"The history of creating and analyzing the story" One Day of Ivan Denisovich ". "History of creation and analysis of the story" One day Ivan Denisovich "One day Ivan Denisovich Direction

"One day of Ivan Denisovich" Solzhenitsyn

"One day Ivan Denisovich" Analysis of the work is the topic, idea, genre, plot, composition, heroes, problems and other issues are disclosed in this article.

The story "One day Ivan Denisovich" is a story about how a person from the people relates himself with forcibly imposed re-alto and its ideas. In it in a condensed form is shown that la-hero life, which will be described in detail in other, large works of Solzhenitsyn - in the novel "The Archipelago Gulag" and "in the first circle". The story itself and was written during the work on the novel "In the Circle of the First", in 1959.

The product is a continuous opposition of render. This is the cell of a large body, the terrible and inexorable body of a large state, so cruel to its inhabitants.

The story exists special measures of space and time. The camp is a special time that almost motionless. Days in the camp roll, and the term is not. Day is a measure of measurement. Days like two drops of water are similar to each other, all the same mono-tension, thoughtless mechanic. Solzhenitsyn in one day is trying to fit the entire camp life, and therefore it uses the smallest details in order to recreate the entire picture of the existence in the camp. In this regard, they often talk about a high steppe or detail in the works of Solzhenitsyn, and especially in Ma Loi prose - stories. Each fact hides a whole reservoir reality. Each moment the story is re-accepted as a frame of a cinematic film, taken separately and considered in detail, under a magnifying stack-scrap. "At five o'clock in the morning, as always, the rise was hammered - the hammer of the rail at the boarama." Ivan Denisovich Speak. Always got up on the lifting, and today I did not get up. He felt sick. Displays, build everyone, everyone goes into the dining room. Ivan Deniso-Vicha Shukhov - Sh-5h. In the dining room, everyone seeks to enter the first: the first thicker is poured. After eating, they are built again and searched.

The abundance of details, as it seems at first glance, should allocate the story. After all, there is almost no visual action in the story. But this, however, does not happen. The reader is not illustrated by the narrative, on the contrary, his attention is caught up to the text, he tensely monitors the course of events, the action and taking place in the soul of someone from the heroes. Solzhenitsyn does not need to resort to some special techniques to achieve such an effect. The thing is in the model of the image. Heroes are not fictional characters, but real people. And these people are delivered to the conditions where they have to re-send the tasks from which their life and fate depends the most directly. The modern man of the task of these seems insignificant, and therefore, even more terrible feeling remains from Ras-tale. As V. V. Agenos writes, "every little thing for the hero is literally the issue of life and death, the issue of survival or dying. Therefore, Shukhov (and with it, and every chit-tel) sincerely rejoices every found part, each lich-her crumbling bread. "

There is a story and one more time - metaphysical, which is present in other works of the writer. In this time, other values. Here, the center of the world is transferred to the consumers.

In this regard, the topic of metaphysical understanding of a person in captivity is very important. Young Aleshka teaches the elderly Ivan Denisovich. By this time, Baptists planted everyone, but the rights not everyone. Solzhenitsyn introduces the theme of the religious oxmonism of a person. He is even grateful to the prison for being revealed by zero him in the direction of spiritual life. But Solzhenitsyn more than once mentioned that with this thought in his mind there are millions of votes, saying: "Therefore, they say that survived." This is a lot of those who put their lives in Gulag, who did not survive until the minute of liberation, did not see the sky without the ugly prison grid. The bitterness of losses is located in the story.

With the category of time are also related words in the tech story itself. For example, these are the first and last lines. In SA-Im to the end of the story, he says that Ivan Denisovich's Day was a very good day. But then it mournfully notices that "there were three thousand six hundred fifty-three such days on his term from calling to the call."

The space in the story is also interesting. The reader does not know about where the space of the camp ends and where the space of the camp ends, it seems as if it flooded the whole of Russia. All those who were behind the Wall of Gulag, somewhere far away, in the unattainable distant city, in the village.

The space of the camp itself is hostile for Ze-Cove. They fear open areas, strive to cross them as soon as possible, hide from the eyes of the guards. In man awakens animals instincts. A similar description of the fulfillment is contrary to the canons of the Russian classics of the XIX century. The heroes of that literature feel comfortably and easily only on freedom, they love the spaciousness, the distance associated with their soul and character breadth. Solzhenitsyn's heroes run from space. They feel much safer in close cameras, in the stuffy bar, where they can afford to breathe at least freely.

The main character of the story becomes a man from the people - Ivan Denisovich, a peasant, front-line. And this is done conscious. Solzhenitsyn believed that it was people from the people who make history in the end, moving forward the country, carry a pledge of true morality. Through the fate of one person - Ivan Denisovich - the author shows the fate of millions, innocently arrested and convicted. Shukhov lived in the village, what a lovely remembers here in the camp. At the front, he, as well as thousands of other, fought with a complete return, do not regret himself. After injury - again to the front. Then the German captivity, from where he miraculously managed to escape. And for this he now hit the camp. He was accused of espionage. And what exactly for the task was given to him by the Germans, neither Ivan Denisovich himself, nor the investigator knew: "What a task - neither Shukhov himself could not come up with the investigator. So left for a hundred - task. " By the time of the narration of Shukhov was in the camps about eight years. But this is one of those few who in the exhausting conditions of the camp did not lose their dignity. In many ways he is helped by his habit of peasant, honest worker, man. He does not allow himself to humiliate in front of other people, lick the plates, to convey on others. His eyelid habit of respecting bread is visible and now: he stores bread in a chilli cloth, removes the hat before eating. He knows the price of labor, loves him, not lazy. He is sure: "Who knows two things with their hands, he also picked up ten." The case arises in his hands, forgetting frost. It takes care of the tools, preferably follows behind the walls of the wall even in this undertaking work. Day Iva-on Denisovich is a day of hard work. Ivan Denisovich knew how to cargo, could work as a locks. Even in the subane of the work, he showed hard work, put a beautiful smooth wall. And those who did not know how to do anything, wore sand in the wheelbarrows.

Solzhenitsyn's hero in many ways became the subject of malicious accomplishments in the critics environment. According to their presentation, this whole on-native character should be practically ideal. Solez-Nintsin also depicts a man of ordinary. So, Ivan Deni-Sovich professes camp wisdom, laws: "Krykhti and go. And you will be pregnant - shivering. " It was negatively met criticism. Special bewilderment was caused by the actions of Iva-on Denisovich, when he, for example, takes the tray from the weak already a zek, deceives the chef. It is important here to see what it does it not for personal use, but for the whole brigade.

There is another phrase in the text, which caused a wave of under-violence and the extreme surprise of critics: "I didn't know myself, Ho-bodies he is will or not." This idea was incorrectly interpreted as a loss of shukhov hardness, an inner rod. However, this phrase echoes the idea that the prison awakens a do-haw life. Ivan Denisovich already has vital value. Prison or will equally change them, he will not refuse it. And there is no such captivity, such a prison, which could have been able to raise the soul, to deprive her freedom, self-expression, life.

