Analysis of the Epilogue of War and the World. The story about the beans in the epilogue of the novel "War and Peace

In 1869, Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy finished his work "War and Peace". Epilogue, the summary of which we describe in this article is divided into two parts.

First part

The first of the parts tells about the following events. 7 years have passed from the war of 1812, described in the work of "War and Peace". The heroes of the novel changed both externally and internally. We will tell about this by analyzing the epilogue. In the 13th year, Natasha married a Pierre's mess. Ilya Andreevich, Graf, died at the same time. Old family broke up with his death. Completely upset money laws. However, Nicholas from the inheritance does not refuse, as he sees the expression of the head of the memory of the Father in this.

Ripple growth

The ruin of growth is described at the end of the work of "War and Peace" (Epilogue). The summary of the events constituting this episode, the following. For half aole, it was sold with a hammer estate that covered only half of debts. Rostov, not to be in the debt, comes to the soldiers' service in St. Petersburg. He lives here in a small apartment with Sonya and Mother. Nikolai Sonya really appreciates, he believes that he is in unpaid debt to her, but he understands that he could not love this girl. The position of Nicholas becomes more worse. However, he is confused by the thought of marriage in a rich woman.

Meeting Nikolai Rostov with Prince Marya

Princess Mary arrives at Rostov, Rostov. Nikolai meets it cold, showing the whole view that he does not need anything from her. After this meeting, the princess feels in an indefinite position. She wants to understand that Nikolai is covered with such tone.

He makes a return visit to the princess under the influence of the mother. The tensioned and dry turns out their conversation, however, Marya feels that it is only an outer shell. The soul of Rostov is still beautiful.

Marriage Nikolai, Managing

Princess finds out that one of pride behaves in the way, since he is poor, and Marya is rich. Nicholas in the fall of 1814 married the princess and together with her, Sonya and Mother went to live in the estate of the bald mountains. All he was given to the farm, in which the main thing is a man's worker. Crimmering with the peasants, Nikolai begins to skillfully manage the farm, which brings brilliant results. From other estates come men with a request to buy them. In the people, even after the death of Nicholas, the memory of his management is long stored for a long time. Rostov is getting closer with his wife, opening new treasures of her soul every day.

Sonya is located in the house of Nicholas. Marya cannot for some reason to suppress evil feelings to this girl. Somehow Natasha explains to her why the fate of Sonya is: she is "empty", something in it is missing.

How has Natasha Rostov changed?

The work of "War and Peace" continues (Epilogue). The summary of his future events is such. Three children in the house of growth, and Marya is waiting for additional additions. Natasha offers four children from his brother. The return of Bezukhova, who left two months ago, is expected to go to St. Petersburg. Natasha replenished, it is not easy to learn the former girl in it.

Her face has an expression of calm "clarity" and "softness". All who knew to marriage Natasha are surprised by the change that happened in it. Only the old Countess, who understood the maternal flaunt, that all the gusts of this girl were chased only to marry, create a family, wonders why this does not understand this. Does not care for Natasha, does not follow my manners. For her, the main thing is to service the house, children, husband. Very demanding to her husband, jealous of this girl. Duchs obeys fully the requirements of his wife. He places in return to the whole family. Natasha Rostov not only performs her husband's desires, but also guess them. She always shares the image of his spouse's thoughts.

Talk of Nuhovov with Nikolai Rostov

Pierre feels in marriage happy, seeing reflection of himself in his own family. Natasha misses her husband, and now he comes. Nukhov talks about the fresh political news Nikolay, says that the sovereign does not delve into any cases, the situation is administered to the limit in the country: a coup is preparing. Pierre believes that it is required to organize society, possibly illegal to bring people benefits. Nikolai disagree with this. He says he gave oath. Different opinions express about the further path of development of the country in the work of "War and Peace" Heroes Nikolay Rostov and Pierre Duhov.

This conversation is discussed with Nikolai wife. He believes a dreamer's littleness. Nicholas grabs his problems. Marya notices some limitations of his spouse, he knows that he will never understand what she understands. From this Princess loves him stronger, with a shade of passionate tenderness. Rostov is admired by the desire of a spouse to the perfect, eternal and infinite.

Lyuhov speaks Natasha that important things are expected. According to Pierre, Plato Karataev would approve him and not a career, as he wanted to see peace of mind, happiness and plenty.

Son Nicolenka Bolkonsky

At the conversation of Pierre, Nikolanka Bolkonsky was present with Nikolai. The conversation made a deep impression on him. The boy adores Bezuhova, the guardian of him. His father also considers some deity. Nicholya sees a dream. He goes with a little troops ahead and approaching the goal. In front of them suddenly appears in the formidable posture of Uncle Nikolay, who is ready to kill anyone moving forward. The boy turns around and notes that next to him is not Pierre, and Prince Andrei, the Father, who caresses him. Nicholya decides that his father was affectionate with him, approved him and Pierre. They all want the boy to study, and he will do it. And one day everything will be admired.

