Preface to the translation of "fairy tales" by charles perrault. The composition "Tales of Charles Perrault - artistic analysis

When Charles Perrault decided to publish a book of his fairy tales, he asked his son to identify himself as the author of the publication and wrote his name on the title page. He was ashamed to seem frivolous. But I must say that no one believed it. Everyone recognized the author anyway. And here's what's surprising. No one remembers the names of the scientific works of Charles Perrault, under which he signed without hiding. But the whole world knows his tales!

Perrault was the first writer to make the tale a full-fledged literature. His masterpieces occupy an important place among the recognized short stories and novels in the literature of the 18th century. He "opened the way" for other wonderful storytellers. After him, other amazing tales appeared. Let us recall: "A Thousand and One Nights", "Baron Munchausen", the tales of the Brothers Grimm, the tales of Hoffmann, Hauff, Andersen.

In France, near Paris, there is the famous Breteuil castle. Since 1604, one large, well-born family lived in this castle. She served the kings of France in the 17th and 18th centuries. The halls on the ground floor are decorated with magnificent interiors. the walls are decorated with portraits of the ancestors of this family. Kings, cardinals, royal nobles have been here. But what is left of all these celebrities? Portraits depicting people that few people remember, dishes, furniture that decay over time ...

The true inhabitants of the castle today are the heroes of Charles Perrault. There are a lot of Puss in Boots, they are found almost at every step - and the cats are completely different. Either a musician cat, a craftsman cat, or an aristocrat cat. There are chambers in which the Sleeping Beauty rests. Thumb-boy is the owner of a great dish with apples. Fairies are adorable keepers of special talents who give them away to people at will. Princes and princesses. The park where the castle is located is magnificent. Fountains rustle monotonously, wild animals roam among the shady trees. And everywhere the voice of the storyteller is heard, flying to us through the centuries: "Do not despair ever!" Reality is often transformed. Cinderella meets her prince. A stupid beauty, having fallen in love, becomes smart and kind ...

Olga Kovalevskaya

Photo by Boris Gessel

Charles Perrault's Tales:

The script for the Literary Quiz based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault
Good afternoon guys. Today we have gathered with you in this hall to celebrate two solemn events. You all know that November 24 we celebrate with you Reading day and today you have the opportunity to prove to yourself and your comrades that you deserve to be called literate and reading people by taking part in a literary quiz.

And the second event, which is also closely related to our today's event, is the ending year 2012, which was announced in our country The Year of the French Language and French Literature in Russia. So the culprit of our today's holiday is also French by nationality, and besides that, he is one of the most popular children's writers. Let's try to guess who it is?

(slide 1)
Well done, you did the job, the writer is recognized! This is Charles Perrault.

Charles Perrault was a very famous scientist. He was even elected a member of the French Academy. This high-ranking official loved more than anything else (stronger than serious pursuits in philosophy and jurisprudence!) ... fairy tales.

In those days as well Charles Perrault lived almost four centuries ago, a fairy tale was not considered literature, it was not taken seriously at all. Folk tales existed on their own, they were collected and studied by specialists, and the reading public was not interested in this.

Perrault was first the writer who made the fairy tale a full-fledged literature. His masterpieces occupy an important place among the recognized short stories and novels in the literature of the 18th century. He "opened the way" for other wonderful storytellers. After him, other amazing tales appeared. Let us recall: "A Thousand and One Nights", "Baron Munchausen", the tales of the Brothers Grimm, the tales of Hoffmann, Hauff, Andersen.

A fairy tale is very serious. You have to believe in it. Be able to read and learn to hear storytellers. They come to us as soon as the book is opened. They come to warn, conscience, and support. To always be there.

And I suggest you go on a visit to the tales of this great writer and try once again to understand what these tales teach you and me.

We are starting the LITERARY QUIZ "Tales of Charles Perrault" (slide 2)

Competition 1


Here are 9 of the most famous fairy tales by Charles Perrault: ( slide 3) 1. Boy with a finger; 2. "Cinderella"; 3. "Bluebeard"; 4. "Little Red Riding Hood"; 5. "Sleeping Beauty"; 6. "Donkey skin"; 7. "Fairy Gifts"; 8. "Puss in Boots"; 9. "Rike-Khokholok"

Each team receives a question common to several fairy tales. It is necessary to put in front of the question the number of the tale to which this question fits. There may be several answers. Each correct answer gives the team 1 point.

QUESTIONS: 1. What tales of Perrault end with a wedding (2, 5,6,7,8,9); 2. In which tales of Perrault are fairies (2,5,6,7,9); 3. In which tales of Perrault there are animal heroes (2, 4,6,8)

Well done, you did an excellent job with the first task and proved your right to compete for the title of an attentive reader.

Competition 2

Captains competition

I invite the team captains to come to me and listen to the conditions of the next competition. You need to guess from which tale the following lesson was taken. You need to answer on your own, without consulting the team, and we will start with the laggards.

1. “You cannot listen to insidious speeches, -
Otherwise, the wolf can eat you! " (red Riding Hood ) (slide 4)

2. “Childhood is adorned with a rather large inheritance given to the son by the father. But whoever inherits skill, and courtesy, and courage, will rather be a fine fellow ”(Puss in Boots) (slide 5)

Charles Perrault

(1628 - 1703)

Was born on January 12. The great merit of Perrault is that he chose several stories from the mass of folk tales and recorded their plot, which has not yet become final. He gave them a tone, climate, style, characteristic of the 17th century, and yet very personal.

Among the storytellers who "legalized" the tale in serious literature, the very first and honorable place is given to the French writer Charles Perrault. Few of our contemporaries know that Perrot was a venerable poet of his time, an academician of the French Academy, the author of famous scientific works. But world fame and recognition of his descendants brought him not his thick, serious books, but the wonderful fairy tales "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Bluebeard".

Charles Perrault was born in 1628. The boy's family was concerned about the education of their children, and at the age of eight, Charles was sent to college. As historian Philippe Aries notes, Perrot's school biography is the biography of a typical excellent student. During his studies, neither he nor his brothers were ever beaten with rods - an exceptional case at that time.

After college, Charles took private lessons in law for three years and eventually received a law degree.

At twenty-three, he returns to Paris and begins his career as a lawyer. Perrault's literary activity falls at a time when the fashion for fairy tales appears in high society. Reading and listening to fairy tales is becoming one of the widespread hobbies of secular society, comparable only to reading detective stories by our contemporaries. Some prefer to listen to philosophical tales, while others pay tribute to the old tales that have come down in the retelling of grandmothers and nannies. Writers, striving to satisfy these requests, write down fairy tales, processing stories familiar to them from childhood, and the oral fairy tale tradition gradually begins to pass into written.

However, Perrault did not dare to publish the tales under his own name, and the book he published bore the name of his eighteen-year-old son, P. Darmancourt. He feared that with all his love for "fairy-tale" entertainments, writing fairy tales would be perceived as a frivolous occupation, casting a shadow with its frivolity on the authority of a serious writer.

Perrault's tales are based on the well-known folklore plot, which he presented with his inherent talent and humor, omitting some details and adding new ones, "ennobling" the language. Most of all these tales were suitable for children. And it is Perrault who can be considered the ancestor of children's world literature and literary pedagogy.

    Charles Perrault: the childhood of a storyteller.

The boys sat down on a bench and began to discuss the current situation - what to do next. One thing they knew for sure: they would not return to a boring college for anything. But you have to learn. Charles heard this from childhood from his father, who was a lawyer for the Paris Parliament. And his mother was an educated woman, she herself taught her sons to read and write. When Charles entered college at the age of eight and a half, his father checked his lessons every day, he had a lot of respect for books, teaching, and literature. But only at home, with his father and brothers, was it possible to argue, to defend his point of view, and in the college it was required to cram, it was only necessary to repeat after the teacher, and God forbid to argue with him. For these disputes, Charles was kicked out of class.