The value system of Ivan Denisovich is particularly visible when it is compared with other characters who are imbued with camp-horses.

Thus, in the story Solzhenitsyn recreates the main features of the era, when the people were doomed to incredible flour and deprivation. The history of this phenomenon begins not actually since 1937, when the so-called violations of the norms of state and party life begin, and much earlier, from the very beginning of the existence of the Totalitarianism regime in Russia. Thus, in the story, a clush is presented to the fate of millions of Council-sky people who are forced to pay for an honest and dedication service for years of humiliation, torment, camps.


  1. Memories of Ivan Denisovich about how and because of what he fell into a concentration camp. Memories of German captivity, about war.
  2. Memories of the chief hero about the village, about peaceful pores.
  3. Description of the life of the camp.
  4. Good day in the camp life Ivan Denisovich.
conceived when it was in the winter of 1950-1951. In the Ekibazstuz camp. He decided to describe all the years of conclusion by one day, "and it will be all." The initial name of the story is the camp number of the writer.

The story, which was called "Sh-854. One day of one zeka, "written in 1951 in Ryazan. There Solzhenitsyn worked as a teacher of physics and astronomy. The story was printed in 1962 in the magazine "New World" No. 11 at the petition of Khrushchev himself, twice went out with separate books. This is the first printed work of Solzhenitsyn, which brought him fame. Since 1971, the story of the story was destroyed on the unlawful instructions of the Central Committee of the Party.

Solzhenitsyn received many letters from former prisoners. On this material, he wrote the "Gulag Archipelago", calling the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" a pedestal to him.

Ivan Denisovich's main character does not have a prototype. His character and chants resemble a soldier Shukhov, who fought in the Great Patriotic War in the Battery Solzhenitsyn. But Shukhov never sat. The hero is a collective image of a set of imported solzhenitsy and embodiment of the experience of Solzhenitsyn. The remaining heroes of the story are written "from nature", their prototypes have the same biographies. The image of Captain Buynovsky is also collective.

Ahmatova believed that this work should read and learn by heart every person in the USSR.

Literary direction and genre

Solzhenitsyn called "one day ..." by a story, but when printing in the "New World", the genre was determined as a story. Indeed, in terms of volume, the work can be considered a story, but neither the time of action, no number of heroes correspond to this genre. On the other hand, representatives of all nationalities and the sewers of the USSR population are sitting in the barracks. So the country seems to be a place of detention, the "prison of peoples". And this generalization allows you to call the work of the story.

The literary direction of the story is realism, not believing the above-mentioned modernist generalization. As clearly from the name, one day of the prisoner is shown. This is a typical hero, a generalized image of not only a prisoner, but in general, a Soviet person who survives, non-free.

Solzhenitsyn's story by the fact of their existence destroyed the slender concept of socialist realism.


For Soviet people, the story opened a forbidden topic - the life of millions of people in the camps. The story seemed to expose the cult of the personality of Stalin, but the name of Stalin once Solzhenitsyn mentioned the informant editor of the New World Tvardovsky. For Solzhenitsyn, once a loyal communist who came to conclusion for the fact that in a letter to a friend scolded "Pakhana" (Stalin), this work is the exposition of the entire Soviet system and society.

The story rises many philosophical and ethical problems: the freedom and dignity of a person, the justice of punishment, the problem of relationships between people.

Solzhenitsyn turned to the problem of a small person traditional for Russian literature. The purpose of numerous Soviet camps - all people to make small, cogs of a large mechanism. Who can not become small, must die. The story summarizes the whole country as a large camprack. Solzhenitsyn himself said: "I have seen the Soviet regime, and not Stalin one." So understood the work readers. It quickly understood and the authorities and announced the story out.

Plot and composition

Solzhenitsyn was set to describe one day, from early morning to late evening, an ordinary person, no remarkable prisoner. Through the reasoning or memories of Ivan Denisovich, the reader learns the smallest details of the life of the zacks, some facts of the biography of the main character and his surroundings and the reasons for which heroes hit the camp.

Heroes story

Shukhov - Peasant, soldier. He fell into the camp for the usual reason. He honestly fought on the front, but he was in captivity, from which he fled. This was enough to charge.

Shukhov - carrier of folk peasant psychology. His character traits are typical for the Russian simple person. He is kind, but is not deprived of a delicacy, hardy and vitality, is capable of any work with his hands, a wonderful master. Shukhov is strange to sit in a clean room and the whole 5 minutes do nothing. Chukovsky called him the native brother Vasily Turkina.

Solzhenitsyn deliberately did not make the hero of an intelligent or unfairly affected officer, communist. It was supposed to be "the average soldier of the Gulag, on which everything rushes."

The camp and the Soviet power in the story are described by the eyes of Shukhov and acquire the features of the Creator and his creation, but this creator is the enemy of man. The man in the camp is opposed to everything. For example, the forces of nature: 37 degrees of Shukhov are opposed by 27 degrees of frost.

Camp has its own story, mythology. Ivan Denisovich recalls how shoes selected shoes, giving up boots (so that there were no two pairs of shoes), as to torment people, we ordered to collect bread in the suitcases (and it was necessary to marry their piece). Time in this chronotope also flows according to its laws, because in this camp there has no end of the term. In this context, it is ironically the statement that the person in the camp is more precious than gold, because instead of the lost Sack, the warden will add his head. Thus, the number of people in this mythological world does not decrease.

The time also does not belong to the prisoner, because the stagnik lives for himself only 20 minutes a day: 10 minutes after breakfast, 5 at dinner and dinner.

In the camp, special laws for which a person is a wolf (no wonder the name of the head of Lieutenant Volkova regime). For this harsh world, their criteria of life and justice are given. He teaches Shukhov's first brigadier. He says that in the law "Law - Taiga", and teaches that the one who licks the bowls is killed, hopes for Sanchast and knocks "Kum" (Chekist) on others. But, if you think about it, these are the laws of the human dormitory: it is impossible to humiliate, pretend and betray the near.

All the characters of the story by the eyes of Shukhov pays equal attention. And they all behave adequately. Solzhenitsyn admires Baptist Aleshka, who does not leave prayer and so skillfully hides in the gap in the wall a book, in which the half-gospel is rewritten, that they still have not found it during the search. Cute Writer Western Ukrainians, Bandera, who also pray before meals. Ivan Denisovich sympathizes Gopchik, the boy, who was planted for wore Bandera milk to the forest.

Brigadier Tyurin is described almost with love. He is "the Son of Gulag, who has seen a second term. He cares about his wards, and the brigadier is all in the camp.

The former film director Caesar Markovich, the former captain of the second rank Buynovsky, the former Bandera Paul, is not losing their advantages in any circumstances.

Solzhenitsyn, together with his hero, condemns Panteleeva, who remains in the camp to knock on someone, lost the human appearance of Fetukov, who licks the bowls and creates the cigarette.