Second part

Once again Tolstoy argues about the historical process. Kutuzov and Napoleon ("War and Peace") - two key historical figures in the work. The author suggests that the story does not do a person, but the masses who obey common interests. It understood this previously described in the work of the commander-in-chief of Kutuzov ("War and Peace"), which preferred active actions with the strategy of non-interference with him thanks to his wise command, the Russians won. In history, the personality is important only to such an extent as it takes and understands people's interests. Therefore, Kutuzov ("War and Peace") is a significant person in history.

The role of the epilogue in the composition of the work

In the composition of the novel, the epilogue is an essential element in ideological understanding. It is he who carries a huge semantic load in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Lev Nikolaevich sums up, affecting pressing topics, such as a family.

Family thought

A special expression in this part of the work was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe spiritual foundations of the family as the external form of the unification of people. As if the differences between spouses were erased in it, the limited shower is complemented in communication between them. The epilogue of the novel is developing this thought. Such is, for example, the family of Maryia and Nikolai Rostov. In it, in the highest synthesis, the starts of Bologkoe and growth are connected.

In the epilogue of Roman is going to a new family, which unites in itself heterogeneous in the past Blocks, Rostov, and the Karataevsky features are also in the past. As the author writes, several different worlds lived under one roof, which merged into a harmonious whole.

It was not by chance that this new family arose, which includes such interesting and different images ("War and Peace"). It has become the result of nationwide unity born by the Patriotic War. In the new one is approved in this part of the work in common with individual. 1812 in the history of Russia brought a higher level of communication between people, removing many length limitations and obstacles, led to the emergence of broader and complex family worlds. In the Lyssogorsk family, as in any other, sometimes disputes and conflicts arise. But they only strengthen relations, have a peaceful character. Women, Marya and Natasha are the keepers of his men.

Thought of people

At the end of the epilogue, the philosophical reflections of the author, in which Lev Nikolayevich again argues about the historical process. In his opinion, the story does not personality, but the masses who express common interests. Napoleon ("War and Peace") did not understand this, and therefore lost the war. So Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy believes.

The last part of the work of "War and Peace" ends - an epilogue. A brief content of it we tried to make concise and capacious. This part of the work summarizes the entire large-scale creation of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. "War and Peace" whose characteristic of which was presented by us, is a grand epic that was created by the author from 1863 to 1869.

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on the topic: The role of the epilogue in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

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Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is a painter of a large and powerful talent, a philosopher, reasoning about the meaning of life, the purpose of man, the irreversive values \u200b\u200bof earthly existence. All this fully reflected in his largest and most beautiful creation - "War and Peace". Throughout the novel, the author reflects a lot about the topics of interest. In our rapid tower, it is almost impossible to force himself to read him leisurely his enormous work, but as it is necessary for us, young to penetrate the "Russian spirit", patriotism, true nationality, and not that bustle, which is so actively planned recently by various sources. Thick philosophy is difficult to understand, but necessary. And the epilogue of the novel "War and Peace" opens the door to the secret pantry author. You can agree or disagree with the writer who were working in the middle of the XIX century, to us readers XXI. But the true artist foresaw changes, coming in time, and ingeniously said about it. "Like the sun and every ether atom has a ball, finished in itself and at the same time only an atom of an inaccessible person in the virtuality of the whole - and every person is in their own goals and meanwhile they carry them in order to serve as an inaccessible person common goals, "said L.N. Tolstoy.

Epilogue is the final part of the work, in which the plot is finally clarified, the fate of heroes, is formulated by the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Epilogue is a result of a novel. In the novel L. N. Tolstoy the role of the epilogue is extremely large. First, it logically completes the plot of works, secondly, the epilogue contains copyright philosophical and life position, the assessment of the plot events and characters. Consider how the authors of the novels "War and Peace" reaches these purposes. In the novel of the thick two independent parts of the epilog, correspond to the two above targets. The philosophical position of Tolstoy is so distant from the plot of the work, which could exist independently, as a philosophical treatise. Statutation (first part of the epilogue) occupies a significant smaller part of the epilog.

The first part of the epilogue is rich in the expression of the author's position, like the whole novel of Tolstoy. It contains only a description of the facts that emphasize the position of Tolstoy, and in the description of these facts the author skillfully inserted numerous numerous approaching thoughts. The writer shows us his heroes after the events of the war of 1812 (the effect of the epilogue occurs in 1821). Pierre became a wonderful husband, family man and, according to Tolstoy, a real man. That first life cycle, which for his hero Tolstoy, passed with honor. What awaits the hero on? Quiet cozy family life? Manor classes? No. The author gives the author to these questions a completely different answer: Pierre is waiting for new tests. Tests associated with the participation of the hero in the political circle. Tolstoy proves to us, "that people like rivers," are changing all the time, looking for something, they strive for something, and this is the desire for harmony, to the truth makes them "quite good."

