Green Yellow Shade, Cobalt Turquoise Light, French Ultramarine using a # 3 brush, going from lighter to darker ... For smooth color transitions, I started with pure shades and then mixed each one with the next.

Step 4. Depth of tones

Likewise, I painted over the beak with a # 1 brush with a light wash - I started with Scarlet Lake, then mixed it with Burnt Sienna, and finally added Payne's Gray to the Burnt Sienna. I painted over the dark areas (throat, tail and legs) with a rich mixture of Burnt Sienna and Gray Payne.

Step 5. Eye

Next, I painted the eye in the darkest tones. I painted over the pupil with a rich black mixture of Payne's Gray and Burnt Sienna with a brush # 000, resting my hand on the paper. In the iris area, I added more Burnt Sienna. I left two highlight circles unpainted, outlining them with a faint wash of Gray Payne.

Step 6. Don't contaminate the washes

I painted over the dark areas of the tail with a # 3 diluted Payne's Gray with Burnt Sienna. I drew the dark feathers on the body with short strokes using the # 0 brush. I did not register all the dark lines on the body, because first you need to darken the light tones.

Step 7. Wings

I worked on the darkest stripes on the wings with a # 1 brush, mixing Payne's Gray, Burnt Sienna and Permanent Alizarin Crimson with a milky consistency. For the medium tones, I prepared a watery wash of Burnt Sienna, Payne Gray and Cobalt Violet, and applied it with a # 3 brush strokes in the direction of the feathers.

Step 8. Correction of colors and tones

After applying the midtones, it becomes clear which parts of the wings need to be darkened. On the dried paint, I once again went through the washes from step 7 to enhance the dark tones, and then tweaked the middle ones. To slightly change the shade of the left wing, I used a little Translucent Orange.

Step 9. Stripes

I darkened the tail with dark stripes from Payne's Gray / French Ultramarine with a # 3 brush. With a Burnt Sienna blur, I deepened the neutral shades of the tail ends. After drying, I drew many small diagonal lines on the feathers with the # 000 brush.

Step 10. Working wet-dry

I darkened the ocher areas with Burnt Sienna with a drop of Payne's Gray. To give the effect of the fluffy feathers, I applied many small strokes with the # 0 brush. I wrote dry and applied multiple layers if necessary.

Step 11. Focus on the eye

The eye is a very important element, because the viewer's gaze will fall on it first. I traced the dark eyelids around the eye with a mixture of Payne's Gray and Burnt Sienna with a # 000 brush, holding my hand securely on the paper for crisp strokes.

Step 12. Control the amount of paint

On top of the dried layer, I applied a diluted version of the previous shade with the same brush. I worked carefully, not typing too much watercolors. I also walked around the iris area to avoid staining it with a dark color.

Step 13. Register the beak

With a pale wash of Winsor Lemon, I painted over the flower where it touched the beak and let it dry. Next, I worked with the # 000 brush on the darkest areas of the beak. To do this, I mixed Quinacridone Red, Burnt Sienna and Payne's Gray, changing the ratio of pigments to convey the shades of the beak.

Step 14. Paint the beak thickly

The bright red mid-tones of the beak I rendered with thick strokes of rich Quinacridone Red. I then used the pre-diluted washes from the previous step in varying proportions to work out the midtones, allowing the previous highlights to show through in places.

Step 15. Evaluating tones

By darkening the ocher areas and the beak, I realized how much I needed to deepen the light tones so as not to darken and not spoil the shine effect. I made them darker by applying another layer of washes from stage 3 of the same consistency with a # 0 brush.

Step 16. Working out the feathers

After darkening everything I need, I use a brush # 000 and a mixture of Payne's Gray and Burnt Sienna to draw all the finest lines that convey the visual texture of the feathers. The procedure is quite painstaking and lengthy, but pleasant. It feels like cutting off dark shapes with light, bright lines.

Step 17: rate and darken

To understand whether the hummingbird should be made darker, I drew a second bird and a flower for comparison. After that, the need to darken some areas became apparent. With a # 3 brush, I very carefully covered the bird with another layer of bright colors, being careful not to brush against the dark lines I painted in step 16.

Step 18. Finishing touches

I saw that it was also necessary to deepen the dark tones throughout the bird. To do this, I used the # 000 brush and an intense wash from Payne’s Gray and Burnt Sienna. I did the same with the flower and the second bird. As a result, after 30 hours of work, the painting was completed.

And wolves seem to them rather commonplace. A non-standard option is a hummingbird tattoo.

Hummingbird tattoo in realism style with bright background

These birds are interesting for their size, anatomy and other features. For example, the smallest one is less than 6 cm long, and its weight barely exceeds one and a half grams. This breed is called a hummingbird - a bee. This species is found not somewhere in Africa, but on the island of freedom - Cuba.