Artistic peculiarity story

Language tabu has been taken in the story. The country became acquainted with the jargon of prisoners (ZEK, Shmon, Wash, download rights). At the end of the story, the dictionary was made for those who had the happiness of such words not to know.

The story is written from a third party, the reader sees Ivan Denisovich from the side, his whole long day passes before his eyes. But at the same time, the entire Solzhenitsyn describes the words and thoughts of Ivan Denisovich, a man from the people, a peasant. He survives cunning, dodgy. So there are special camps aphorisms: work - a stick about two ends; For people, let's know the quality, and for the boss - showing; We must try. So that the warden did not see you alone, but only in the crowd.

"One day of Ivan Denisovich", summary of the story of Solzhenitsyn

Punch with a hammer about the rail near the boarama at 5 am meant in the camp of prisoners. The main character of the story, the peasant Ivan Denisovich Shukhov, concluded under the number Sch-854, could not force himself to get up, because he was not tormented, it did not break it. He listened to the sounds that came in the barbecue, but continued to lie down while he did not pull the header with the warden nicknamed Tatar. He announced Shukhov for not standing in the rise, "Three Conditions with Conclusion", that is, a Cake for three days, but with a walk and a hot lunch. In fact, it turned out that it was necessary to wash in the supervisory floor, so they found a "sacrifice".

Ivan Denisovich was going to go to the Sunchast, but after Karzer changed his mind. He well learned the lesson of his first brigadier - the Czemina's camp Wolf: he argued that in the camp "he suffers", "who my bowl licks, who hopes on the Sunchast" and the superiors "knocks." Having finished washing the floor in the supervisory, Shukhov poured water to the walkway, where the campman goes, and hurried to the dining room.

It was cold there (after all, on the street 30 degrees of frost), so they ate right in the headers. Elutes Sakes are not in a hurry, sprinkling the bones from the fish, from which they cooked the Balant, on the table, and already from there they were discharged to the floor. Shukhov did not enter the Barack and did not receive a soldering of bread, but it was delighted, because then bread can be eaten separately - it is still referring. Balanta was always cooked from fish and some vegetables, so there was no satiety from it. Magaru was given to the second - porridge from corn. She has not added satisfaction either.

After breakfast, Ivan Denisovich decided to go to the Sunchast, but his temperature was low (only 37.2), so Feldscher advised Shukhov still to go to work. He returned to Barack, got his scraping bread and divided into two parts: one hid behind the sinus, and she sewed into the mattress. And only he managed to sew a hole, the brigadier called the 104th Brigade to work.

A brigade went to the former work, and not for the construction of Socybalgorodka. Otherwise, I would have to go out into a naked snowy field, pits digging and barbed wire for ourselves to pull themselves. This is with thirty-perdus frost. But, apparently, their brigadier was hung up, it was necessary who needed a piece of sala, so now other brigades will go there - plowed yes.

At the exit began Shmon: they checked so that they did not endure me with me. Here at the entrance to the zone was sought hard: checked so that no glands were carried. Today it turned out that they check everything to the bottom shirt: whether it would not make anything else. Kavuportngen Buynovsky tried to appeal to conscience: stated that the warders were not entitled to undressing people in the frost that they were not Soviet people. For this he received 10 days of strict regime in a bore, but in the evening, to lose the employee.

To finally do not frozen after the spump, Shukhov covered her face with a cloth, raised the collar, lowered the front label on his forehead and, together with the column, moved towards the penetrating wind. After a cold breakfast in the stomach rocked, and Shukhov, to distract, began to remember the content of the last letter from his wife. She wrote that the youth relieves leave from the village and settle in the city at the factory or on peatpool. The collective farm lumps alone babs, and those few men who returned after the war did not work in the collective farm: some work on the side, and others fastened the artel "beauties" and the pictures of the pictures directly on old sheets. 50 rubles goes for such a picture, therefore "Money is rowing thousands."

The wife hoped that Ivan after liberation would be such a "collee" so that they could then get out of poverty, give children in the technical school and build a new hut instead of rotten, because all the new homes have been set up - not 5 thousand, as before, and On 25. Shukhov, such a light earnings seemed dishonest. Ivan Denisovich understood that easily earned money was as easy and walked. He also got used to earn money for his forty years, but honestly.

He left home on June 23, 1941 to war. In February, forty second was surrounded, and then in captivity of the fascists - just two days. Soon, the feet managed to escape, but said that they were in captivity. They, allegedly fascist agents, stopped behind the bars. Shukhov beat a lot to admit what kind of task he received, but this could not say, and the investigator did not come up with it. In order not to score to death, I had to sign on myself in vain. Seven years served in the north, almost two years here. I could not believe that in a year he could have come out his feet.

For the memories of his Ivan Denisovich pulled the scratch of bread and began to bite and chew to bite and chew. Previously, a lot of ate - from the nest, but now just understood the former peasant the real price of bread: even raw, black, it seemed so global. And before lunch another 5 hours.

They came to the unfinished CHP, the brigadier spread over the top fives to drive each other. His small brigade has been equipped with a place of work: the stride closed the windows so that the cold did not penetrate, the oven melt. Canopy with fetukov wore a solution on stretchers, and slowly opened. At first, Buynovsky could not adapt, and then fetus began to tilt the stretcher and pour the solution to make it easier to carry up the ladder. Kurnogengen became angry, then the brigadier put Fetukova slag blocks to shogle, and Aleshka-Baptist sent to the solution.

Hears shukhov at the bottom of the cries. The DER construction decade came. They spoke, before was the minister in Moscow. I saw that the tole of the windows were closed, and threatened with Tyurin the third term. All members of the brigade came here: Paul shovel Nothus raises, a healthy sled hand in Boka put it - scary to watch. Quietly then said Brigadier Dar, that if he wants to live, let him silent. The textbook turned, away from the ladder, stood up, then to Shukhov, it was attached to the suture of the slim. It is necessary to disrupt the evil on someone.

Finally, Brigadier Daru shouted so that the lift was settled: pay for a wheelbarrow, and a solution and slag blocks on stretchers, work moves slowly, do not earn money. The brigadier always tried to close a good interest - the soldering on the minimum on the week depended. For lunch was the best porridge - oatmeal, and Shukhov managed to "close" two unnecessary portions. One went to Caesar Markovich - a young film director. He was on special conditions: he received a parcel twice a month and sometimes treated his cellmates.

One unnecessary portion of Shukhov was happy to eat himself. While dinner did not end, Brigadier Tyurin talked about his difficult life. Once he was kicked out of the Military School for Father-fist. The mother also exist, and he had time to arrange the younger brother to arrange. Now regrets that he himself did not stick to them. After such an unemployed story, the laying was separated. Sheukhov had his trowel, whom he was easy to work. So today, remove the wall bricks behind the brick, Ivan Denisovich so fascinated by this process, which even forgot where it is located.

