What draws a man when thinks. Casual doodle and secret desires

Circles and rings
Circles associated with each other or inscribed one to another, talk about the desire for accession and complicity. "I am lonely, I feel as if turned off from the outside world," such drawings sign. When we remove the circles on paper, the unconscious hints to us that we lack friendly participation and attention.

Squares, diamonds and other geometric shapes
You have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, always persistent and stubborn. Usually you are excessively vigilant and careful, so try to look at things easier.

Spirals, circles or wavy lines
Someone else's problems do not care too much or not interest. Maybe you even experience a lightweight emotional crisis: go in the circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to follow your behavior not to challenge and not break on others.

This is a vector for which you are oriented in life. The arrow is directed up - the orientation on other people, down - on itself, to the left - look in the past, right - hope for the future.

You want to be in the spotlight, it is important for you to be bright and always noticed. But, if your star has too many rays or you depict them separate from it, it may indicate depressive experiences.

Perhaps you are concerned about the feeling of guilt in front of a close man or some kind of problem, for which you feel responsible.

Dominics and boxes
Symmetric forms demonstrate love for order, leaning to planning and calculations. That is what the surrounding such drawing says: "I am not easy to confuse, I know for sure what I want, I have clear goals, and I'm going to decisively defend my opinion."

Chess fields
Apparently, you were in a very unpleasant or, at least difficult. If such images often appear, then you most likely suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to solve some situation, or are in search of yourself, their life path, doubt the correctness of your life.

Bee honeycombs
You are aiming calm, to harmony, you want to streamline your life. And it is also likely that you thought about creating a family nest.

Your today's emotions can directly depend on the animal that settled on your paper. If it is a tiger or wolf - aggression hid in you; If the fox - they conceived somewhere to unrift; Bunny or protein - you need care and protection, Leo - feel your superiority over everyone. When you constantly depict the same beast, a bird or a bubble, then, most likely, compare it with you, attribute to yourself his habits.

Human figures
If these are small little men, then, most likely, you feel helplessness or want to avoid any responsibilities. When you depict a person schematics ("stick, stick, cunechik - that man came out") - your emotional state is unstable, you want to close and do not let anyone.

Personal signatures
Such machinery patterns are peculiar to natural and egocentric. The abundance of own signatures, mechanically derived on a sheet during a conversation or considering some kind of problem, signals an excessive zinchole in its own person.

Flowers, sun, clouds
Cheerful flowers and sunshine are faithful signs that you are satisfied with how the telephone conversation passes. Most likely, listening to the interlocutor, you are simply dreaming, fantasizing something pleasant. Similar drawings with heads give out your optimistic attitude and a bad location of the Spirit.

The habit of unconsciously draw something, draw on a piece of paper, there are many. We draw when we think at a meeting, during a telephone conversation or simply when the pen is at hand. What is it?

It turns out that such unconscious figures, patterns, doodles can say more about us than we know about yourself. Psychologists call them picturesque texts or dulls and are actively used in their practice.

These drawings may tell about our personality, character traits and even a real mood. It turns out that we discharge the tension, mobilize the psyche, we struduen new knowledge and information. Sometimes these drawings help us compensate for the impossibility of gesticulation or concentrate.

Want to figure out more in detail, what do the unconscious doodles and drawings mean?

1. Numbers Means that the "artist" in this period of time is concerned exclusively financial and economic aspects.

2. Sun or lanterns garland, Whatever it was strange, talking about the lack of care and spiritual intimacy. Man is in dreams of friendship, care or tenderness.

3. Geometric Corners Figures specify the clarity of thought, the presentation of clear landmarks in the life and availability of beliefs. Their authors openly express their opinions and do not leave before trouble. These are logic, thinking almost and having an analytical warehouse of the mind.

Also geometric images mean love for discipline, calculating mind, the ability to plan and lead leadership.

Too pointed angles speak of some inner aggression.

4. Drawn cross the hidden feeling of guilt carries. Remember, maybe you offended someone?

5. Rounded shapes of drawing, spirals, waves Give people concerned about themselves exclusively or their problems. They also talk about secure or experiencing a crisis.

6. Star Indicates optimistic nature, not lowering hands and able to cope with problems.

7. Thin trees with bare branches Draw upset or lost people. And energetic and cheerful draws trees with a lush crown and thick trunks.

8. Hearts They draw those who overflow feelings, but they are trying to restrain their emotions. Such people from the side look very calm, but their drawings give them out and talk about the opposite.