In total, there are more than three hundred and thirty species, many of which are so different that a person who is not an experienced bird watcher will never guess about their relationship.

The hummingbird's flight capabilities are impressive. For example, in science there is a ratio between the length of the body / body and the distance covered per second. This unique bird has a better ratio during dive than a combat fighter whose engine runs in afterburner mode. Moreover, the bird managed to bypass even space shuttles entering the atmosphere in this indicator. This is not to mention the hummingbird's ability to brake perfectly at a gigantic speed. It seems that the baby is about to crash on the ground, but at the last moment, she performs an incredible maneuver, which is beyond the power of either an eagle or a hawk, or other diving predators.

If you like this tattoo, then you should figure out what the tattoo with a hummingbird symbolizes.

Headdress with a hummingbird

To understand the meaning of a hummingbird tattoo, it is worth referring to traditional cultures in which there is a mention of this bird. For example, the Aztec civilization deified this sweet creature, considering it an earthly manifestation of a deity with the name Huitzilopochtli, which is difficult to pronounce for a Russian-speaking person. Interestingly, this word, according to the Indians, personified the sound made by the wings of a hummingbird during flight.

Hummingbird in Aztec style

If you have been to the Caribbean, you may have seen drawings of hummingbirds there. In these parts, she is a symbol of the amazing diversity of nature.

The Aztecs and Mayans collected feathers to brew love potions from them. It was believed that birds flying in pairs are reincarnations in a new body of two lovers who, even after death, did not want to part. Whatever abilities have been attributed to this miniature and cute creature. However, this is not surprising, given the incredible speed capabilities and maneuverability.

Hummingbird feather

From the values \u200b\u200bof cultural, historical and religious, we move on to more specific ones related specifically to the tattoo itself.

Values \u200b\u200bin women:

  • Cheerfulness.
  • Well-being and luck.
  • Sexuality and feminine energy.
  • If a bird is depicted above a flower, drinking nectar, this symbolizes the rapture of love and passion.
  • Strength, energy, the ability to overcome any difficulties, just like this bird does incredible things;
  • Lightness, tenderness and trepidation.

Generalized meanings include positive thinking, freedom, honesty, sincerity, optimism. In addition, such a tattoo can mean kindness, peace, care, serenity. In any case, this is a good symbol that will bring into your life what was lacking in it. This drawing symbolizes victory over any difficulties.

If you think butterflies are something too commonplace, a hummingbird with a flower is a much more interesting option. In this case, the general meaning will remain approximately the same.

Hummingbird drinks nectar from a flower

Where to place the hummingbird tattoo?

Going to a tattoo parlor, you should first think about which part of the body the sketch you have chosen will look good on. We offer you several options for implementing the idea, but we do not insist on any of them.

    - a fairly widespread option in the world. Some clients want to do it on the thigh, others - on the calf or ankle. Given that this bird is tiny, there is enough legroom to depict it in full size without sacrificing detail.
  • This drawing will look great - forearm, wrist, or even hands.
  • If you do not want to make a tattoo on the limbs, then see how it will look, or behind the ear;
  • If the drawing should be large, allowing the use of many details - flowers, other background elements, then it should be placed, or a spatula.
  • A girl can afford to get a tattoo on her stomach, or under her chest. This option will be quite harmonious.

Hummingbird on a girl's belly

If the main goal, the meaning is to give yourself a certain push, to give life situations the necessary acceleration, get a tattoo on your wrist or hand. Also, options with, forearm, or mentioned above - on the shoulder blade are suitable.

The size and type of bird determines where it is best placed. If you chose a hummingbird with a long tail, then you should start the drawing either from the shoulder along the entire arm, or from the thigh to the lower leg. An option in which the head starts in the area between the shoulder blades, and the tip of the tail drops to the line of the lower back will also look good.

Long Tail Hummingbird Tattoo

Color, style, sketch

Stylish and beautiful hummingbird tattoo sketches can be made in color, or b / w. It is also possible to draw the outline with one paint of any color. However, when you draw beautiful tropical birds, color sketches are more relevant.

Perhaps it is difficult to find a style that is more suitable in terms of richness and brightness; this is watercolor. From its name it is easy to understand that we are talking about imitation of work with water-based paints. Tattoo artists make a fairly accurate drawing, but supplement it with drips of paint to give realism, to create the illusion that the image was applied not with a tattoo machine, but with real brushes.

Hummingbird in watercolor style

Very often, photos of hummingbird tattoos show sketches that are difficult to confuse with a photograph, they look so believable.