I had to equalize the walls, so only five rows managed to raise. But the solution was impossible a lot, I had to make a masonry with my sague. And the time is pressed, all other brigades lined up to return to the zone. Their delay of the brigadier managed to explain, but one person was not charged. It turned out that this is in 32 brigade: Moldovan hidden from the brigadier on the forests and fell asleep. The five hundred people took the time - and the words of strong heard, and he received the withers from Pombrigadir, and Magyar his ass wrought.

Finally, the column moved towards the camp. Now ahead of the evening Shmon. The keys and bushlates need to be unbuttoned, the hands will raise the sides to clap on the sides it was convenient. Suddenly, Ivan Denisich Ivan Denisich's hand in his pocket, and there is a piece of hacksaw. In the afternoon, he raised him "from the economic activity" in the middle of the working area and to rush even going to the camp. And now it is necessary to throw away, but it's a pity: then you will come in handy to make the knife or Portnovsky or shoe. If immediately decided to pick up, I would come up with how to carry, and now there is no time. For the knife could give 10 days of the carcera, but it was earnings, was bread!

And Shukhov came up with: he hid the trim in the mittens, in the hope that the mittens would not be tested, and the floors of the Bushlata and the tag raised pleasedly, so that the "obcronali" were rapidly. The next brigade came to his happiness, and the warden did not try the second mitten. Already a month shone high in the sky, when the 104th entered the camp. Shukhov went into the parcel to find out if there is no Markovich for Caesar what. In the list, it was one, so when it appeared, Shukhov quickly explained, who had his turn, and ran into the dining room Balant, while was hot. Yes, and Caesar graciously allowed him to eat his portion. Again lucky: For lunch two servings yes in dinner two. Four hundred grams of their bread and two hundred gram of Caesarev decided to leave tomorrow, because now the satiety came.

It was well to Ivan Denisovich, and he decided to get tobacco to Latvian. He had money earned long ago were sewn into the lining. Good was tobacco: "And Derunok, and the Spirit." In the barrack, many have already lightened to Nara, but here they came for a canopy: for the morning incident with the overseer - 10 days of Cartera in the cold, on bare boards, and the Balant is hot only on the third, sixth and ninth days. Health will lose all life. Caesar decomposed his parcel: oil, sausage, cookies. And then the evening check. Shukhov again Caesar suggested how to hide it better so as not to take. I received two cookies for it, sugar and a mug sausage.

Ivan Denisovich, Ivan Denisovich was quite satisfied: the day was almost happy today. Many good luck fell out: he was not planted to the Czer, they were not sent to the social town, the percentage was well closed, the shukhov was not caught on the spum, he ate two portions, it took place. And most importantly - did not get sick.

Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich

During the classes

Analysis of the story "One Day Ivan Denisovich"

The purpose of the lesson:display the journalism of the story, his appeal to the reader, cause an emotional response when analyzing the story.

Methodological techniques: Analytical conversation, commented reading.

During the classes

1. The word of the teacher. The work of "one day ..." belongs to a special place in the literature and public consciousness. Story written in 1959 g. (and conceived in the camp in 1950), originally wore the name "Sh-854 (one day of one zack)".

2. Why is the story of the camp world limited by the description of one day? Solzhenitsyn himself writes about the intent of the story: " It was just such a camp day, heavy work, I dragged the stretcher with a partner and thought: how to describe the entire camp world - one day ... It is enough to collect in one day as a sparrow, it's enough to describe only one day of one average, nothing noticeable person with Morning until the evening. And everything will be. This thought was born in my 52nd year. In the camp. Well, of course, then it was madly to think about it. And then passed years. I wrote a novel, sick, died about cancer. And now ... in the 59th year, one day I think: it seems I could already apply this idea. Seven years she lay so simple. I'll try to describe one day of one zack. SELL - And how hardening! With terrible tension! Because in you concentrates at once many of these days. And just to miss something. "Written in 40 days.

3. Why did the author identify the genre as a story? The contrast between the small form and the deep content of the work stressed. The story called "one day ..." Tvardovsky, aware of the significance of the creation of Solzhenitsyn.

4. This work discovered the patient for the social consciousness of the period of "thaw"the topic of the recent past of the country associated with the name Stalin. In the author they saw a man who said the truth about the Forbidden Country called "Gulag Archipelago".

5. At the same time, some reviewers expressed doubt: Why Solzhenitsyn depicted his hero not a communist, undeservedly affected by repression, but remaining faithful to his ideals, and a simple Russian man?

6. Plot - Events of one day - not author's fiction. Composite base of the plot - a clearly rated time defined by the camp regime.

7. Problematic question: Why did the day depicted in the story, is the hero consider happy? On the 1st view because on this day nothing happened, which worsened the position of the hero in the camp. On the contrary, even luck accompanied him: I blocked my porridge, I bought a tobacco, I picked up a piece of my knife and got caught with her on the shone - 54 , Caesar Markovich received the parcel ( 87-88), Therefore, something will go, the brigade was not sent to the construction of a social town, stumble, did not get sick, the brigadier closed the percentwork well, the wall of shukhov put fun. Everything that seems to be ordinary to Ivan Denisovich, which he lies in essentially to his scary inhumanly. Most otherwise, the author's assessment sounds, externally calm-objective and therefore even more terrible: " There were 3 653 such days from calling from calling to the call. Due to the leap years - 3 days of extra fastened. "

8. And now the reason was for the controversy of Solzhenitsyn with the official criticism of the 60s.

9. The fact that this day is successful, Solzhenitsyn writes without any irony, seriously. There is no such intonation at all, that, they say, well, inquiries in humans!

10. And negative criticism was exactly this and put in the guilt of Solzhenitsyn, having soldered a label "non-counseling person": neither struggle, nor high requests: Kashova walked, handing from Caesar Markovich is waiting: 98 – 99 .

11. And in Solzhenitsyn, this is really a happy day for Shukhov, although happiness is in a negative form: not sick, did not get caught ( 14 ), did not drive, did not plan. It was the truth that is not tolerance. In this angle of view, the author guaranteed the complete objectivity of his artistic testimony and the sharpening and sharply hit. From the article N. Sergolantsev No. 4 - 1963 "October": " Hero Tale I. D. is not exceptional in nature. This ordinary person his spiritual world is very limited, his intelligent life is not particularly interested.

And in life itself, and throughout the history of Soviet literature, we know that a typical people's character, stitched by all of our lives, is the character of a fighter, active, inquiring, active. But Shukhov is completely deprived of these qualities. He does not resist the tragic circumstances, but to them with soul and body. Not the slightest internal protest, nor the hint of the desire to realize the reasons for their heavy position. Nor even attempts to learn about them more aware people. All his life program, the whole philosophy is reduced to one - to survive. Some critics lost to such a program, they say, a man is alive, but alone, in essence, a lonely lonely person, who has adapted to the relief conditions, really not even understand the unnaturalness of his position. Yes, Ivan Denisovich merged, largely discouraged extremely cruel conditions. This is not his fault. But after all, the author of the story is trying to present it with an example of spiritual resistance. And what is already here the durability, when the circle of interests of the hero does not extend further than the Balant, the left earnings and heat. "

If a sugretize judgments Criticism about Shukhov,

1) Ivan Denisovich adapts to inhuman life, which means that he lost humanities,

2) Ivan Denisovich - the essence of animal instincts. Nothing remains in him conscious, spiritual,

3) He is tragically alone, disassembled with other people and is hardly hostile to them.