No, no more to go to the disgusted college! What about education? The boys racked their brains and decided: we will study ourselves. Right there in the Luxembourg Gardens, they drew up a routine and from the next day began to implement it.

Bauraine came to Charles at 8 in the morning, they studied together until 11, then had dinner, rested and studied again from 3 to 5. The boys read ancient authors together, studied the history of France, studied Greek and Latin, in a word, those subjects that they would pass and in college.

"If I know anything," Charles wrote many years later, "I owe it exclusively to these three or four years of study."

We do not know what happened to the second boy named Boren, but the name of his friend is now known to everyone - his name was Charles Perrault. And the story that you just learned took place in 1641, under Louis XIV, the "sun king" during the time of curled wigs and musketeers. It was then that the one whom we know as a great storyteller lived. True, he himself did not consider himself a storyteller, and sitting with a friend in the Luxembourg Gardens, he did not even think about such trifles.

The essence of this dispute was as follows. In the 17th century, the opinion still reigned that ancient writers, poets and scientists created the most perfect, the best works. The "new", that is, Perrault's contemporaries, can only imitate the ancients, they are still unable to create anything better. The main thing for a poet, playwright, scientist is the desire to be like the ancients. The main opponent of Perrault, the poet Nicolas Boileau, even wrote a treatise "Poetic Art", in which he established "laws" how to write each work, so that everything was exactly like that of ancient writers. It was against this that the desperate debater Charles Perrault began to object.

Why should we imitate the ancients? he wondered. Are modern authors: Cornel, Moliere, Cervantes worse? Why cite Aristotle in every scholarly work? Are Galileo, Pascal, Copernicus lower than him? After all, the views of Aristotle have long been outdated, he did not know, for example, about the blood circulation in humans and animals, did not know about the movement of planets around the Sun.


Charles Perrault now we call him a storyteller, but in general during his lifetime (he was born in 1628, died in 1703). Charles Perrault was known as a poet and publicist, dignitary and academic. He was a lawyer, the first clerk of the French finance minister Colbert.

When Colbert created the French Academy in 1666, one of its first members was Charles' brother, Claude Perrault, whom Charles had recently helped to win a competition for the Louvre facade. A few years later, Charles Perrault was also admitted to the Academy, and he was assigned to lead the work on the "General Dictionary of the French Language".

The history of his life is both personal and public, and politics mixed with literature, and literature, as it were, divided into what has glorified Charles Perrault in centuries - fairy tales, and what has remained transitory. For example, Perrault became the author of the poem "The Age of Louis the Great", in which he glorified his king, but also the work "The Great Men of France", voluminous "Memoirs" and so on. In 1695, a collection of poetic fairy tales by Charles Perrault was published.

But the collection "Tales of Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Teachings" was released under the name of Charles Perrault's son Pierre de Armankour - Perrot. It was the son who, in 1694, on the advice of his father, began to write down folk tales. Pierre Perrault died in 1699. In his memoirs, written a few months before his death (he died in 1703), Charles Perrault does not write anything about who was the author of the fairy tales or, more precisely, the literary record.

These memoirs, however, were published only in 1909, and twenty years after the death of literature, academician and storyteller, in the 1724 edition of the book "The Tales of Mother Goose" (which, by the way, immediately became a bestseller), the authorship was first attributed to one Charles Perrault ... In a word, there are many "blank spots" in this biography. The fate of the storyteller himself and his fairy tales, written in collaboration with his son Pierre, for the first time in Russia is described in such detail in the book by Sergei Boyko "Charles Perrault ".

Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was the first writer in Europe to make folk tales the property of children's literature. Interest in oral folk art, unusual for a French writer of the “century of classicism,” is associated with the progressive position that Perrault took in the literary polemics of his time. In 17th century France, classicism was the dominant, officially recognized trend in literature and art. Followers of classicism considered the works of ancient (ancient Greek and especially Roman) classics in all respects exemplary and worthy of imitation. At the court of Louis XIV, a real cult of antiquity flourished. Court painters and poets, using mythological plots or images of heroes of ancient history, glorified the victory of royal power over feudal disunity, the triumph of reason and moral duty over the passions and feelings of an individual, praised the noble monarchical state, which united the nation under its auspices.

Later, when the absolute power of the monarch began to come into ever greater contradiction with the interests of the third estate, opposition sentiments intensified in all areas of public life. Attempts were made to revise the principles of classicism with its unshakable "rules", which managed to turn into a dead dogma and hindered the further development of literature and art. At the end of the 17th century, a dispute broke out among French writers about the superiority of ancient and new authors. Opponents of classicism declared that new and newest authors are superior to the ancients, if only by the fact that they have a broader outlook and knowledge. One can learn to write well without imitating the ancients.

One of the instigators of this historical controversy was Charles Perrault, a prominent royal official and poet, elected in 1671 as a member of the French Academy. Coming from a bourgeois-bureaucratic family, a lawyer by training, he successfully combined his official activities with literary activities. In the four-volume series of dialogues "Parallels between the ancient and the new in the arts and sciences" (1688-1697), Perrault urged writers to turn to the depiction of modern life and modern customs, advised to draw plots and images not from ancient authors, but from the surrounding reality.

To prove his case, Perpo decided to start processing folk tales, seeing in them a source of interesting, lively stories, "good morality" and "characteristic features of folk life." Thus, the writer showed great courage and innovation, since fairy tales did not appear at all in the system of literary genres recognized by the poetics of classicism.

In 1697, Charles Perrault, under the name of his son Pierre Perrault d'Armancourt, published a small collection entitled "The Tales of My Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Teachings." The collection consisted of eight fairy tales: "Sleeping Beauty", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Bluebeard", "Puss in Boots", "Fairies", "Cinderella", "Rike with a Tufted" and "Little Boy". In the following editions the collection was replenished with three more fairy tales: "Donkey's Skin", "Funny Desires" and "Griselda". Since the latter work is a typical literary story in verse for that time (the plot is borrowed from Boccaccio's Decameron), we can assume that Perrault's collection consists of ten fairy tales 3. Perrault followed folklore plots quite accurately. Each of his tales was able to be traced back to the primary source that exists among the people. At the same time, presenting folk tales in his own way, the writer clothed them in a new artistic form and in many respects changed their original meaning. Therefore, although Perrault's tales retain a folklore basis, they are works of independent creativity, that is, literary tales.

In the preface, Perrault argues that fairy tales are "not trinkets at all." The main thing in them is morality. "All of them aim to show what are the advantages of honesty, patience, foresight, diligence and obedience and what troubles befall those who deviate from these virtues."

Each fairy tale by Perrault ends with a moralizing in verse that artificially brings the fairy tale closer to the fable - a genre accepted with some reservations by the poetics of classicism. Thus, the author wanted to "legitimize" the fairy tale in the system of recognized literary genres. At the same time, ironic moralizing, not connected with a folklore plot, introduces a certain critical tendency into a literary fairy tale - counting on sophisticated readers.

Little Red Riding Hood was unreasonable and paid dearly for it. Hence the moral: young girls should not trust the "wolves".

To little kids, not without reason (And especially to girls, Beauties and spoiled girls), On the way meeting all kinds of men, You can't listen to insidious speeches, - Otherwise, the wolf can eat them ...

Bluebeard's wife almost fell prey to her immoderate curiosity. This gives rise to the maxim:

A woman's passion for immodest secrets is amusing: It is known that what has gone dearly, Will instantly lose both taste and sweetness.

