The topic of the road in the poem is dead soul. Essay on the topic: image of the road in the poem of Gogol Dead souls


Introduction Chapter I.Toretical material about the symbolism of the word "road"

1.1 Etymology of the word "road" p.4-5

1.2 Synonyms of the word p.5-6

1.3 Means of movement of the heroes of the poem. page 6.

2.1 Road as a message path p. 7

2.2 Metaphoric image of the road as a human life path page 7

2.3 The value of a certain time page 7-8

2.4 road as age-related human development p.8

2.5 Road as the path of development of mankind page 8

2.6 Creative Road of the artist p.8

2.7 Life road on which the writer meets his heroes p. 8

2. 8 High symbolic value of the way of the homeland page.

2.9 Expendables forward, greatness of Russia p.8

2.10 Road as a Composite Reception of the Writer p. 9-10

Chapter III

Conclusion p.13-14

Bibliography p.14.

Appendix No. 1.

Appendix No. 2.


Roads. Country roads. Winter roads in a blinding snowmall blurred in autumn, dusty summer. Spring - similar to rivers, rain noise, wind, creaking carts, ringing bells, Copot hoofs. Hear - this is the rain music. Roads of eternal wanderers, roads of eternal travelers. On the road! On the road! In the life of each person there are such moments when you want to go out to the worst and go to the beautiful far away when you adorn you suddenly the road to unknown people gave.

What a strange, and mounted, and carrier, and wonderful in the word: road! And how wonderful she herself, this road: clear day, autumn leaves, cold air ... and night! Heavenly forces! What night is performed in the embroidery! And the air, and the sky, distant, high, there, in the inaccessible depth of his own, so immense, sound and clearly spread out! ... God! How good you are sometimes distant, distant road! How many times how dying and sinking, I grabbed for you, and you endured me generously and saved me! And the ideas, poetic dreams, how many wondered impressions!, "

Very penetrated lines! This is because Hogol himself deeply loved the road, so selflessly enough for her in difficult days of his life. The image of the road permeates the whole poem, revealing various facets. Different verge of Gogol road.

A special place in the work of the "Dead Souls" occupies the topic of the road. The main character travels from the city to the city in search of "sellers" of the dead shower. It is through the movement of the main character on the roads there is a wide picture of life in Russia.

The poem begins "dear" and ends with it. However, if at the beginning of Chichikov enters the city with hopes for quick enrichment, then in the end he runs out of it to save his reputation. The topic of the road is extremely important in the work. For the author, the road is the personification of life, movement and internal development. The road on which the protagonist is rifled smoothly turns into a way of life.

But the truth, as the way fascinates and at what wonderful condition he leads the soul of traveling. But in the poem N.V.Gogolamative, the road is manifested not only in the real image of Chichikov's path with his uhabami, bumps, mud. In this product, this image is much multigid and symbolized.

Theme of the presented work "The image of the road, expressed in the word" (on the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls")

Relevance This work is determined by the need to follow, what path prefers the main character of P. I. Chichikov, when the Motherland is placed on the expanses in search of his way.

That's whypurpose The study is the desire to know what values \u200b\u200bthe word "road" is used in the poem "Dead Souls"

To achieve this goal it was necessary to solve the followingtasks :

1. To explore semantics, etymology, phraseological, stylistic, communicative and other properties of this word.

2. Find out how many values \u200b\u200bhas the word "road" in the poem

3. Find out how many values \u200b\u200bof this word are familiar with students of 9th grades

4. Create a booklet value of this word in the poem.

Scientific novelty The work is that the literature does not present a complete study of this word in all the meanings used by the author.

Hypothesis: If you consider, in what values \u200b\u200bthe word "road" is used, then you can see that readers do not always understand the symbolic meaning of this word and its impact on the development of events, then you can change the relationship to words and increase the culture of reading the work.

This research work contains the following stages of the study: the choice of the topic, the formulation of the goal and objectives, collecting material, the generalization of the data obtained, identifying patterns, summarizing the results of work, the creation of applications.

Speaking O.practical The value of work should be noted that it is quite large, since the conclusions can help not only the better understanding of the poem "Dead Souls", but an understanding of other works that will be studied in the future.

In my work, I will focus on the study of the meaningful words, which will undoubtedly help better understand the work, comprehend the skill and talent of the writer.

This material can be used in the educational process in the literature lessons, to expand its knowledge about the era of Gogol, when preparing messages, abstracts.

Methods : Scientific research, work with critical literature, analytical reading, language observation

Object of study : Poem N.V.Gogol "Dead souls The facts obtained as a result of the analysis of the work.