4) And conclusion: No, Ivan Denisovich cannot claim the role of a popular type of our era. (The article is written according to the laws of regulatory criticism, it relies a little on the text).

12. Temporary organization.

What is the meaning of making maternity time (the conversation of Shukhov with Buinovsky on the construction of the CHP)? Time in the camp, painted by the mode, does not belong to a person ("And the sun by their decrees obeys»).

Why does Ivan Denisovich always get up on the rise, within an hour and a half before the divorce? Why eats always slowly? Why does the time appreciate after recalculation?

Time in the camp does not belong to a person. Therefore, so significant are for the hero and morning " hour 1.5 of his time, not treason", And meal time -" 10 minutes after breakfast, yes for dinner 5, yes 5 for dinner"When" the stagnik lives for himself", And time after recalculation when" zEK becomes a free man».

Find chronological details in the story. Importance time categories The story is underclosed by the fact that his first and last phrases are devoted to the time.

The day is the "knot" point through which all human life passes in the story of Solzhenitsyn. That is why chronological designations in the text have a symbolic meaning. It is especially important that it is closely with each other, sometimes almost becoming synonyms, the concept of "day" and "life".

In which episodes are expanding the framework of the narration (memories of heroes)?

13. Spatial organization. Find spatial coordinates in the story. What is the feature of the organization of space? The space in which the prisoner lives is closed, limited from all sides barbed wire. And on top covered by light spotlights and lanterns, which " so much ... It was natoko that they completely crushed the stars. " Prisoners are fenced down even from the sky: the spatial vertical is sharply narrowed. There is no horizon for them, there is no sky, there is no normal circle of life.

The space in the story is built by concentric circles: first described the barrack, then the zone is contacted, then the transition along the steppe, the construction, after which the space is compressed again to the size of the barrack. The closure of the circle in the artistic topography of the story gets a symbolic meaning. The prisoner review is limited to the wired circumference.

Find in the text verb movement. What motive sounds in them? Small sites open space are hostile and dangerous, not by chance in the verbs of movement ( hidden, walked, the coward ran, put, got, was in a hurry, caught up, she lasted etc.) often sounds the moment of shelter. Before the characters of the story there is a problem: how to survive in a situation where time does not belong to you, but space hostile (Such a closure and hard regulation of all spheres of life is evidence of not only camp, but the totalitarian system as a whole).

In contrast to the heroes of Russian literature, traditionally loving wide, Dahl, unfortunate space, shukhov and his Soulhechells dream of saving collapse of the shelter. Barak turns out to be home for them.

Due to what is expanding the space of the narration? But there are still inner vision of the prisoner - the space of his memory; In it, closed circles are overcome and there are images of Russia, villages, peace.

14. Subject detail. Give examples of episodes in which subject detail, in your opinion, is the most detailed.

· Psychologically, a convincing description of the senses of the prisoner during the search;

· the spoon With the doll of Ust-Izhma, 1944, which he carefully hides behind the flange of the felt).

· Climb - from. 7. ,

· Clearly drawn zone plan with watch, Sanchasty, barracks;

· Morning divorce;

· Unusually carefully, scrupulously follows the author, how his hero dresses before leaving the barrack - 19 how he puts on a cloth-muzzle;

· Or as a skeleton overtakes the small fish in the scend. Even such, it would seem, a minor "gastronomic" detail, as swimming fish eyes floating, is honored during the story of a separate "frame";

· Scenes in the dining room - 50/1 ;

· Detailed image of the camp menu - 13, 18, 34, 48, 93 ,

· Samada,

· About shoes and boots - 10,

· Episode with hacksaw,

· With the receipt of parcels and others.

· What is the artistic function of detailed detail?

For the zack can not be trifles, for it depends on each little things (Pay attention to how the experienced ZEK Shukhov noticed Caesar's oversight, which did not pass the parcel to the storage chamber before checking - 104 ). Any detail is transmitted psychologically specifically.

Such subsoteship image does not slow down the story, the reader's attention is even more aggravated. The fact is that Solzhenitsyn Shukhov is put in a situation between life and death: The reader is charged with the energy of writing attention to the circumstances of this extreme situation. Each trifle for the hero is literally the issue of survival or dying.

In addition, the monotony of thorough descriptions is skillfully overcomes the use of the writer expressive syntax:Solzhenitsyn avoids stretched periods, saturate text short chopped phrases, syntactic repetitions, emotionally painted exclamations and questions.

Any particular description of the description is transferred. through the perception of the hero himself - That's why everything makes it difficult to remember the emergencyness of the situation and about the hero of the hero of every minute hazard.

15. Character system. What parameters are set? Determine the main steps of the hierarchy. Clearly on 2 groups : Wardens and zacks. But among the prisoners there is their own hierarchy (from the Brigadier to Shakalov and Schukachi).

What is the hierarchy of heroes by their attitude to captivity? They differ I. attitude to captivity. (From the attempts of the "Bunt" Buynovsky to the naive resistance of Aleshka).

What is the place of Shukhov in these coordinate systems? And in the same case, shukhov turns out to be in the middle.

What is the originality of the portrait of Shukhov? Portrait sketches in the story are concise and expressive (portrait of the Lieutenant of the Volkovo - 22, the concluded Yu-81 (94 pp), commalous (89), the Tyurin Brigadier (31).

Find portrait sketches of characters. The appearance of Shukhov is barely outlined, it is absolutely not impressed. Portrait characteristic of Shukhov himself(shaved, toothless and as if having sexed head; his manner move);

16. Play the Hero Biography, compare her with the biographies of other characters.

His biography is the usual man's life of his era, and not the fate of the oppositionist, a fighter for the idea - 44 . Solzhenitsyn Hero is an ordinary person, "mid-man", in which the author constantly emphasizes the normality, poorness of behavior.

What does Shukhov do the main character? Ordinary people, according to the writer, and decide in the end of the destiny of the country, carry the charge of popular morality, spirituality.

· Ordinary and at the same time an unusual biography of the hero allows the writer to recreate the heroic and tragic fate of the Russian man of the twentieth century. Ivan Denisovich was born in 1911, he lived in the village of Temgenevo, with a characteristic Russian name, honestly fought, like millions of Russian soldiers, honestly, wounded, without having happened, hurried to return to the front.

· Fight from captivity and hit the camp along with thousands of Bedolag-surripers to the camp - allegedly performed the task of German intelligence.

· 8 years in the camps, while maintaining internal dignity.