Fairy-tale characters are surrounded by a bizarre mixture of folk and aristocratic life. Simplicity and artlessness are combined with secular courtesy, gallantry, wit. Healthy practicality, a sober mind, dexterity, resourcefulness of the plebeian prevail over aristocratic prejudices and conventions, over which the author never ceases to make fun of. With the help of a clever rascal, Puss in Boots, the country boy marries the princess. The brave and resourceful Boy with a finger defeats the man-eating giant and breaks out into the people. The patient hard worker Cinderella marries a prince. Many fairy tales end in "unequal" marriages. Patience and hard work, meekness and obedience receive the highest reward from Perrault. At the right moment, a good fairy comes to the aid of the heroine, who perfectly copes with her duties: she punishes vice and rewards virtue.

Magic transformations and happy endings are from time immemorial characteristic of a folk tale. Perrault, with the help of traditional motives, expresses his thoughts, colors the fairy fabric with psychological patterns, introduces new images and realistic everyday scenes that are absent in folklore prototypes. Cinderella's sisters, having received an invitation to the ball, dress up and preen. “I,” said the elder, “I will wear a red velvet dress with lace trim.” “And I,” said the younger, “I will be in a simple skirt, but I’ll wear a mantilla with gold flowers and a diamond headdress, and such a dress is not everywhere. there will be. " They sent for a skilled craftswoman to fit them in double-frilled caps and buy flies. The sisters called Cinderella to ask her opinion: she had good taste. " There are even more everyday details in The Sleeping Beauty. Along with the description of various details of the palace life, housekeepers, maids of honor, maids of honor, gentlemen, butlers, gatekeepers, pages, footmen, etc. are mentioned here. Sometimes Perrault reveals the dark sides of his contemporary reality. In this case, his own moods are guessed. The woodcutter and his large family live in poverty and starvation. Only once did they manage to have a hearty supper, when "the lord who owned the village sent them ten crowns, which they owed them for a long time and which they no longer hoped to receive" ("Little Boy"). Puss in boots intimidates the peasants with the loud name of an imaginary feudal lord: “Good people, reapers! If you do not say that all these fields belong to Monsieur Marquis de Caraba, you will all be crushed finely, like meat for a pie. "

The fairy-tale world of Perrault, with all its seeming naivety, is complex and deep enough not only to captivate a child's imagination, but also to influence an adult reader. The author has invested in his tales a rich store of life observations. If such a fairy tale as "Little Red Riding Hood" is extremely simple in content and style, then, for example, "Rike with a Tuft" is distinguished by a psychologically subtle and serious concept. The witty small talk of the ugly Rike and the beautiful princess give the author an opportunity to reveal the moral idea in a relaxed and entertaining form: love ennobles a person's heroic traits. "

Subtle irony, graceful style, cheerful lectures of Perrault helped his fairy tales to take a place in "high" literature. Borrowed from the treasury of French folklore, "The Tales of My Mother Goose" returned to the people, polished and faceted. In the master's treatment, they lit up with bright colors, healed a new life.

    Some famous works:

"Walls of Troy, or the Origin of Burlesque" 1653 parody poem - the first work

The Age of Louis the Great, 1687 poem

"Parallels between the ancients and the new in matters of art and sciences", vol. 1-4, 1688-97 dialogues

"The Tales of My Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Teachings" 1697

"Sorceresses" (fr. Les Fees)

Cinderella (fr. Cendrillon)

"Puss in Boots" (fr. Le Chat botte)

"Little Red Riding Hood" (French Le Petit Chaperon rouge) folk tale

"Boy - with a finger" (fr. Le Petit Poucet) folk tale

"Donkey skin" (fr. Peau d "Ane)

The Sleeping Beauty (fr. La Belle au bois dormant)

"Riquet - crest" (French Riquet a la houppe) Charles Perrault (French Charles Perrault) (January 12, 1628, Paris - May 16, 1703, ibid.) - a famous French writer - storyteller, poet and critic.


So what moral can I take from the works of Charles Perrault?

I would like to check myself, whether I understand Perrault's tales, as the author himself understood them, or not. So for now I am writing from a philistine point of view. And, first of all, I share my impressions and emotions of one of the modern mothers, which I am.

Reading in Russian, I can judge Perrault only by translations, and, unlike the original, there can be a great variety of them. For myself, I try to at least determine whose translation I would like to give my child.

So that's about translations. Take Dore's book with illustrations. It was called "The Tales of Mother Goose". And at the end of each tale there were poems. I remember that when I read them, I was very surprised at what the writer really wanted to say ...

The given morality to "The Boy with a Thumb" interested me greatly. I also rummaged around and found teachings for other fairy tales.

For example, to "Little Red Riding Hood" (mother, grandmother, daughter - already, it seems, quite a modern beginning).

First translation:

“Little kids have a reason

(And especially for girls,

beauties and spoiled girls),

Meeting all kinds of men on the way,

You can't listen to insidious speeches, -

Otherwise, the wolf can eat them.

I said: wolf! Wolves are countless

But between them there are others

Dodgers so wicked

That, sweetly exuding flattery,

The maiden's honor is guarded

Accompany their walks home,

They are escorted by - by - by the dark back streets ...

But the wolf, alas, than it seems more modest,

So he is always cunning and more terrible! "

Second translation option:

From this saying it becomes clearer:

It is dangerous for children to listen to evil people,

Especially for girls

Both slender and beautiful-faced.

Not a miracle or a miracle at all

To get the wolves on the third course

To the wolves ... but not all of them

They are inherently frank.

Another friendly, respectable,

Without showing your claws,

As if innocent, quiet,

And he himself for the young girl

All the way to the porch he strives for

But who does not know and how not to understand us,

That all wolves are more dangerous than a flattering wolf.

There is no need to comment here anymore. After reading this lesson, we see that Perrault is primarily addressing young girls, not children.

From this it becomes clear why the wolf invites Little Red Riding Hood to bed. Dora has a vivid and memorable scene: Little Red Riding Hood and a wolf with a cap on his head in bed, close-up. But Dore's illustrations go to these fairy tales, first of all, as to works for adults.

And here in B. Dekhterev's "children's" illustration: Little Red Riding Hood is going to lie down next to ... a real wolf. (As a child, I did not have a book with his illustrations, so when I so clearly saw in the engraving Dora a close-up of a girl with a wolf under one blanket, I was very surprised, and for the first time I read the entire text as if anew. I look at the illustration and am surprised : maybe Little Red Riding Hood is blind? After all, you can see that there is a wolf (not even dressed).

In the book on which Turgenev's translation appears, Little Red Riding Hood simply stands next to the bed and throws back the canopy. And accordingly, there is no "bed scene" in the illustrations for this publication by A. Vlasova. This version of translation and illustrations to the text seems to me more suitable for children. I would choose him.

After all, the moral of the tale is understandable without this action. And it is still relevant to this day. Perhaps this is one of the most instructive fairy tales for modern children: in no case speak to strangers, and especially (!) Do not be simple-minded, do not tell them where you are going, who you are, where your grandmother lives and other details that some bad people can use to harm you. "Don't talk to strangers, don't turn off the road!"

Young girls in our time are no longer learning from fairy tales. In our country, the fairy tale has passed entirely into the property of children, and, perhaps, also of their parents and literary critics.

I completely skip how E. Bern interpreted the fairy tale - for our conversation is exclusively about children.

What a heated debate over the name of Charles Perrault! Just addictive. I would like to participate.

Indeed, one can find different translations and interpretations of the same tale. Or you can simply not take them so critically. After all, a critical article and such deep reflections negate the beauty of a fairy tale.

In fairy tales there is never any direct morality, but only a "hint". And what is the "hint"? in my opinion, that something very good can happen in the life of an ORDINARY person, that EVERYTHING WILL BE GOOD, After all, fairy-tale characters are far from ideal in all fairy tales, people saw themselves in them: ORDINARY people with disabilities. After all, if you analyze fairy tales like that, then why is Little Red Riding Hood better? After all, the weak old woman lived alone (there were no neighbors), her daughter strangely cared about her, sending her little granddaughter with food. But this analysis is for psychologists, who in any situation see the problem or can see it.