Chapter I. . Theoretical material about the word "road"

1.1 Word "Road" - Word in the literature of the 19th century .

You can bring numerous examples of works in which the image of a person's life is comprehended as the passage of a certain road path. The most vividly metaphorical meaning of this concept is revealed in the poems of E. Baratynsky "Road of Life" and A. Pushkin "Treag of Life", in which movement on the way of life is accompanied by non-returnable losses and disappointments; By purchasing life experience, a person breaks up with dreams and semissions of youth, pays for him with his best hopes ("... and we pay the ways of life with us"). Gogol in the poem "Dead Souls" continues the development of the universal meaning of the "road", but at the same time enriches semantic interpretation, the peculiarities of the embodiment, meaningful, capacity.

1.2 Etymology of the word "road"

Road. The general Slavonic word, unexpectedly related to such words, like a tree or turne, because formed from the same basis asdor. - "Cleaning place", and goes back to the verbditra - "Dry" (see ).

Comes from Indo-Euchroop. * Dorgh- (connected with twink and means "space proficient in the forest"); From here, along with Russian.road : Rusk.-church.-Slav. The genius "Edge", Ukr.road , Bulge. Daroga, Serbsk.-Church. Drag "Valley", Serboorv. drag, Slovensk. DRÁGA "Rasp, Loschina", Dr.-Cesk. DRÁHA "road ", Polish. DROGA "road ", V.-Luzh. Dróha "Trail,road , Street, "N.-Luzh. DROGA "Street".

Lexical meaning of the word road

1. Earth band, intended for movement, message path.Asphalt, highway, primer, seeking road. (The dirt road between large or distant settlements; outdated). Roadside road. On the road.

2. The place for which you have to go or drive, the path of the following.On the way to home. Get off from the road (also portable: the same, what to get down on the way) to give the way to someone. ( let go travel; Also portable: to give the opportunity to grow, develop someone).Open the road to someone somewhere (Portable: to give the opportunity to grow, promote in someany area). To stand on someone else's road or become a crossway to someone (portable: to interfere, to prevent someone in something).

3. Journey, staying on the way. There was a lot of interesting on the road. Tired of the road.

4. Turn. An image of action, activity. Labor - the road to success. Be on a good (bad, faithful) road.

Looking into the dictionary, it can be found that the word "road" is almost absolute synonym for the word "path". The difference lies only in thin, barely catchy shades. The path has a general abstract value. The road is more specific. In the description of the Travel Chichikova, the author uses the subject value of the road in the "dead souls" - the word is multi-valued. -

1.3 Synonyms words

Synonyms for the word road

path (1) - Road, Route

journey(Road, trip, path)

access(approach, approach, passage, move)

footpath, tract (statute), highway, highway


path (-dogogo), pavement, path, path, path, highway, track, rig, line; Street, sidewalk, intersection, crossroads, crossroads, proska, alley, canvas, parcels, ocean; for what; method; Path-Road, Steel Pursuit, Steel Highway, Steel Way, Automatic Training, Stogn, Access, Tram, Tract, Erlift, Auto Train, Self-Proper, Expedition, Konka, Cutton, Bolshak, Washing Board, Stroke, Cruise, Access, Ride, Approach, Weresthen, Chernotrop, Mainstroke, Turn, approach, concrete, road road, ledger, passage, voyage, travel, motorway, aerolift, approach, artery, swimming, campaign, road, grader, narrow scene, bias, tarmaacadam, halters, road path , winter, referee, countryside, rocada, travel, run, serpentine

Antonyms for the word road


1. The absence or insufficient number of comfortable, comfortable roads. Because of the off-road, do not pass or drive.


1. The period of early spring or late autumn, when ground roads become neurotic from melting snow, rains, etc. Russed on the road to the most dissolve.

2. The condition of the road at this time; off-road. Come on a loyalty.


1. Places overgrown with dense impassable forest. A deaf out of availability; Wilderness Forest Debrist.

1. 3 means of movement of the heroes of the poem.

In order to expand our ideas about the means of movement of heroes, pay attention to what they are traveling

British of the main character is very important. Chikchikhikha Hero Path, and Brica - his house. This subject detail, being, one of Chichikov's image, plays a large plot role: There are many episodes and plot turns of the poems that are motivated with a bicker. Not only is Chichikov travels in her, that is, thanks to her, it is possible to the plot of travel; BRAKE Motivates the appearance of Selifan characters and three horses; Thanks to her, it is possible to escape from the nostroid (that is, the BRACK helps Chichikov); The bridge faces the governor's daughter's carriage and thus the lyrical motive is introduced, and at the end of the Poem Chichiki even appears as a kidney of the governor's daughter. BRIKA - Live character: She is endowed with her own will and sometimes he does not listen to Chichikov and Selifana, goes to his way and at the end pumped out the saddle in impassive dirt - so the hero does not fall into the box, who meets his tender words:, Eh, father My, but you have, like a borov, the whole back and side in the mud! Where did it famous for it?, In addition, a bridge as it is determined by the ring composition of the first volume: the poem opens with a conversation of two men about how firmly the wheel of the brush, and ends the breakdown of the very wheel, because of which Chikchiku has to stay in the city.