9. Honeycomb Projeit man's desire to orderly and measured life. Such people value harmony with them and surrounding. It is possible to create a family.

10. Flowers and leaves mean good character, responsiveness, desire to help, sensitivity.

11. Chessboard signals that the author turned out to be in a difficult situation and is trying to find a way out. Regular appearance of such a picture speaks of hidden complexes.

Have you ever thought, what do you mean different drawings that we do not think about paying on paper?
We later look at the description of such art.

Fans of painting a tberry caught exclusively material values. The first option - you pretend where and how you can earn. The second - you think how to pay with debts.

Pages of a notebook adorns the sun or garlands? Paradoxically, your mood is not so rainbow, like these drawings. You lack warmth, care and attention. You dream of friendship and tenderness. Want to advice? Try in the near future more often among people. Call friends, go with them in a movie or walk, sit in a cafe. Then the sun will appear not only on paper, but also in your soul.

Squares, diamonds, triangles give out clear goals and solid beliefs. Such figures usually draw people who are accustomed to openly express their point of view. They try not to graze before the enemy, have a practical mindset, well-developed logical thinking and are able to occupy a leadership position. Moreover, symmetric forms mean adherence to accuracy and order, calcality and skill all plan. At the same time, if the angles of figures are drawn too sharply - this is a clear tendency to aggression. Your problem is excessive concentration, which does not allow to relax normally.

Crosses express the feeling of guilt. Perhaps you have offended someone or did not fulfill the promise or it seems to you that those around you are reproached for something. Quickly discuss all that you are, or ask for forgiveness, it will immediately become easier. By the way, there may be not just ordinary crosses on your drawing, but, for example, jewelry or patterns containing crushing elements. As a rule, women give them such appearance.

Someone else's problems do not care too much or not interest. You are a very secretive and closed person, do not like when others climb into your business. You may experience a light crisis. Now you are a solid bare wire. Try to keep yourself in your hands, otherwise you can chase and offend the interlocutor.

Star - an indicator of optimistic nature. Faced with the problem, such a person tries not to lower his hands and is trying to cope with difficulties faster. In addition, such a drawing demonstrates the desire of the Draftsman to draw attention to itself.

Thin trees with bare branches draw lost and upset people. But the branched crown and the thick trunk show that you are energetic, cheerful and at the moment you are not bothering you.

You are filled with feelings. I want to kiss the whole world. But you constantly restrain your emotions and seem to be strict and impregnable. And the larger the drawing, the greater the difference between your true face and the usual mask. Stop controlling yourself, become more open and relaxed.

"Bee honeycombs" talk about the desire for an ordered and measured life, calm, harmony with them and the outside world. In addition, such a drawing may mean the desire to create a family in which it often does not want to admit even to himself.

Flowers and leaves talk about good character. Such people are responsive and love to help others. They are also sensitive and emotional. If a person draws plants in a vase, it means that it constantly requires an energy feeding.

You were in an unpleasant or difficult position, so draw a chessboard. And you want to solve all the problems, having worked out your tactics and strategy how chess players do. Meanwhile, if a similar image in your notebook is a frequent guest, it is not excluded that you suffer from hidden complexes.

Psychologists claim: approximately nine out of ten people aged 18 to 34 years old are constantly drawn between the case, and among those who for 65, six out of ten. It is known that John Kennedy loved to portray sailing boats. According to the authoritative grief, it was a sign of great perseverance and vital energy.

Experts argue that those pictures that we, without thinking, draw on a sheet of paper, who accidentally be on hand, can tell a lot about our character or mood.

Spirals, wavy lines say that a person is not interested in other people's problems. When such a person is forced to engage in the affairs of others, he strive to finish them as quickly as possible. If a person draws a spiral during a meeting or a telephone conversation, he should remember that it is necessary to control himself, so as not to offend his colleague, and even in general - not to spoil the whole thing.

The grids usually appear at the time when a person falls into a risky or uncomfortable position. Each thick line in the picture symbolizes the attack that a man is trying to start. Such a person is inclined to "swallowing" the offense, which is why disappointment is accumulated in his soul and then he feels even more unhappy. Therefore, psychologists advise such people sometimes complain to someone to their destiny to "unload".

Garlands, flowers, the sun, unfortunately, do not talk about the bright perception of the world. Most likely, such a person does not have fun at the soul, he subconsciously dreams of friendship, tenderness and whose attention. Specialists advise such people to visit good friends, or at least be in society of pleasant people.