And in my opinion, a fairy tale is a fascinating story that teaches something, scares, and entertains.

The world itself used to be more cruel (although ours is not perfect). Death was familiar. More people died from disease, hunger, wars ... And in the fairy tale there was hope for a miracle, that your life would just change for the better. After all, the prince fell in love with Cinderella, although she was dirty. And our bummer - Emelya married a princess. This is magic! This does not happen in life. And there is a fairy tale for a dream!

But everyone chooses for himself what to read to the child. There are many genres and each has a fan base. You just don't have to treat the fairy tale like that! And if you want "correct" works with morality, then you need to read other literature. For example, the Otchiy Dom publishing house publishes the Orthodox Children's Library series. In it all the stories are moralizing, kind and good, and they also have a miracle. But here it is a miracle from God, and not just like that.

Returning to the episode described earlier. As for fiction and fabulousness, now, in our time, the question seems to have been resolved. And the moral side - the teachings that this fairy tale carries in itself?

The parents described in it are deeply antipathetic to me. I have nothing to justify their actions. And they do it two times. If after the first time they kind of repented of what they did. Then, in spite of their regrets, they repeated everything, as in the first time.

And all this very much resembles the plots of modern crime reports, reported on television: when an alcoholic mother took her daughters into the forest and returned home ...

There is no condemnation of the actions of such parents in the work itself!

And what about the episode in which the Ogre slaughtered all his daughters ?! And the Boy with a Thumb is to blame for this. But the Ogre's daughters were still the daughters of his wife, who showed great sympathy for the boys, in every possible way protected them from her husband. It turns out that the Boy with a Thumb repaid her with black ingratitude. And the Ogre's wife herself finds herself in a strange situation. The phrase "the woman got scared and gave everything that she had, because the Ogre, although he ate small children, was a good husband and she loved him" - just a quote from a modern program about maniacs (there wives and acquaintances also say that their husband and relative are a maniac - was a very good husband and person).

The result of the tale: “A boy with a thumb provided for his entire family. He got a place for both the father and the brothers, and thus made them all available. And he himself soon received a court position. " Some careerist and a rascal just - this Boy with a finger! And he began his career by provoking murders and robbing.

An interesting case turns out. Fairy tales are familiar from childhood and are known almost by heart. But having opened the book “Charles Perrault. Big Book of Fairy Tales "(publishing house" Exmo "with illustrations by Y. Nikolaev) or" Charles Perrault. Fairy Tales ”(of the same publishing house with illustrations by A. Vlasova), I suddenly discover that I myself have never read Perrault.

I really didn't. Because at a time when children are introduced to fairy tales through reading books and watching cartoons, I still could not read. And then, when I learned, there was no desire to read Perrault's tales, because "everything was known so."

… And here I am for the first time reading about the Boy with a Thumb. I compare the translation-retelling of I. Turgenev in the book "Eksmo" (series "The best storytellers of the world") - this appears in the bibliographic description on the back of the title - and the translation in the gift edition with a gold edge (of the same publisher) - the translator is not indicated there, but according to the text, this is the same translation by I. Turgenev, slightly edited by someone.

... “Having eaten plenty, the woodcutter (what a word - you can't pronounce it!) And says:

Oh, somewhere now our poor children? How gloriously they would have eaten the leftovers! And we are all, we are the reason for everything! After all, I told you that we will cry afterwards! "

This is how the heroine of a fairy tale laments after she and her husband took the children to the forest for certain death, in the book "Fairy Tales" (I repeat that this book contains the name of Turgenev as a translator and narrator). In the "Big Book of Fairy Tales" there is no "woodcutter", instead of her - "wife". But the rest of the text in this passage remains unchanged.

Presenting his translations of Perrot from French into Russian, this is what their author Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote in 1867 (these tales with engravings by G. Dore were published by the publishing house of the famous Mauritius Osipovich Wolf). “Perrault's fairy tales are especially popular throughout Europe; they are comparatively less known to Russian children, which is probably due to the lack of good translations and publications. Indeed, despite its somewhat scrupulous Old French grace, Perrault's tales deserve a place of honor in children's literature. They are cheerful, entertaining, laid-back, not burdened with either excessive morality or copyright claims; they still feel the spirit of folk poetry, which once created them; in them there is precisely that mixture of the incomprehensible-miraculous and the ordinary-ordinary, the sublime and the funny, which is the hallmark of a real fabulous fiction. Our positive and enlightened time begins to abound in positive and enlightened people who do not like this particular admixture of the miraculous: raising a child, according to their concepts, should be not only important, but also serious, and instead of fairy tales, he should be given small geological and physiological treatises ... ... Be that as it may, it seems to us very difficult and hardly useful for the time being to banish everything magic and miraculous, to leave the young imagination without food, to replace a fairy tale with a story. The child undoubtedly needs a teacher, and he also needs a nanny.

The witty publisher of Perrault's fairy tales, J. Getzel ... in his preface remarks very rightly that one should not be afraid of the miraculous for children. Not to mention the fact that many of them do not completely deceive themselves and, amusing themselves with the beauty and cuteness of their toys, in fact they know very well that this never happened (remember, gentlemen, how you rode on sticks, after all, you they knew that it was not horses under you - but the case still came out completely believable and the pleasure was excellent); but even those children (and these are for the most part the most gifted and intelligent heads) who unconditionally believe in all the miracles of the fairy tale - very well know how to immediately renounce this belief as soon as the time comes. "Children, like adults, take in books only what they need and for as long as they need it." Getzel is right: this is not the direction in which the dangers and difficulties of child education lie.

We have just said that we believe that one of the reasons for the relative obscurity of Perrault's tales is the lack of good translations and publications. The public is left to judge how satisfactory our translation is ... ”- I quote this text almost entirely as a curious evidence of my era. It seemed to me remarkable also in that it gives its confirmation to the arguments of K. Chukovsky, which he cited in the 1920s in defense of the fairy tale. And how well it is said about the teacher and the nanny!

Perrault (storyteller's brother Charles Perrault) invented the summing device “... an improved version of the rhabdological abacus Perrault... 1770 - Eun ...

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  • In fact, the fairy tales of Mother Goose became the first book in the world written for children. Before that, no one specially wrote books for children ...

    Charles Perrault's inexplicable silence has given rise to two main scientific versions about the authorship of fairy tales.

    First, the book was written by Perrault himself, but on principle he decided to consolidate the glory of fairy tales for his beloved son. The second version - the fairy tales were really written by the youngest son of Perrault, the brilliant young man Pierre Perrault, and the writer father only literary processed the works of his son.

    The fate of Pierre himself was terrible.

    After the triumphant success of the book, he immediately entered the close circle of the Princess of Orleans, but unfortunately, six months later, in a vulgar street fight, he stabbed his weatherman Guillaume Coll, the son of a certain Marie Fourier, a carpenter's widow, with a sword. The murder of a commoner with a noble sword was at that time an absolutely immoral act. There could be no question of any closeness to the royal court now. Pierre ended up in prison, and the widow started a multi-way trial against the culprit. After all, the father of the murderer, the favorite of the palace, the president of the French academy Charles Perrault was very rich and recently acquired the ancient castle of Rosier near the city of Troyes on the banks of the Seine. Calling on all his connections and money for help, the father barely rescued his son from prison and urgently bought him the rank of lieutenant in the royal regiment. Pierre went to the front of the next French battle, where he died at lightning speed.

    The death of first his son, and then of Charles Perrault himself, forever took the secret of authorship to the grave of centuries. For some time, the fairy tales of Mother Goose, by inertia, were still published under the name of Pierre D Armankour, but in 1724, 10 years after the death of the writer, the general opinion prevailed that the fairy tales were still written by Charles Perrault Sr. They are still published under this name.