Do not accidentally go to the carriage of the governor's daughter. Coach - a large indoor four-wheeled carriage on the springs.

Road accident - collision of crews, the first meeting with the governor's daughter:

"Everything, not excluding the same Kucher himself, was sensed and woke up only when on themskakakala a stroller with a monotherb horse and almost over the heads there was a cry who was sitting in a stroller ladies, a break and threat of someone else's kucher ... ... and left againroad, Brica, Troika familiar to the reader of horses, Selifan, Chichikov, smooth and emptiness of the surrounding fields. "

Chichikov travels around the city in prosecutor's trees - from the ball with the governor to the hotel: "Chikchiki himself, he himself, that he began to unleash too much, asked the crew and took advantage of prosecutory trees ... Thus, he had reached the hotel at the prosecutor's trees. .. "

The box arrives in the city:

"... in remote streets and streets of the city rattled a very strange crew, who appeared about his name ... Horses then fell on the forefronts, because they were not accompanied, and moreover, as you can see, the late city pavement was a little Familiar. Kolymaga, who made several turns from the street into the street, finally turned into a dark alley by a small parish church of Nikola on non-notching and stopped in front of the gate of the Protopope's house. " What is the excellent feature of the landowner box!

A pleasant lady rides with news to the lady pleasant in all respects.

Laki immediately slammed the lady to the doors, threw the steps and, grabbed the belts behind the carriage, shouted to the Kumor: "She went!" ... She looked out from the window from the window and saw, to the unspecified annoyance that he still had half a random. " The bright image creates the framework of everything first.

- Bracket appears on the first page:

The hotel's gate of the provincial city of Nn drove a rather beautiful spring brush, in which bachelor go ... - At the end of the I volume, the image is transformed into a metaphorical "Troika bird":

The horses stirred and suffered as a simple bricch ... Troika then took off on the hillock, it rushed in spirit from the hillock ... "

Chapter II. The image of the road, expressed in the word

2.1 Road as a message path

One of the values \u200b\u200bof the word "road" is the path of the message: in the post country roads goes in his Bicke Chichiki: "To the right," said the man. - It will be the road to Manilovka; And there is no zamanilovka. She is called, that is, her penetment Manilovka, but there is no tampering here. There, right on the mountain you will see a house, stone, in two floors, the Lord's house, in which, that is, Litters himself lives. This is why Manilovka, and there is no damnikov at all here.

Let's go to find Manilovka. Having passed two versts, we met a turn on a country road, but two, and three, and four versts seem to have done, and the stone house in two floors was still not visible. Here the Chichiki remembered that if the buddy invites him to the village for fifteen miles, it means that there are thirty thirty to her.

« But Selifan could not remember, two or three turn drove. Considering and reclamation of a few way, he guessed that there was a lot of turns that everyone missed it by "; A narrow band of the Earth intended for movement: "And the chichotists in the satisfied position of the Spirit sat in his BRICH, which had long been in a pillaby road"; The view of the location, which opened the gaze passing: "... He took up only one expensive, looked only to the right and left ..."

2.2 Metaphoric image of the road as a human life path

The road in the "dead souls" is the word multivalued. But in relation to the active character, it has a specific meaning used to designate the distance he overcomes and thus approaching its goal. Chichiki experienced pleasant moments before each trip. Similar sensations are familiar with whose common activities are not related to the roads and moves. The author emphasizes that the hero-adventurist is the upcoming trip inspires. He sees that the road is heavy and bumpy, but he is ready to overcome it, as well as other obstacles on his life path. - the image of the road, confusing, running in the wilderness, not leading, only a circling traveler, is a symbol of a fraudulent path, the unrighteous goals of the main character of Chichikov's road, which took place at different angles and the N-Sove way.

2.3 The value of a certain time.

The image of the road acquires a metaphorical meaning. It is equivalent to the life path of man. After all, living life, a person becomes different. He pays for life experience with his best hopes. The author warns young: "Everything is like the truth, everything can be done with a person: Take the same way to the path, leaving the soft youthful years in the harsh faster courage, take all human movements with them, do not leave them on the road: do not fit! Grazing, terrible middle ahead, and nothing gives back and forth! The grave of her mercy, on the grave, beats: a man is buried here! But you will not read anything in the cold, insensitive featuresinhuman old age. All the best in life is connected with youth and no need to forget about it, as the heroes did. They lost human and could not find it later

2.4 Road as the topic of the Russian nation - hero

The image of the people is associated with the way road.

What will this immense obstacle prophesate? Is there a lawless thought in you, when you yourself without end? Is it not to be herself here when there is a place where to turn around and go to him?