· Does not change century Men's Habits and " himself does not drop", I do not humiliate because of the cigarette (in contrast to Fetukov, it is worth it without often next to smokers, waiting for the cigarette), because of the soldering, and even more so does not lick the plates and does not bother on comrades for the sake of improving your own fate.

According to the famous peasant habit of Shukhov respects bread, wears in a special pocket, in a clean cloth; When eats - remove cap.

· Not bend by the acquisitions, but always earns honest labor. And therefore it is not able to understand how you can take big money for the hacktur (for the melting for the stencil "carpets").

· Comstues, unwillingness to live for someone else's account, cause someone inconvenience forcing him to ban his wife to collect him to the camp of the parcel, justify the greedy Caesar and " on someone else's good belly do not clarify».

17. Match the vital position of Shukhov with the positions of other heroes of the story: Buinovsky, Caesar Markovich, etc.

1) Caesar Markovich , man educated. Intelligent, received exemption from general works and even the right to wear fur, cap, because " all Went to who need" But this is not a completely natural desire to alleviate his fate causes the author's condemnation, and his attitude towards people. It as dueaccepts the services of Shukhov (he and the dining room walks for his soldering, and the queue for the package takes). And although sometimes he and Kuris, Shukhov, and the soldering will share, Ivan Denisovich is interested in him only when he needs it for some reason. The scene in the Protection is indicative in this plan. Heroes argue about the truth and beauty in art, do not notice a living person who for the author and is a measure of all values.

Shukhov, hardly mined a bowl with porridge for Caesar, who hurried in the frost to the prose, is waiting patiently to pay attention to him and hopes to get a kerian for his service. But arguing sitting in warm, too passionate about their conversation : 54.

2) Dispute about the art of Caesar will continue with Kavtorgning (conversation on the watch) - 75-76 . Perhaps, from the point of view of art historian, the look of Caesar on the skill of Eisenstein is more fair than the coarse words of Buynovsky, but the righteous of the Kavenna is determined by his position: Caesar came out of the fired office, and the bushinovsky all day worked on the frost. His position here is closer to the position of Shukhov.

However, we note that kavenogengen In many ways I. opposed Shukhov. It should be analyzed behavior Buynovsky In the scene of the morning shmona ( 23 – 24 ) And the evaluation of the shukhov is his act. Shukhov himself does not rebellious because he knows: " Kryahtti Yes, go. And you will prevent you - shivering ", - But does not obey the circumstances.

3) If you compare Shukhov with such characters like DER (64), Shkurgatutenko, Panteleyev, then we note that they, the same zacks, are involved in creative evil on people, to which the main character of the story is unable.

4) Who among the characters of the story professes the moral principles similar to the shhukhov? TURIN, KUZNY.

5) Analyze the words of the Czem Brigadier: p. 5. . Are there any analogues to these principles in Russian classical literature? Do shukhov agree with your first brigadier? Humiliate (" bowls licking"), Save your life at the expense of others (" knock") Always unacceptable for folk morality, the same values \u200b\u200bwere approved in Russian classical literature, but not to wait for help, compassion (" And do not hope for the Sunchast") - This is the sad experience of the twentieth century. Shukhov, realizing that the stukachi is just survive, nevertheless, I do not agree with your former brigadier, since it is not about physical about it, but about moral death.

The task of Shukhov is not to become free, and not even in fact, to survive, but to remain human in inhuman conditions.

18. The originality of the narrative. Analyzing incomprehensive-direct speech as a leading pattern of the narrative, find out why, bringing his position with the position of the hero, Solzhenitsyn refuses the fabulous form. Find episodes where the author's point of view comes to the 1st plan compared with the point of view of the hero.

As a rule, these are episodes, where we are talking about things inaccessible to understanding the hero, so the author's point of view here cannot coincide with the point of view of the hero. For example, in disputes of art, the hero cannot appreciate who is right.

In this case, the composition of the scenes becomes a means of expressing the author's position.

19. Features of language. Find a proverb's story in the text. What are their originality and artistic function? How combines in the language of Ivan Denisovich the signs of peasant speaking and camp jargon? In the speech of Ivan Denisovich more than in the speech of other characters, dialect words and only 16 words of camp jargon. Socially and individually painted, the expressive peasant language turns out to be more racks in relation to camp vocabulary than neutral speech.

In this regard, the scene in which the Brigade is waiting for the false Moldavian. An indignant crowd shows out a lot of brave. Ivan Denisovich, who is nothing with everyone, is limited to the word "plague».

Saving a word that could be attributed to the means of language expansion. What kind of word formation uses the author? Match the words found with common synonyms. What is the expressiveness, meaning tank, the wealth of shades of Solzhenitsynskaya vocabulary?

More often uses traditional ways of word formation And in the language of the morpheme composition, but an unusual combination of morpheme makes the word extremely concise, expressive, creates new shades of values:

it was threatened, the sheltered, it was overpowering, the brigade was examined, the brigade did not just sat around the stove, but also tightly surrounded her), he wondered (deceived and passed at the same time), in the viewer, testing, sharp, in the mouth, Milts Flooded, annoyed) ("- Wheel adds a shade of violence), racing, small-piece snow, rejoicing, occasional fingers, vibrant (in no hurry, carefully and thoughtfully), stotty, sauzhisto; Nobody (not just the edge, but the edge), firm, unaccomplished (extremely concise designation of a person who is not able to get anything else), shortfold (cigarette, which can be paid); self-made, silodor, rapidly; Obnevole (i.e. university)

20. Reflection of the era in the story , from 293 - 294, tutorial.

21. The originality of the Solzhenitsyn hero. Created a special type of hero. This is not a fighter with the system and not even a person who has risen to understanding the essence of his era (only units are capable of this), but the "simple" person, the carrier of the fate of the country depends on the author, the fate of the country. The criterion for evaluating a person is the writer not its social significance, but the ability pier through inhuman tests soul clean.

After many years of domination in the literature of a strong man, thirsty of freedom, which goes on the circumstances and leading people, Solzhenitsyn returned hero in her, in which they were embodied peasant foundation and habit for labor, patience and calculation the ability to adapt to inhuman conditions do not humiliate, not participating in creativity evil Ability to stay internally free In the atmosphere of total inappropriate, keep your name, your own language, your individuality.

Summer rESULTS His happy day, Shukhov notes more often what happened to him, but what happened to him: 111.

But among these "not" he silent, perhaps, about the most important thing: on this day he did not cease to be a man.

The history of the creation of "One Day Ivan Denisovich"

"One day of Ivan Denisovich" is associated with one of the facts of the author's biography - Ekibastuz special camp, where in the winter of 1950-51 this story was created in general works. The main hero of the story of Solzhenitsyn is Ivan Denisovich Shukhov, the usual prisoner of the Stalin camp.

In this story, the author on behalf of his hero tells about just one day of three thousand six hundred and fifty-three days of the term Ivan Denisovich. But this day is enough to understand what the situation reigned in the camp, which there were orders and laws, to learn about the life of prisoners, terrify it. The camp is a special world that exists separately, in parallel to our.