    The operas Cinderella by G. Rossini, The Castle of the Duke Bluebeard by B. Bartok, the ballets The Sleeping Beauty by P. Tchaikovsky, Cinderella by S. Prokofiev and others have been created based on the plots of Perrault's fairy tales.

    "The influence of Charles Perrault ... is so great that if you ask someone today to tell you a typical fairy tale, he will probably tell you one of the French: "Puss in Boots", "Cinderella" or "Little Red Riding Hood"". (J.R.R. Tolkien)

    Charles Perrault came from a wealthy Parisian family. His grandfather was a merchant in Turin. His father Pierre received an excellent education and was a lawyer for the Paris Parliament. He met his wife Puckett Leclerc in his parish, in the church of Saint-Etienne du Mont. Puckett came from a noble family and brought her husband a good dowry, including the village of Viry (now the city of Viry-Chatillon), where the family left in those days when the plague was raging in Paris.

    Charles was the youngest child in the family. He had a twin brother, François, who lived only six months, and thus Charles became not the sixth, but the fifth son of the Perrault family. The rest of the brothers lived quite long and eventful lives at that time: Jean was a lawyer, Pierre was the general tax collector of Paris, Claude was a physician and architect, the author of the project of the famous Louvre gallery, Nicolas was a doctor of divinity at the Sorbonne.

    It should be noted that the Perrault family was very religious. They were close to Jansenism, maintained an acquaintance with Blaise Pascal (although in many respects Charles's views did not coincide with him), defended representatives of this trend in court. And Charles Perrault, already in his mature years, published two poetic works on biblical themes: "The Creation of the World and Adam" and "Saint Paul".

    Portrait of Louis XIV with his family

    Charles collected taxes and wrote poetry. In 1653 they already appeared in print. In addition, his older brothers introduced him to a high-society salon, whose visitors were eminent authors.

    But "... all the talents will not decorate you in the least, since there is no godmother in stock to thunder."

    Such a "godmother" for Charles Perrault for many years was the powerful Minister of Finance J.-B. Colbert .

    Jean-Baptiste Colbert - statesman under Louis XIV, chief intendant of finance, royal buildings, fine arts and factories. He worked 15 hours a day, did not pay attention to the court world, the opinions of the world, walked to the king ...

    Under him, Charles took up the post of general secretary in the Intendants of the royal buildings and oversaw the work of the tapestry workshop, and even made drawings for them himself;

    Another reason for the French academician to turn to fairy tales was the dispute "about the old and the new", the instigator of which was Perrault himself. He opposed the dominance of ancient images in literature and art, the tales he published were supposed to be a confirmation of the fact that folk wisdom is in no way inferior to antique book samples. However, he never put his signature on the fairy tales ...

    This is, in short, the story of Charles Perrault. And what about his tales?

    His first poetic tale "Griselda" was published in 1691 and the members of the French Academy were the first to hear it. This is how the tale begins to make its way into the upper world. Not a courtesy-gallant story, not a love joke, but a fairy tale in the sense of the word that readers of later times are used to investing in it.

    “The Tales of Mother Goose” appears four years later, on October 28, 1696. The full title of the collection: "Tales of My Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Teachings." The book was inexpensively published, with simple illustrations, and sold out in 20, 30, and sometimes 50 copies a day. The reason for this was not only that these magical stories were well known to both commoners and nobles, but also the fact that these tales were as modernized as possible and reflected not only ancient legends, but also modern customs and mores of the writer.

    So, Sleeping Beauty. We all remember well the story of how three fairies came to the christening of a young princess, one of whom lacked a gold device. It is interesting that modern researchers indicate a specific place where these fabulous events could take place. This is the castle of Yousset located on the banks of the Loire

    The differences between the French and German canons do not end there. For example, in Grimm's version, after the unfortunate prick of the princess, all the inhabitants of the kingdom fall asleep, while at Perrault, the king and queen, as befits responsible reigning persons, remain awake, although, of course, they do not live to see their daughter awake.

    In addition, the goal of Monsieur Charles was a kind of promotion of folklore plots among the nobility, so he diligently cleansed them of everything coarse and vulgar, stylized them as courtly literature and filled them with signs of his time. The heroes' manners, clothing and meals perfectly reflected the nobility of the 17th century.

    So, in "Sleeping Beauty" the cannibal demands to serve her children's meat invariably "with Robber sauce"; the prince, who woke the beauty, notices that she is dressed old-fashioned ("her collar is upright"), and the woken herself turns to the prince in the tone of a languid capricious lady ("Oh, is that you, prince? You kept yourself waiting").

    By the way, few people remember that prince Perrault did not rush to kiss vulgarly... Finding the princess, he "approached her with awe and admiration and knelt down beside her." And even after awakening, our heroine and her gallant gentleman did nothing reprehensible, and talked about love for four hours, until they woke up the whole castle

    The very origins of the plot of "Sleeping Beauty" are lost in the depths of the Middle Ages. One of the oldest adaptations belongs to the Italian Giambattista Basile, who published in 1636 one of the first (although not as epochal as "The Tales of Mother Goose ...") collections of "Pentameron" fairy tales (apparently, as a response to the famous "Decameron"). Basile's heroine is called Thalia.

    The tale begins quite traditionally - with the evil curse of the witch and the sleeping pill of the spindle. True, they don't bother much with the princess, they put her on the throne and put her in an abandoned forest hut. After a while, as it should be, a hunting foreign king stumbles upon the hut, but finding a sleeping beauty, he does not behave at all courteously ... In fact, the tale says - "he collected the fruits of love" and ... drove away. The beauty quietly became pregnant and after the due date gave birth to twins. The magic "anesthesia" was so strong that she woke up not from childbirth, but only when the baby mistakenly began to suck her thumb and the poisoned tip of the spindle popped out. And then the king decided to visit again for the "fruits of love".

    Seeing Talia with children, he finally ... fell in love, and began to visit them more often. And since our hero was a married man, his wife, suspecting treason, caught Talia with the children and ordered to make meat cutlets from the kids for hubby, and throw his mistress into the fire. Obviously, the chef took pity on the kids, slipped the lamb, and as a result, instead of Thalia, they burned an evil wife over a low fire. Next - moral: "Some are always lucky - even when they sleep."

    Now it is clear how much Charles Perrault has ennobled the tale. The image of an eternally young maiden in a lethargic dream, waiting for her beloved, turned out to be so attractive that he constantly wandered around literature in different guises.

    Suffice it to recall the folk tale "Snow White", "The Sleeping Princess" by V. Zhukovsky, "The Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" by A. Pushkin, the song of the NAUTILUS group "Polina's Morning" and much, much more.

    There is a dark entrance under the mountain.
    He goes there quickly.
    Before him in the gloom of sadness,
    The crystal coffin is swinging
    And in a crystal coffin that
    The princess sleeps in eternal sleep. "
    (A. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess ...")

    "... Sleepy eyes are waiting for the one who enters and turns on the light in them, Polina's morning lasts a hundred billion years ... And all these years I can hear her chest swaying, And from her breath the glass fogged up in the windows, And I do not regret that this is my path is endless - In her crystal bedroom it is constantly light ... ". (I. Kormiltsev "Polina's Morning")


    The famous shoes in the Grimm version are gold. However, at Perrault they were at first far from crystal, but trimmed with fur. Some believe that this fur was the famous Russian sable, and in translations they write "sable shoes". However, it so happened that over time, the word "vair" ("fur for the edging"), according to the principle of a damaged phone, was transformed into "verre" ("glass"). As a result, comfortable and soft shoes turned into exquisite by ear, but completely sadistic in practice "crystal shoes". Gold ones, however, are not much more convenient.

    But for Grimm, the motive of Cinderella's escape from the ball looks much more logical. The beauty here was frightened not by the striking of the clock, but by the prince's attempts to find out whose daughter she was. When a messenger with shoes comes to the Cinderella family, mischievous sisters still manage to try them on, for which one of them ... chops off her finger, and the other - heel! However, the liars are exposed by two doves singing:

    "Look, look,
    And the slipper is covered in blood ... ".