Men - as instit psychologists - This is a sign of immediacy or desire to see from any duties. In most cases, a person draws little men when he needs to say a decisive "no", but he is unable to force himself to pronounce this word. Therefore, "men" should be regarded as a warning that it is necessary to be unshakable and decisive.

Bee honeycombs talk about the desire of a person to peace, order in life, harmony. They can also mean subconscious desire Create a family nest.

Chess fields are usually drawn those people who were in a very difficult position. They dream of a clear and reliable path that could bring them with a difficult situation.

Crosses in the drawings symbolize. Similar symbolism subconscious It is often found. Crosses do not have to be present in their usual form. Women most often hide them under the drawings of jewelry, and men give them more severe outlines. A person who draws the crosses, causing something, perhaps he punishes himself for something or his feeling of guilt just inspired.

Interlacing contours of hearts reveals human senses. He wishes to kiss the whole world, but externally in appearance - he itself is modesty. And than those words that the person says will be stupid, the poorest drawing, so it should not be restored to such an extent. In such people, experts recommend expressing their feelings.

An ornament that repeats a drawing of sharp corners and smooth oval lines, says that a man is tedious, perhaps he is tired of a telephone conversation, possibly the topic of the meeting, or in general the way of life. At the subconscious level, such a person awaits changes, dreams of new experiences that must save him from a feeling of the time spent.

The drawing with a complex interweaving of the lines most often reflects the desire of a person to take part in anything. Perhaps this is a thought of a stable connection, but most likely a person just feels what is out of the game.

Value of drawings in psychology It is difficult to overestimate, so you should not treat them as some superstitions or prejudices. Figures reflect our inner state. Through the drawings, trying to warn about danger or simply attracting our attention to yourself. After all, sometimes we think about someone, but not about yourself ...

What do drawings mean,

which we unconsciously draw

Have you ever wondered

what do different drawings mean,

which we do not think about paying on paper?

Parade numbers

Fans of painting a tberry caught exclusively material values.

The first option - you pretend where and how you can earn.

The second - you think how to pay with debts.

Let always be the sun

Pages of a notebook adorns the sun or garlands?

Paradoxically, but your mood is not so rainbow

like these drawings.

You lack warmth, care and attention.

You dream of friendship and tenderness.

Want to advice?

Try in the near future more often among people.

Call friends, go with them in a movie or walk, sit in a cafe.

Then the sun will appear not only on paper, but also in your soul.

Oh, these figures

Squares, diamonds, triangles give out clear goals and solid beliefs.

Such figures usually draw people,

who used to openly express their point of view.

They try not to graze before the enemy, have a practical mindset,

well developed logical thinking and capable of occupying a leading position.

Moreover, symmetric forms mean adherence

to accuracy and order, calcality and skill all plan.

At the same time, if the angles of figures are drawn too sharply -

this is an obvious tendency to aggression.

Your problem is excessive concentration,

which does not allow to relax normally.

Crosses without Nolikov

Crosses express the feeling of guilt.

Perhaps you offended someone or did not fulfill the promise or it seems to you

that those around you are reproaching for something.

Quickly discuss all that you are, or ask for forgiveness, it will immediately become easier.

By the way, on your drawing may not be just ordinary crosses,

and, for example, decorations or patterns containing crushing elements.

As a rule, women give them such appearance.

Spirals, circles, wavy lines

Someone else's problems do not care too much or not interest.

You are a very secretive and closed person, do not love

when others climb into your affairs.

You may experience a light crisis.

Now you are a solid bare wire.

Try to keep yourself in your hands, otherwise you can chase and offend the interlocutor.

Burn, burn, my star…

Star - an indicator of optimistic nature.

Faced with the problem, such a person tries not to lower his hands

and he tries to cope with difficulties faster.

In addition, such a drawing demonstrates the desire of the Draftsman

attract attention.

In the field of Birch stood ...

Thin trees with bare branches draw lost and upset people.

But a branched crown and a thick trunk show

that you are energetic, cheerful and at the moment you are not bothering you.

Heart to heart

You are filled with feelings.

I want to kiss the whole world.

But you constantly hold back your emotions

and on the outside, seem strict and impregnable.

And the larger the drawing, the greater the difference

between your true face and the usual mask.

Stop controlling yourself, become more open and relaxed.

House for bees

"Bee honeycombs" talk about the desire

to ordered and measured life,

creation, harmony with me and the outside world.

In addition, such a picture may mean

desire to create a family

in which often

does not want to confess even himself.