There are completely different laws that differ from our usual, everyone here survives in its own way. Life in the zone is not shown from the side, and from the inside by a person who knows about her does not appear, but by his personal experience. That is why the story is striking by its realism. "Glory to you, Lord, another day passed!" - Finishes his story Ivan Denisovich, "the day passed, nothing was overshadowed, almost happy."

On this day, Shukhov was really lucky: the brigade was not kicked out on the social town to pull the wire in the cold without heating, he passed the Cake, was separated only by the washing of the floors in the supervisory, received an extra charge of the porridge, the work got a familiar - the wall put on the CHP, put fun, passed well Shmon and carried to the camp of the knife, worked in the evening at Caesar, bought two glasses of Samosha at Latvian, and the most important thing is that it did not get sick. Ivan Denisovich Shukhov was condemned for ten years in a fabricated business: he was accused of returning from captivity with a secret German task, and which specifically it was - never could come up with. Shukhova suffered the same fate as millions of other people who fought for their homeland, but at the end of the war from the prisoners of German camps were prisoners of the Stalinist camps of the Gulag.

This is a real jackal living due to unicrases of others. Licking other people's plates, watch a man in his mouth, waiting for something to leave him - for him the usual thing. He cannot cause disgust, even the zeks refuse to work with him, calling him. In the zone he did not even have a drop of male pride, he openly crying when he was beaten for the licking of the plates. Indeed, everyone chooses for themselves the path of survival, but the most unworthy path is the path of Panteleeva's pantleeva, living at the expense of the denunciations on other wagons.

Under the pretext of the disease, it remains in the zone and voluntarily knocks the opera. In the camp hate such people, and the fact that Three was slaughtered, did not surprise anyone. Death here is a common thing, and life turns into anything. It scares the most.

Unlike them, Ivan Denisovich "was not jackal even after eight years of common work - and the farther, the stronger was approved." He does not give up, does not humiliate. Everything tries to earn only with their work: sews slippers, brigadier boots, takes a queue for the parcels, for which he gets honestly earned. At Shukhov, the concepts of pride and honor were preserved, so he never ride to the level of Fetukova, because he worries it, and not trying to serve, "wake up."

Like any peasant, shukhov is a surprise house: He can't just go past a piece of herring, knowing that you can make a knife from it, and this is an opportunity to earn additionally. Respect deserves and the former captain of the second rank Buynovsky, who, "who looks at the camp work as a maritime service: it is said - it means doing."

He does not try to inspire from common work, you used to do everything on conscience, and not for showing. Shukhov says that "she looked firmly for the last month, and pulls the harness." Buinovsky could not accept the arbitrariness of Karaul, so the dispute with Volkovsky on the article of the Criminal Code, for which he received ten days of Caracera.

Lovely Brigadier Tyurin, who fell into the camp only because his father was a fist. For the brigade, he is like a father of his native, always trying to defend the interests of the brigade: get more bread, profitable work. In the morning, Tyurin gives it to whom it is necessary for his people to be expelled to the construction of a social town.

The words of Ivan Denisovich that the "good brigadier will give a second life" are fully suitable for the characteristics of the Tyurina as a brigadier. These people, despite everyone, survive at the expense of their work. They would never be able to choose a path to the survival of Fetukov or Panteleeva.

Pity causes Aleshka Baptist. He is very kind, but very weak - "they do not command only the one who does not want." Conclusion for him is the will of God, in his conclusion sees only good, he himself says that "there is a time about the soul." But Aleshka cannot adapt to the camp conditions and, according to Ivan Denisovich, will not stretch here for a long time. A grip, which is not enough Aleshka Baptist, has a gopchik, a sixteen-year-old parenchy, cunning and not overcommodation to snatch a piece. He was convicted for carrying milk to the Benterman Forest. In the camp, it will be anxiously a great future: "the gopchik will be the right latch ... less as a bullion is not so much fate."

At a special situation, it is in Caesar Markovich camp, a former director who did not have time to remove his first picture when he fell into the camp. He gets from the will of the parcel, so it can afford a lot from the fact that the rest of the prisoners cannot: wears a new hat and other prohibited things, works in the office, avoids common work.

Although Caesar is already in this camp, his soul is still in Moscow: discusses the premieres of theaters with other Muscovites in the theaters, cultural news of the capital. He will avoided the rest of the prisoners, adheres to only Buynovsky, recalling the existence of others only when he needs their help.

In many ways, due to its renunciation from the real world, in my opinion, and the parcels from the will he manage to survive under these conditions. Personally, this person does not cause any feelings. He has a business grip, knows who and how much to give.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn is a writer and publicist who entered Russian literature as an ardent opponent of the communist regime. In his work, he regularly affects the subject of suffering, inequalities and unprotected people in front of the Stalinist ideology and the current public building.

We present to your attention a renewed version of Solzhenitsyn's book.

The work that A.I. brought Solzhenitsyn Popularity, became the story "One day of Ivan Denisovich". True, the author himself later made an amendment, saying that according to the genre specificity it is a story, albeit in an epic scale reproducing a gloomy picture of Russia of that time.

Solzhenitsyn A.I. In his story, I introduces the reader with the life of Ivan Denisovich Shukhov, a peasant and a military man, who fell into one of the many Stalinist camps. The entire tragedy of the situation is that the hero went to the front on the next day after the attack of Hitler's Germany, he was captured and a miracle ran out of him, but, having reached his own, was recognized as a spy. It is precisely this that the first part of the memories is devoted, which also includes a description of all the burden of war, when people had to eat a cornea with hoofs of the dead horses, and the command of the Red Army without a Ukcor's conscience threw ordinary soldiers to die on the battlefield.

The second part shows the life of Ivan Denisovich and hundreds of other people staying in the camp. At the same time, all the story events take just one day. However, the narrative contains a large number of references, retrospects and references to the life of the people, as if by chance. For example, a correspondence with his wife, from which we learn that in the village the situation is no better than in the camp: food and no money, the residents are starving, and the peasants survive due to the fact that the fake carpets are painted and sell their city.

In the course of reading, we learn and why Shukhov was counted by the saboteler and the traitor. Like most of those who are in the camp, he is convicted without guilt. To admit to the treason forced the investigator, who, by the way, could not even think of what the task was performed by the hero, allegedly helping the Germans. At the same time, Shukhov was not selection. He will refuse to recognize what I never did, I would get "Bushland wooden", and once I went to meet the consequence, "even if you still live."

An important part of the plot is also occupied by numerous images. These are not only prisoners, but also wardens that differ only at how they belong to the lathe. For example, wolves wears a huge and thick rift - one of her blow breaks a large skin area to blood. Another bright, though the secondary character - Caesar. This is a kind of authority in the camp, who previously worked as a director, but was repressed, and without removing his first movie. Now he is not a mind to talk with Shukhov on the themes of contemporary art and throw a little work.