    The misadventures of the sisters do not end there. If in Perrault's courtly narration Cinderella not only forgives them, but also suits their personal life ("... married two noble courtiers"), then the "populists" Grimm reprisals against the heroine's oppressors is inevitable.

    "And when it came time to celebrate the wedding, the treacherous sisters also appeared - they wanted to flatter her and share her happiness with her. And when the wedding procession went to church, the eldest was on the right hand of the bride, and the youngest on the left; and the pigeons pecked at each of And then, when they were returning back from the church, the eldest walked on the left hand, and the youngest on the right; and the pigeons of each of them pecked out one more eye "...

    By the way, in recent years, information has been circulating in the media that the most ancient version of Cinderella appeared from the pen of the 9th century Chinese writer Chuan Chengshi. Like, he has a stepmother, and fur shoes, and a husband-emperor as a reward. Here and the heroine's miniature leg (one of the Chinese canons of female beauty) is very welcome.

    Be that as it may, "Cinderella" will still invariably be associated with Charles Perrault, as "Snow White" - with the Grimm brothers. And for more than three centuries this seemingly simple plot has served as a source of inspiration and consolation to millions of women on planet Earth. In the depths of their souls, each of them has the hope that they will find their "prince", despite all the troubles in life.

    Used materials from sites.

    Tatiana Vasilieva
    Literary leisure "In the land of Ch. Perrault's fairy tales" in the preparatory group for school


    Work description:

    Charles name Perrault - one of the most popular names in Russia storytellers along with the names of Andersen, the brothers Grimm, Hoffmann. Marvelous tales of Perrault from the collection of fairy tales of Mother Goose: "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty", "Puss in Boots", "Tom Thumb", "Red Riding Hood", "Blue Beard" glorified in Russian music, ballets, films, theatrical performances, painting and graphics dozens and hundreds of times.

    At the heart of perrault's tales - famous folklore plot, which he presented with his inherent talent and humor, omitting some details and adding new ones, "Ennobled" language.

    Stories of their sh Perrault did not take fairy tales from books, but from the pleasant childhood memories of June. Charles Perrault's Tales first of all, they teach virtue, friendship and help to one's neighbor, and for a long time remain in the memory of adults and children. Most of all these fairy tales were suitable for children... And exactly Perrault can be considered the ancestor of children's world literature and literary pedagogy.

    This material will be useful for educators of the senior and school preparatory groups... This quiz game can be played as a final fairy tales. Perrault with the participation of parents.

    goal: To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about tales of Charles Perrault.


    Ensure the development of children's horizons.

    Contribute to the consolidation of knowledge about the read fairy tales.

    Provide the development of mental processes: speech, imagination, memory, thinking.

    Build teamwork skills, promote group cohesion.

    Preliminary work: acquaintance with the writer - a short biography, examination of the portrait. Getting to know fairy tales. Perrault - reading fairy tales, narrationlistening to the recording, watching cartoons, dramatizing, viewing illustrations and books... Making emblems, dividing into teams, coming up with team names, choosing captains (together with children). Prepare prizes.

    Methodical techniques:

    Visual: portrait of Sh. Perrault, illustrations for fairy tales Ш. Perrault, an exhibition of children's drawings featuring fairytale heroes, exhibition of books from fairy tales, presentation.

    Verbal: conversation, problem situations, guessing riddles, situational conversations;

    Practical: game situations.

    Game progress.

    There are many fairy tales

    Sad and funny.

    And live in the world

    We cannot live without them.

    Let the heroes fairy tales

    They give us warmth.

    May goodness forever

    Evil wins!

    Dear Guys! Do you love fairy tales? And what are fairy tales? (children's answers).

    - What words most often begin fairy tales? ("Lived once …", "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...").

    Today we will go on a journey with you to fairy tale. Fairy tales there are funny and sad, but always with a good ending. AT fairy tales good always triumphs. And also fairy tales are very interesting, at fairy tales miracles happen... So we will have a lot of interesting things on our journey today. AT country of what fairy tales we'll go today, try to guess for yourself. (show illustrations of fairy tales. Perrault)

    Yes guys today we find out how well you know fairy tales. Perrault... To do this, we need to split into two teams. Each team must choose its own name and captain. The quiz consists of various contests. The competition rules are very simple. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. If the team has no answer, the opposing team has the right to answer. The tasks of all competitions are related to names, heroes fairy tales or with the authorwho wrote them.

    The team may include parents (mothers)... They are good sorceresses, their role is to maintain order and help teams. They are allowed to help out their team once by participating in the competition « Fairy tale lies, yes there is a hint in it ".

    So, let's begin.

    1 competition "Warm-up".

    Two teams take part in this competition at the same time. You all answer together amicably.

    I went to visit my grandmother,

    She brought her pies.

    The Gray Wolf followed her,

    Deceived and swallowed.

    (Red Riding Hood)

    You know this girl

    She is in the old the tale is sung.

    She worked, lived modestly,

    I did not see the clear sun

    Around - only dirt and ash.

    And the name of the beauty ...


    AT the tale of that miracles is full,

    But one thing is the worst of all -

    Everyone in the palace was slain by the pestilence.

    The royal court became immovable.

    The dark forest stood up like a fence

    Closing the review in depth.

    And there is no passage in the thicket

    The palace is already three hundred years old.

    You this like a fairy tale?

    (Sleeping Beauty)

    Know this rogue

    No one to outwit:

    A cannibal like a mouse

    Managed to swallow!

    And the spurs ring on his feet

    Tell me who is it ?.

    (Puss in Boots)

    The intelligence of this boy

    Saved him and six brothers,

    Although he is small in stature, he is smart,

    So which of you has read about it?

    (Tom Thumb)

    Each team will be asked 12 questions. You need to answer immediately, without hesitation. If you don't know the answer, say "farther"... At this time, the other team is silent, not suggests.

    Questions for the first team:

    1. How many brothers did Sh. Perrault? (5, he was the youngest).

    2. The name of this heroine comes from the word "ash"? (Cinderella)

    3. To whom did Little Red Riding Hood bring pies and a pot of butter? (to grandmother)

    4. How many fairies were there in fairy tale"Sleeping Beauty"? (8)

    5. What appeared to Donkey Skin when she hit the ground with her magic wand? (Outfit Chest)

    6. What said a young fairy to the king and queen? (That the princess does not die, but falls asleep for 100 years and the prince wakes her up)

    7. What was the name of the owner of Puss in Boots? (Marquis Karabas)

    8. Who had big hands, big ears, big eyes, big teeth? (At the wolf)

    9. In whom, at the request of the cat, the cannibal turned for the first time into fairy tale"Puss in Boots"? (Into a lion)

    10. Whose house did Thumb Boy and his brothers come across (Ogre House, "Tom Thumb")

    11. For what offense the young wife was waiting for the most terrible punishment in a fairy tale"Blue Beard"? (It was strictly forbidden to open and enter the small room.

    12. How many years did the princess sleep? (100 years)

    Questions for the second team:

    1. How much total tales written by Sh. Perrault? (11)

    2. What was the name of the heroine who got her nickname from the headdress? (Red Riding Hood)

    3. What a hero fairy tales wore red boots?

    (Puss in Boots)

    4. Which girl lost her shoe at the ball? (Cinderella).

    5. What was the name of the sorceress fairy tale"Donkey skin"who helped the princess? (sorceress Lilac)

    6. What words do you need say in a fairy tale"Red Riding Hood"to open the door? (Pull the string, my child, the door will open)

    7. What happened to the stupid beauty princess when the prince Rike-Khokholok fell in love with her? (She got smart).

    8. Who inherited the miller's middle son in fairy tale"Puss in Boots"? (Donkey)

    9. What vehicle did the fairy turn the pumpkin into with the help of a magic wand into fairy tale"Cinderella"? (Into the carriage).