In the epilogue we see the ideal of a woman created by the writer. Princess Maria and Natasha Rostov, once romantic girls, become good friends husbands, faithful mentors of children, the true angels of the custodians of the family hearth. They are limited to a circle of family problems, but urgent influence on husbands. So, Nicholas Rostov involuntarily softens under the influence of his wife, becomes tolerant of human weaknesses and imperfections. And when it still "breaks out," it is Mary who helps her husband to gain peace of mind.

I was surprised by the image of Natasha. She became strong, wise. By this moment she had already had three daughters and her son. The heroine fell, and now it is difficult to learn the former Natasha Rostov: "The traits of her face were now the expression of calm softness and clarity. Now it was often one of her face and body, and the souls did not appear at all." She does not like at all on that girl, graceful, cheerful, what at the beginning of the novel represents Tolstoy. The meaning of Natasha's life is in motherhood. Namely, it represents the fate and the purpose of the woman himself writer.

But not only about the values \u200b\u200bof the family says Tolstoy. The writer talks about those political changes that occurred in Russian society after 1812. Tolstoy assumed to write a continuation of the novel, where the Decembrist uprising showed. It can be assumed that Pierre would not stay aside from such great events. And Natasha? She would follow her husband. But we only have guesses and speculations. And in an epilogue - a specific description of the family text of the people of the first quarter of the XIX century, their thoughts, experiences, dreams and thoughts. Much has changed since then, patriotism remained unchanged, to their homeland, the eternal value of the family and education of children.

Thus, telling about the fate of heroes in the first part of the epilogue. Tolstoy reaches that any attentive readers come to mind the very conclusions that the author wants from him, despite the fact that the author himself does not form these conclusions.

In the second part of the epilogue, the Tolstoy is given a more global problem: "What drives the world, his story?" And the answer is on him: "the laws of necessity."

A completely different role is assigned to a man Tolstoy: in his opinion, a person is only a pawn in a difficult game, the outcome of which is predetermined, and the goal of the pawn is to realize the rules of the game and follow them and ultimately be among the winners, and otherwise the pawn will be Punished by fate, the resistance of which is useless. A giant illustration of such a position is the paintings of the war, where everything, including the kings and the great commander, powerless before the fate, where the one who best understands the laws of necessity and does not oppose them.


In the epilogue, the narrative is diminishing its course, the events are concentrated and given by the author in general. You understand that the continuation will follow, life does not break through the end of the novel. But the writer could not continue the epic, to make a conceived. The epilogue to the novel "War and Peace" was not so much after the job as a decent completion with his life. For the heroes created by the fantasy of the artist continue to live in our memory.

In the epilogue of his novel, Lion Tolstoy portrayed not only the end of a huge story, woven from the cunning weaves of human destinies, but also presented his own historical and philosophical reflections on the law of endless mutual influences and relationships of human life. It is this, elusive reason, an irrational law and determines, according to the author, the fate of peoples and individuals.

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The role of the epilogue in the Roman-Epopea L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

My thoughts are the fruit of the mental work of my life ...

L. Tolstoy

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is a painter of a large and powerful talent, a philosopher, reasoning about the meaning of life, the purpose of man, the irreversive values \u200b\u200bof earthly existence. All this fully reflected in his largest and most beautiful creation of "War and Peace".

Throughout the novel, the author reflects a lot about the topics of interest. In our rapid host time it is almost impossible to force yourself to read it leisurely his enormous work, but as it is necessary for us, young to penetrate the "Russian spirit", patriotism, true nationality, and not the apparent vanity, which is so actively planned recently by various sources .

Thick philosophy is difficult to understand, but necessary. And the epilogue of the novel "War and Peace" opens the door to the secret pantry author. You can agree or disagree with the writer who were working in the middle of the XIX century, to us readers XXI. But a true artist, he foresaw changes that are coming in time, and ingeniously said about it. "Like the sun and every ether atom has a ball, finished in itself and at the same time only the atom of an inaccessible person in the virtualities of the whole - and every person is in itself their goals and meaning them to serve as an inaccessible person goals General ...

A person is available only to observing the correspondence of the life of the bee with other phenomena of life. The same with the goals of historical and peoples. " Deploying a huge web of historical events 1805-1820, Tolstoy at first, slowly leads the story, including in the narration of huge spaces and countless heroes. The main historical event, 1812, this unhurried narrative ends, and in the epilogue, the author specifically talks about the further fate of his favorite heroes: beam and growth. Life does not stop, no matter what happens, and the heroes obey the flow of time, and not vice versa. Life is much wiser than all the reasoning philosophers about her.