Photo of a hummingbird in the style of realism

If you like a hummingbird tattoo, then order the master to create for you personally a drawing that no one else will have.

Sketches with flowers are very popular.

Among the most suitable styles:

  • Watercolor is the brightest and most unusual option;
  • Realism - drawing in detail with a photo of a real bird;
  • Trash polka - add unusual details to a realistic picture, several art inserts, color, etc .;
  • Old school and traditional - good old techniques, known since the times when pirates were not only off the coast of Somalia, and were robbed not by tankers, but by Spanish galleons;
  • Minimalism - laconic, effective, modern;
  • Dotwork - beautiful drawings in the form of a hummingbird, made by point technique.

Hummingbird watercolor

Hummingbird dotwork

Hummingbird minimalism

Hummingbird realism

Hummingbird trash polka

Hummingbird oldschool

In general, bright but realistic tattoos are more suitable for girls. The development of a sketch can take from several hours to several days. The timing depends on the complexity, size, detail, number of colors.

Bright and realistic sketch of a hummingbird tattoo

The application procedure itself can be performed in one or two sessions. The reasons are the same. If the drawing is large, then its application will require a significant amount of time, and, accordingly, vice versa.

How painful will the process be? Any experienced artist will answer that it depends on where exactly the tattoo is done. The closer the bone, and the thinner, more sensitive the skin, the more painful the client will be.

However, the threshold of sensitivity is different for each person. The fact that one client is bouncing on the spot causes mild discomfort in another. Therefore, there is no single answer that would be objective for all customers.

The same can be said for choosing the perfect place to get your tattoo. There are people who simply don’t go for a tattoo on their chest, but there are those who even have a frank "portaque" on any part of the body looks like a work of art.

Hummingbird with skull

How to understand if a separate sketch will suit you on a specific part of the body? If you have a graphics editor like Photoshop, you can easily "try on" any drawing, adjusting it to size, and even deforming it as needed. It will turn out even more realistic if you translate the picture into vector format.

Large tattoo with two hummingbirds and patterns on the lower back

A photo

The best photos of hummingbird tattoos for your viewing in various styles and directions.

The hummingbird is rightfully the smallest bird on our planet. Its size is so small that many people confuse a bird with an insect. Before you learn how to draw a hummingbird, we suggest you familiarize yourself with some facts about this interesting creature.

A little about hummingbirds

Interesting Facts:

  • birds of this species can move back and forth and from side to side;
  • it flaps its wings very quickly, and it seems as if it is floating in the air;
  • hummingbirds are very desperate creatures, as they are not afraid to engage in unequal fights with other birds;
  • this species reaches 22 centimeters in size;
  • they are persecuted by poachers, who later make hats out of them;
  • it's hard to believe, but a hummingbird has twice the number of cervical vertebrae than a giraffe;
  • the bird's weight is from 2 to 20 grams, and the flight speed can reach up to 80 km / h, depending on the species;
  • by the way, there are more than 300 species of these cute creatures;
  • these birds are omnivores, they not only eat nectar with pleasure, but also do not mind eating small insects.

Draw a little bird together

Now let's look at how to draw a hummingbird with a pencil step by step. To do this, prepare a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser. Since hummingbirds spend most of their time eating, it will be more appropriate to draw it next to the flower in which it will collect nectar.

Difficulties in drawing a hummingbird

Now you know how to draw a hummingbird quickly and easily. You may have difficulties in the initial stage when you need to sketch the silhouette of the bird. Therefore, if you do not have any special artistic skills, just copy the shape suggested above or prepare in advance a picture from which you can redraw the bird.

These are such cute and bright miniature birds found in America.

Step by step drawing Step 1. Let's start with a sketch - three circles. Small for the head, medium for the body, the latter for the shape of the tail.
After creating these shapes, draw two lines that go down like a dress, these will be the tail feathers. The end of this step is the line coming out of the first small circle (head), which will be the beak.

Step 2. Now you can see how our bird takes shape. Starting from the tip of the beak, we do line sketch of the lower part of the beak and neck. Next, make sure to draw feathers in the neck area. Then we make two shapes for the wings. Draw the right wing larger than the one that is closer to you. Draw feathers for the tail and small eyes.

Step 3. Sketch the feathers on the hummingbird wings with strokes. Do not write off, pay special attention to this stage of drawing, because beautiful feathers decorate the hairdo. After that draw the upper part of the hummingbird's beak, increasing the thickness of the line drawn in the first step.

Step 4. This step is very important. Take your time, carefully, carefully draw the small feathers rising up the
wings and descending along the body, from the head of the hummingbird. Draw them one by one until you think they look good enough.
Step 5. Erase all construction lines. Prepare your drawing for coloring.

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