    10. What color was the beard of a very rich man (Blue, "Blue Beard")

    11. What decree issued the king for his subjects in fairy tale"Sleeping Beauty"? (Deny under fear the death penalty to spin and store spindles and spinning wheels in the house.

    12. How did Thumbnail Boy want to lead his brothers out a second time? (With bread crumbs).

    3 competition "Guess which item is superfluous".

    The magic chest contains items from one of the fairy tales. Perrault(name this fairy tale, but one item is superfluous among them. You will need to find it and tell what fairy tale he is from.

    For the first team: little red riding hood, pot, pie, wolf mask, piece of bread. (bread - from fairy tales"Tom Thumb":

    “The little boy didn't know what to think of. When the mother gave all seven of his sons a piece of bread for breakfast, he did not eat his share. He hid the bread in his pocket so that he could throw bread crumbs instead of pebbles on the way ... ”.

    For the second team: shoe, gingerbread, invitation to the ball, pumpkin, horse figurine (gingerbread - from fairy tales"Gingerbread house":

    Marie and Jean went out into a clearing, in the middle of which there was a house. An unusual house. The roof was made of chocolate gingerbread, the walls were made of pink marzipan, and the fence was made of large almonds.

    4 competition "Competition of captains".

    There are portraits on the table storytellers... You need to find a portrait of Sh. Perrault... One captain is looking for a portrait and shows it, and the second we will blindfold. Then the second captain will guess.

    "Musical pause".

    We turn on the song of Little Red Riding Hood, the children dance to the music.

    5 competition "What's wrong?". (artist competition)

    Submit illustrations of various heroes of Perrault's tales(Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty) for each team. You need to find what is missing in the picture and finish painting. (each team has the same pictures).

    6 competition "On the roads fairy tales»

    Children are invited to listen to the texts fairy tales - confusion... They must name fairy talesthat they talk about.

    For the first team:

    One queen had a son so ugly that neither tell a fairy tale, not a pen to describe, but he was intelligent and eloquent.

    Once his mother sent him to visit his grandmother. He took a basket of pies and a pot of butter and went through the forest. He walked and got lost in the thicket.

    For a long time he wandered through the forest and saw white pebbles on the path. He went where the pebbles were pointing. He looks - the house is in the clearing.

    The Cannibal lived in it. The Cannibal returned home in the evening, found the prince, wanted to eat him, but put it off until morning. He told his wife to feed him well, so as not to lose weight, and to bed. sleep.

    Then the cat knocked on the house. is he saidthat walked by and decided to pay his respects to the Ogre.

    The ogre made him feel welcome. The cat was respectful and wanted to make sure that the Cannibal could transform into any animal. The cannibal, wishing to surprise the guest, turns first into a lion, and then into a mouse. The cat caught the mouse and ate it.

    Now the prince is free and walked through the forest again. Soon he came across an old castle in the thicket of the forest. Everyone was asleep in the castle. The prince saw the beautiful princess and kissed her. She woke up and immediately fell in love with him.

    The Fairy Godmother gave her a beautiful ball gown and crystal shoes.

    ("Rikke-crest", "Red Riding Hood", "Tom Thumb", "Puss in Boots", "Sleeping Beauty", Fairy Gifts)

    For the second team:

    One queen had a daughter, an extraordinary beauty. But she was very stupid, and after talking to her, everyone hurried away. The princess was very upset.

    Once her mother sent her to the spring for water. She met an old woman there who asked for a drink. The princess gave her to drink. And the fairy, and it was she, invited her to go to the ball.

    She presented the princess with a magic pumpkin carriage and warned that at 12 o'clock the witchcraft would dissipate.

    The princess hit the road. Soon she saw in a forest glade cat: he caught rabbits for the royal kitchen. The cat showed the princess the way to the palace.

    The palace was very large, it had many rooms, the Princess went up to one of the towers and saw an old woman spinning wool. The princess took the spindle, pricked her finger and fell asleep for 100 years. The Duke left her in a small secret room and locked her with a key.

    ("Rikke-crest", Fairy Gifts, "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Sleeping Beauty", "Blue Beard")

    Competition for parents « Fairy tale lies, yes there is a hint in it "»

    Guess which one fairy tales. Perrault lecture:

    For parents first commands:

    "Preciously adorns childhood

    Quite a large inheritance

    Given to the son by the father.

    But who inherits skill,

    And courtesy and courage, -

    Or rather it will be a fine fellow. "

    (Answer : "Puss in Boots".)

    For parents second commands:

    Of tales follow one,

    But rather the most faithful were!

    Everything that you and I loved

    For us, beautiful and clever. "

    (Answer : "Rike-Khokholok")

    In Perrault's tales, three main elements can be traced in various combinations: the folklore basis itself - in the plots and sometimes in the verbal and stylistic design; a peculiar bourgeois coloring - in the moral teachings and in many details of the everyday nature; and finally, the aristocratic striving for grace - in the description of many scenes and motives, and especially in the nature of the presentation. The plots of Charles Perrault's fairy tales can be conditionally divided into two groups: fairy tales about children who flee from evil pursuers and always pay with good for the harm done to them ("Little Boy", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella"), and romantic stories about love ("Sleeping Beauty", "Bluebeard"). Animals in fairy tales speak human language, which is one of the hallmarks of a folk tale. The indissoluble unity of the two narrative plans - the fabulous and the real - is one of the characteristic features of the tales of Charles Perrot. Thanks to the unity of the fantastic and the real, his works are easily perceived and understood by both adults and children. Charles Perrault (12.01.1628, Paris - 16.05.1703, ibid.) - French writer, member of the French Academy (1671). He was born into the family of an official, received a law degree, and held a prominent official post. Perrault's first work - the parody poem "The Walls of Troy, or the Origin of Burlesque" - appeared in 1653. He turned to poetic burlesques and satyrs later (the satire "Apology of Women", 1694).

    Perrault entered into a polemic on aesthetic issues with the largest theorist of French classicism Nicolas Boileau. In 1687, Charles Perrault read his poem "The Age of Louis the Great" at the French Academy. In the poem, in strict accordance with the instructions of Boileau, reality was transformed in the light of the ideal, the reign of Louis XIV, which came just at that time to a deep decline, was depicted as the most beautiful and perfect throughout history. But Perrault allowed himself to go further. He argued that the modern era is no worse than antiquity, the "new" people are not inferior to the "ancients" either in the sciences, or in the arts, or in crafts: Around the poem a dispute flared up, called the "dispute between the ancient and the new." Boileau stood at the head of the "ancients," and Perrault at the head of the "new". Responding to criticism from opponents, Perrault released in 1688-1697. four-volume treatise "Comparison of the ancients and the new in matters of arts and sciences" "). It argues that in literature, as well as in life, there is progress, so there is no need to rely on the authority of the ancients, on ancient art, creating the art of modern times. Referring to the second volume (1691) of ancient fairy tales, Perrault writes a significant phrase: "The Milesian tales are so childish that it is too much honor to contrast them with our fairy tales of Mother Goose or about Donkey Skin."