Flower-seven flowers

Flowers and leaves talk about good character.

Such people are responsive and love to help others.

They are also sensitive and emotional.

If a person draws plants in a vase,

it means that it constantly requires energy feeding.

Shah or Mat.

You were in unpleasant

or difficult

therefore draw a chessboard.

And want to solve all the problems

having developed your tactics and strategy,

how do chess players make.

Meanwhile, if a similar image

in your notebook - a frequent guest,

it is not excluded

what you suffer from hidden complexes.

But the opinion of German psychologists

German specialists from the Institute of Psychology in Bonn during the year were observed, how people behave,

communicating on the phone or attending production meetings.

It turned out: two thirds of consessive subscribers and half of the participants of the assembly draw some kind of paper

figures. After testing, it turned out that it was not by chance. Drawings - not just doodle,

and the symbols reflecting the mental state of people, and these symbols are from the depths of the subconscious.

People splash them automatically when they lead a pencil on paper without thinking about the essence.

But psychologists have learned to decipher the hidden meaning of images.

So, for example, Pushkin loved to draw in the fields of the face and figures of people. And this is a clear sign of sociability

and vital lightness, increased communication and dynamics. Such people look at life simply

but at the same time, they are characterized by a considerable vital wisdom. John Kennedy invariably devil

on pieces of paper Pointed sailing boats, which, according to experts, indicates greater energy,

perseverance and considerable sexual power. Boris Yeltsin, say when conversation with subordinates, painted

straight intersecting lines, which characterizes it as a person straight and stubborn,

causing irritation of others and conflicting not only with others, but also with himself.

In fact, people are not so diverse in the doodles. The main "plots" is only 8.

1. Spirals, circles, wavy lines

Other people's problems do not care too much or even interfere. If you are forced to engage in other people's affairs,

then trying to end with them as soon as possible, because all your attention is currently

focused on his own person. You may experience a light crisis. If you notice,

what starts to draw a spiral, keep in mind: now you need to follow yourself,

to not flare. Many circles are longing, loneliness.

2. Flowers, sun, garlands.

You are a vintage vintage with a huge imagination. But on your soul, you are not at all fun,

how it may seem. Rather, on the contrary. You most dream of friendship and tenderness, and thoughts,

which run in the head, unwittingly transfer to the paper: "Pay attention to me!"

Hurry to visit good friends or at least try in the near future

among people. Those little things in life, by which other people will pass by turning special attention to them,

can cause your chagrins, excitement or anxiety

3. Grid

You feel that they fell into a risky or awkward position.

Each decisive, the bold line is an attack that you do not decide to take. If at the end

you will circle your drawing - it means that the problem is ending, at least externally.

You are most likely inclined to swallow insult and irritation. And this is a danger in itself:

you have disappointment in your soul, and you feel more and more unhappy.

You lack determination to declare yourself.

4. Patterns, as on the wallpaper

Sharp corners and smooth ovals are connected to the motive repeating to infinity. This pattern indicates that

what you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or a meeting, and maybe in general your whole lifestyle.

You can start with a trifle: let's say, to make something extravagant, such that you first dried only

in dreams. It will destroy the monotony acting on you so depressing.

5. Crosses

Women usually give them the form of jewelry, men are more stringent outlines. But in both cases they

express the feeling of guilt, which emerged, most likely during the telephone conversation.

Something like you: Or you buy yourself to yourself, or you reproached the interlocutor. We must certainly discuss the cause.

True, it is not necessary to see the same minute. Otherwise, you have to suffer for a long time.

6. Primitive men

This image is a sign of helplessness or desire to evade some duty.

People usually paint men at the moment when they should say a decisive "no",

but they cannot force themselves to pronounce this word. So the little man should be perceived as a warning

and tell yourself: "Do not give up! Refuse, otherwise then you will crushed because of your own weakness! "

7. Chess fields

Apparently, you were in a very unpleasant or at least difficult.

You dream of a clear and reliable path that will bring you out of it. At the moment does not follow anything

hide or sank. If such images often appear, then you are most likely

suffer from hidden complexes.

8. Squares, triangles and other geometric shapes

You will not spend easily. You have clear goals and beliefs. You almost never hide your opinion.

You rarely experience fear of your opponents, competitors and supervisors.

The more angted geometrical forms, the more you are aggressive, even at least it is not always noticeable.

But the aggressiveness shoves your fantasy and does not allow you to relax.

Try to look at things easier.

Do not conflict on trifles.

Try suppress your ambitions.

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