In the epilogue we see the ideal of a woman created by the writer. Princess Maria and Natasha Rostov, once romantic girls, become good friends husbands, faithful mentors of children, the true angels of the custodians of the family hearth. Rubbing romanticity, as unnecessary, and remained soulfulness, sincerity, kindness. They are limited to a circle of family problems, but urgent influence on husbands. So, Nicholas Rostov involuntarily softens under the influence of his wife, becomes tolerant of human weaknesses and imperfections. And when it still "breaks down", it is Marie who helps her husband to gain a mental equilibrium.

But not only about the values \u200b\u200bof the family says Tolstoy, the writer tells about the political changes that occurred in Russian society after 1812. Tolstoy assumed to write a continuation of the novel, where the Decembrist uprising showed. It can be assumed that Pierre would not stay aside from such great events. And Natasha? She would follow her husband. But we only have guesses and speculations. And in an epilogue - a specific description of the family text of the people of the first quarter of the XIX century, their thoughts, experiences, dreams and thoughts. Much has changed since then, patriotism remained unchanged, the relevant attitude towards the Motherland, the incredit value of the family and the education of children.

Arguing about important public issues and events, Tolstoy only in the epilogue, it becomes an ideal that saw in the destination of a woman - mother and keeper of a homely hearth. Without this, the image of the "lowered" Natasha would not be understood, her unwillingness to live in the world. L. N. Tolstoy, not at all nice whether women express their views on the upbringing of children, love, public role of a person in the life of the country.

In the epilogue, the narrative is diminishing its course, the events are concentrated and given by the author in general. You understand that the continuation will follow, life does not break through the end of the novel. But the writer could not continue the epic, to make a conceived. The epilogue to the novel "War and Peace" was not so much after the job as a decent completion by his configuration. For the heroes created by the fantasy of the artist continue to live in our memory.

List of references

To prepare this work, materials from the site were used

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe spiritual foundations of familyhood as an external form of unity between people received a special expression in the epilogue of the novel "War and Peace". In the family, as it were, the opposite of spouses is removed, in communication between them, the limited shower loving. Such is the family of Marya Bolkonskaya and Nikolai Rostov, where they are connected in the highest synthesis of such opposite beginnings of growth and Bolkonsky. The feeling of the "proud love" of Nicholas to the Countess Marya, based on surprise "before its mentality, before that almost inaccessible to him, an elevated, moral world, in which his wife always lived." And touching the submissive, gentle love of Marya "To this man who will never understand the whole thing that she understands, and no matter how much stronger it is, with a touch of passionate tenderness, loved him."
In the epilogue of the "War and Mira" under the roof of the Lysogor-Sky House, a new family is going to connect the heterogeneous Rostov, Bolkonsky in the past, and the Karataevsky starts also started through Pierry. "As in the real family, several completely different worlds lived in the Lyssogorsk house, which, each holding its own feature and making concessions to one another, merged into one harmonious whole. Each event happening in the house was equally joyful or sad - important for all these worlds; But every world had completely their own, independent of others, reasons to rejoice or suffer from any event. "
This new family has not happened by chance. It was the result of the nationwide unity of people born by the Patriotic War. So in a new one is approved in the epilogue Communication of the overall stroke of history with individual, intimate relations between people. 1812, which giving Russia a new, higher level of human communication, who shot many estate obstacles and restrictions, led to the emergence of more complex and wide family worlds. Women - Natasha and Marya are the Guardians of Family Ostrov. There is a durable, spiritual union between them.
Rostov. Special sympathies of the writer causes a patriarchal family of growth, in whose behavior there is a high nobility of feelings, kindness (even rare generosity), naturalness, proximity to people, moral purity and integrity. The yard growth - Tikhon, Prophyology, Praskovya Savvishna - are committed to their gentlemen, feel like a single family with them, they find an understanding and show attention to the Bar in interest.
Bologkoe. Old prince presents the color of the nobility of the era of Catherine II. It is characterized by true patriotism, the latitude of the political horizon, the understanding of the genuine interests of Russia, indomitable energy. Andrei and Marya - advanced, educated people seeking new ways in modern life.
The Kuragin family carries some troubles and misfortunes in peaceful "nests" of growth and Bolkonsky.
With Borodina, on the Battery of Raevsky, where Pierre gets, it is felt "in common, as it would be a family revival." "Soldiers ... Mentally accepted Pierre in his family, assigned themselves and gave him a nickname. "Our Barin" nicknamed him and gently laughed among themselves. "
So the feeling of the family, which in peaceful life holy shields close to the people of Rostov, will be historically significant during the Patriotic War of 1812.

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