    The writer turns to the genre of fairy tales in order to move from theory to practical proof of his innocence. In 1691, he anonymously published the tale "Griselda". This is the first, still timid experience. The tale is an adaptation of Boccaccio's novella that concludes The Decameron (10th novella of the 10th day). It is written in poetry, in it Perrault does not break with the principle of plausibility, there is still no magic fantasy here, as well as the flavor of the national folklore tradition. The tale is too salon-aristocratic in nature. This is not surprising: the popularity of fairy tales in the aristocratic salons of the second half of the 17th century provided this genre with a subsequent brilliant literary fate. Three years later, Perrault published Amusing Desires, a short poetic story in the spirit of medieval fablio. Obviously, he continues to search for his genre, his approach to reality and art. In the same 1694, the fairy tale "Donkey's Skin" appears. It is still written in poetry, sustained in the spirit of poetic short stories, but its plot has already been taken from a folk tale, which was then widespread in France. Although there is almost nothing fantastic in the tale, fairies appear in it, which violates the classicistic principle of plausibility. Releasing poetic tales in 1695, Perrault wrote in the preface that they are higher than the ancient ones, because, unlike the latter, they contain moral instructions. Criticizing ancient fairy tales, he noted: “These are not the fairy tales composed by our ancestors for their children, they told them not with such grace and adornment as the Greeks and Romans decorated their myths; they have always been very careful that their tales contain a praiseworthy and instructive morality. Everywhere in them, virtue is rewarded and vice is punished. They all strive to show how beneficial it is to be honest, patient, judicious, hardworking, obedient and what evil befell those who are not like that. "

    The Sleeping Beauty fairy tale, published anonymously in the Gallant Mercury magazine (1696), for the first time fully embodied the main features of the new type of fairy tale. It is written in prose, and poetic morality is attached to it. The prose part can be addressed to children, moralizing - only to adults, and moral lessons are not devoid of playfulness and irony. In a fairy tale, fantasy from a secondary element turns into a leading one, which is already noted in the title (the exact translation is "Beauty in a sleeping forest"). However, science fiction is devoid of popular naivety and is colored with graceful irony. So, almost in the spirit of Hoffmann's "Golden Pot", fairies are described at the beginning of the tale.

    Time and space in Perrault's tales are conventionally fabulous. Only Sleeping Beauty contains specific timelines. Perrault writes: "The prince helped the princess to get up, she was completely dressed and very luxurious, but he was careful not to tell her that her dress was like her grandmother's, and that she had a high collar, which was worn under King Henry IV ..." If we remember that Henry IV ruled at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries, and the princess slept for a hundred years, it turns out that the story takes place at the very moment when it is written, at the end of the 17th century. So Perrault combines the world of fairy tales and the world of contemporary reality.

    In The Sleeping Beauty, the writer violates the unity of the plot development: after the story of the awakening of the princess, only the story of the persecution of the princess and her children by the mother-in-law follows only externally connected with the first. In folklore, these motives are rarely found together. All the more obvious is Perrault's desire to violate another immutable law of classicist poetics.

    The world famous "Tales" by Perrault were first published in 1697 simultaneously in Paris and The Hague under the title "Tales of My Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Moral Teachings"). The collection includes fairy tales in prose: "Sleeping Beauty", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Bluebeard", "Puss in Boots", "Fairies", "Cinderella, or a Crystal Shoe", "Rike with a Tufted", "Boy-s -finger ". In the folklore of the French and other European peoples, one can find fairy tales, very reminiscent of the works of Perrault. Thus, the plot of "Sleeping Beauty" exists in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Arabic, Ukrainian, Belarusian folklore, its oldest record was found in the text of the old French knightly novel "Perseforest" (XIV century). There is a similar tale in the collection of fairy tales by Gian Batista Basile "Pentameron" (1634-1636). Basile, as well as his predecessor, Giovanni Francesco Straparola, in the collection Pleasant Nights (1550-1553) has a record of the tale of Puss in Boots. Basile wrote down both the plot and Cinderella.

    However, there are cases when Perrault's Tales are the most ancient source of text - such is, for example, the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". It is possible that it is from Perrault's tales that these plots fall into folklore (in the folklore of subsequent centuries they become widespread), and the folklore treatment is sometimes very different from the original source. So, in Perrault's story, Little Red Riding Hood's story ends with her death in the mouth of a wolf. In the folk tradition, the ending of the fairy tale is happy: hunters appear who save Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.

    The folklore motifs are stronger in Perrault's tale "Puss in Boots". The cat, like the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood, is endowed with speech and quick-wittedness, but not the ability to shape-shift (unlike the cannibal). He can only start acting in boots (compare the role of clothing details in the images of Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Donkey Skin). The cat is a "director of life" and in this capacity (like the Boy with a Thumb) takes an intermediate place between positive characters - sorceresses (in "Sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella") and negative characters - a wolf and Bluebeard, is opposed to positive non-magical characters, waiting for help from above (Princess, Cinderella). The image of the Cat grows into a myth and becomes a symbol of every person who actively intervenes in his own destiny, helps others, which elevates himself.

    Supporters of the mythological school saw hidden folklore symbolism in Perrault's tales: Sleeping Beauty - a dying and resurrecting nature; Little Red Riding Hood - the dawn, which is destroyed by the Sun (wolf), or the May Queen, while the wolf personifies winter; the story of Bluebeard's wives is associated with the initiation of girls into the sacraments of marriage; the story of Puss in Boots reproduces the rite of elevation to the royal rank; the plot of "Fairies" is connected with the celebration of the New Year; in the tales "Rike with a tuft" and "Boy-with-a-finger" traces of the initiation rite are found. The mythological interpretation of fairy tales is of certain interest, but it does not take into account that Perrault, most likely, did not even suspect about the possibility of such an interpretation of his works. If in those folklore sources on which he relied, ancient rituals and beliefs can indeed be recorded in a transformed, fabulously symbolic form, then at the time of Perrault, the court society for which fairy tales were created, perceived the world completely differently. Perrault's tales have folklore origins, but a literary nature; they appeared during a period of acute aesthetic struggle and became an important argument in this struggle.

    The struggle between the "ancient" and "new" gave birth to a fashion for fairy tales. In 1696 Lhéritier de Villaudon published her fairy tale "The Dexterous Princess, or The Adventures of Vostrushka". Two years later, the Countess d'Onua published a four-volume collection of fairy tales, New Fairy Tales, or Fairies in Fashion, and Fairy Tales.

    In 1700 Boileau acknowledged the correctness of the "new". The aesthetic controversy was won by Perrault and his associates. But, as time has shown, this was only the beginning of a long aesthetic discussion, which in the 18th century was related to the formation of both educational and pre-romantic aesthetics. Perrault largely contributed to the formation of educational ideals in literature and art, ridiculing in his work blind imitation and excessive worship of ancient authors. However, the very foundations of classicist aesthetics were not destroyed; this proves once again that in the field of literature the educational ideal was based on the aesthetics of classicism. It is no coincidence that Perrault quickly reconciled with his main opponent Boileau. The latter wrote to Perrault: "In essence, we adhere to the same views on the respect that should be shown to our century, only we do not reason in the same way on this score." Nevertheless, in the writings of Perrault, the pathos of novelty is clearly revealed - an essential feature of the transition periods marked by a reassessment of values, a change in cultural reference points.

    Perrault's Fairy Tales did not lose their appeal after the picture of literary life changed. How can this be explained? Perrault's tales are permeated with humanism, belief in the best properties of human nature. Love in them is ideal, friendship and devotion appear as integral qualities of kind and honest people. It is typical for Perrault to associate his faith in a person with children (Boy-with-a-finger), with those who are poor (the owner of Puss in Boots), not endowed with beauty (Riquet with a tuft). In Cinderella, Perrault created a myth about the transformation of a poor and unprepossessing, but hardworking girl into a beautiful princess. For the 17th century, this fairytale motif was very democratic. Later, the "Cinderella myth" became one of the stereotypes of bourgeois culture, separating from the tale of Perrault. In the fairy tale, however, he breathes with mental health, purity, high humanity.

    In the second half of the twentieth century, the plots of Perrault's tales unexpectedly became the basis for the psychoanalytic interpretation of human

    relationships. American psychologist Eric Berne, developing the so-called transactional (scenario) analysis, considered Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Little Red Riding Hood as some models that make it possible to understand what games people play in their everyday behavior.

    Perrault created a number of eternal character images and eternal plot images. His influence spread not only to various types of art, but also to the culture of everyday life.

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