Maximum exactly Solzhenitsyn in his story reproduces the life of prisoners, their gray life and hard work. On the one hand, the reader does not meet blatants and bloody scenes, but the realism with which the author comes to the description makes terrible. People are starving, and the whole point of their life comes down to get yourself an extra bitter bread, since on a soup from the water and a murzly cabbage it will not be possible to survive in this place. Prisoners are forced to work in the cold, and in order to "pass time" until the night and reception have to work chairs.

Everyone is forced to adapt to the realities, find a way to deceive the warders, to paint or secretly sell. For example, many prisoners make small knives from the tool, then exchanging them for food or tobacco.

Shukhov and all others in these terrible conditions are similar to wild animals. They can be punished, shoot, beat. It remains only to be cunning and smarter armed guards, try not to fall in spirit and be faithful to your ideals.

The irony is that the day, which is the time of the story, is quite successful for the main character. He was not planted in the Cake, they did not work with the brigade of builders in the frost, he managed to get a portion of the porridge at lunch, he did not find a knife at the evening, and Caesar had worked and the tobacco bought. True, the tragedy is that there are three thousand six hundred and fifty three for these days for all the time of conclusion. What's next? Suitable by the end of the term, but Shukhov is confident that the term or will extend, or what will be worse than the link.

Characteristics of the main character of the story "One Day Ivan Denisovich"

The main character of the work is a collective image of a simple Russian person. He is about 40 years old. He comes from the ordinary village, which he recalls with love, noting that it used to be better: the potatoes ate "whole frying pan, porridge-cast iron ...". In conclusion, he spent as many as 8 years. Before entering the camp, Shukhov fought at the front. It was wounded, but after recovery, I returned to war again.

Exterior character

The text of the story does not occur a description of his appearance. The focus is on clothing: mittens, bushlates, boots, cotton pants, etc. Thus, the image of the main character is dewritive and becomes an personification of not only the usual prisoner, but also a modern resident of Russia in the mid-20th century.

It is distinguished by a sense of pity and compassion for people. He is experiencing for Baptists who received 25 years of camps. He regrets the downstream feticov, noting that "he does not live his term. He does not know how to put himself. " Ivan Denisovich sympathizes even to the guards, because it comes from the frost or with strong wind to dudge on the towers.

Ivan Denisovich understands his distress, but does not cease to think about others. For example, refuses parcels from home, forbiving his wife send products or things. A man is aware that the spouse is quite hopeless - she is one of children and follows the household in the difficult military and post-war years.

Long life in the religious camp did not break it. The hero puts certain boundaries for itself, which in no case cannot be broken. Primary, but ensures that there are no fish eyes in a chowder or always remove the cap during the feeding. Yes, he had to steal, but not from his comrades, but only in those who work in the kitchen and mocks the models.

Diffuses Ivan Denisovich honesty. The author indicates that Shukhov never took and did not give bribes. Everyone in the camp knows that he never flashes from work, always tries to earn money and even sews slippers for other prisoners. In prison, the hero becomes a good bricklayer, mastering this profession: "At Shukhov either to skews, nor to the seams do not sink." In addition, everyone knows that Ivan Denisovich on all the hands of the master and can easily take for any business (the kelpracks latch, spoons from the aluminum wire pours and MN. Dr.)

The positive image of Shukhov is created throughout the story. His habit of peasant, ordinary worker helps him overcome the gravity of imprisonment. The hero does not allow himself to humiliate in front of the guards, lick the plates or to convey on others. As any Russian man, Ivan Denisovich knows the price of bread, storing it in a clean cloth. He takes any work, loves him, not lazy.

What then is such an honest, noble and hardworking person doing in a camp for prisoners? How did he and a few thousand people turned out to be here? These questions arise from the reader as they dating the main character.

The answer to them is quite simple. The whole thing is in an unfair totalitarian mode, the consequence of which many decent citizens become prisoners of concentration camps, forced to adapt to the system, to live away from their families and be doomed for long flour and deprivation.

Analysis of the story A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich"

To understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe writer, it is necessary to pay special attention to the space and time of the work. Really, the story depicts the events of one day, even describing all the everyday moments of the regime very detail: rise, breakfast, lunch, dinner, work divorce, road, work itself, constant search by security guards and MN. Dr. This also includes a description of all prisoners and warders, their behavior, life in a camp, etc. For people, the real space is hostile. Each prisoner does not like open places, trying to avoid meeting with guards and quickly hide in the barrack. Prisoners are limited not only by barbed wire. It is not even possible to look at the sky - the searchlights are constantly blind.

However, there is also another space - internal. This is a kind of memory space. Therefore, constant references and memories are the most important, of which we learn about the situation at the front, suffering and countless deaths, the disastrous position of the peasants, and that those who survived or fled from captivity who defended their homeland and their citizens, often In the eyes of the government become spies and traitors. All these local topics form a picture of what is happening in the country as a whole.

It turns out that the artistic time and space of the work is not closed, is not limited to the day or territory of the camp. As it becomes known at the end of the story of such days in the Hero's life already 3653 and how much will be in front and not at all. So, the name "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" can be easily perceived as an allusion for modern society. The day in the camp is impersonal, hopeless, becomes for the prisoner by the personification of injustice, effectability and leaving from all individual. But does all this characterize only for this place of conclusion?

Apparently, according to A.I. Solzhenitsyn, Russia, the time is very similar to the prison, and the task of the work becomes, if not to show deep tragity, then at least to categorically deny the post of described.

The author's merit is that it is not only strikingly accurately and with a large number of items describes what is happening, but also refrain from the open manifestation of emotions and feelings. Thus, he reaches its main goal - gives the reader to give an assessment of this world order and understand the meaninglessness of the totalitarian regime.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "One Day Ivan Denisovich"

In his work A.I. Solzhenitsyn recreates the main picture of the life of that Russia, when people were doomed to incredible flour and deprivation. We have a whole gallery of images that personify the fate of millions of Soviet citizens forced for the faithful service, diligent and diligent labor, faith in the state and following ideologies are paid by imprisonment in terrible concentration centers scattered throughout the country.

In his story, a typical situation for Russia, when a woman had to take care of the concerns and duties of a man.

Be sure to read the Roman Alexander Solzhenitsyn forbade in the Soviet Union, who explains the reasons for the disappointment of the author in the communist system.

In a small story, the list of injustices of the state system accurately revealed. For example, Ermolaev and Kleshshin passed all the war, captivity, worked underground, and as a reward received 10 years in prison. Gopchik - a young young man who recently turned 16 years old, becomes proof that repressions are indifferent even to children. Aleshka, Buinovsky, Paul, Caesar Markovich and others are equally indicative.

The work of Solzhenitsyn is impregnated with a hidden, but an evil irony, implancing the working side of the life of the Soviet country. The writer touched an important and relevant problem, which all this time was banned. At the same time, the story was impregnated with faith in a Russian man, his spirit and will. Considering the inhuman system, Alexander Isaevich created an authentic realistic nature of his hero, who is able to withstand all the torment and not lose humanity.

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