"Eh, Troika! Bird Troika, who invented you? To know, at the Boyky People, you could only be born in that land that he doesn't like to joke, and even smoothly was placed on half a hundred, and they go to consider the versts until it shakes you into the eyes ... lively alive, with one ax, and chokol, Equipped and gathered you Yaroslavsky milled man. Not in German boots, the rocket: a beard and mittens, and sits the hell knows what; And I highlighted, yes swung, yes delayed the song - horses swirl, the knitting needles in the wheels were mixed into one smooth circle, just shook the road, but cried in the fright who stopped a pedestrian! And she rushed, rushed, rushed! .. "

2.5 The road as the path of human development.

« Evasion from truth, "from the direct path is another turn of the topic. "Straight" and "curve" road in the artistic consciousness of Gogol antithesis, determining those moral coordinates, with the help of which it will relate the actual and perfect way as one person and all mankind: "What are curved, deaf, narrow, impassable, in The side of the road chose humanity, seeking to achieve eternal truth, whereas the straight path was opened in front of him ... And how many times already induced with heaven with the heavens, they were able to recoil and get down to the side, able to get to the abyss so that with horror Ask each other: Where is the way out? Where is the road? "

2.6 Creative Road of the author's artist about different types of writers

But the road is not only a "life of a person", but also the process of creativity, calling for a tireless writing work

Lyrical reasoning about two types of writers Gogol precedes comparison associated with the road.Gogol compares two paths chosen by writers. One chooses the path that is beaten, on which he is waiting for glory, honors, applause. "The Great World Poet refers to him, soaring high above all the geniuses of the world ..." But "there is no mercy of fate" for those writers who chose a completely different way: they dare to call out everything, "What is every minute before the eyes and that do not be indifferent The eyes are all the terrible, stunning Tin of the little things, entangled by our life, the whole depth of cold, fragmented, everyday characters, which our earthly, is sometimes bitter and boring road ... "Surgo, such a writer, because it does not understand the indifferent crowd, He is doomed to loneliness. Gogol believes that the labor of this writer is noble, honest, high. And he himself is ready to go hand over his hand with such writers, "To look around the whole huge life, to look around her through the visible laughter and invisible, unknown tears to him

2.7 Life road on which the writer meets the heroes of his works

The image of the road helps to reveal the characteristics of the landowners.

Each meeting with the landowner is preceded by a description of the road, estate. For example, as describes Gogol, the path to Manilovka describes: "After driving two versts, we met a turn on a country road, but already two, and three, and four versts seem to have done, and the stone house in two floors was still not visible. Here Chichikov remembered that if the buddy invites him to the village for fifteen miles, it means that there is a vert of thirty. " The road in the village of Plushkin directly characterizes the landowner: "He (Chichikov) did not notice how he drove into the middle of an extensive village with a lot of wilds and streets. Soon, however, he gave him to notice this interlegal push, produced by a log pavement, in front of which the city stone was nothing. These logs, like piano keys, have risen that up, then down, and the needed ride has acquired or a bump on the back of the head, or a blue spot on the forehead ... some special imperiousness noticed on all rustic buildings ... "

2. 8 High symbolic value of the path of the Motherland

The topic of the road in this work is inextricably linked with the fate of Russia. It is not by chance that at the end of the first volume instead of the carrying bright Brick Chichikov suddenly appears the symbolic image of the "Birds-Troika", which personifies the path of development of Russia on a global scale. Its rapid flight is opposed to a monotonous mug of Chichikov's Brush from the landowner to the landowner. The author calls the "Troika bird" by a brought, "rich", bearing forward, because he sees exactly the formation of Russia internationally. In the image of the bird-triple, carrying ahead, the love of the writer to his homeland and faith in its inexhaustible forces were expressed.

2.9 Expendables forward, greatness of Russia

In the last chapter of the first volume, the author talks about the fate of the Motherland. Rus he compares with a brine, which is impossible to overtake. Under it smokes the road and ram bridges, and, asleep, face and give her the way other nations ...

"Rus-Troika Eh, Troika! Bird Troika, who invented you? To know, you could only be born at the mortgage people, in that land that he does not like to joke, and even smoothly was placed on half a hundred, and they go to count the versts until it fell into the eyes of the eyes and you, Rus, that the wipe rigging Troika wear? Smoke smoke under you the road, ram bridges, everything is lagging behind and stays behind. Eh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Will the vortices sit in your maneers? Does the ear burn in any of your alkalo? I heard a familiar song from the embroidered, and the copper breasts strained together and, almost not touch the ground with the hooves, turned into some elongated lines flying through the air, and the whole inspired by God rushes! .. Rus, where are you going? Give an answer. Does not answer. A wonderful ringing is poured a bell; rattling and becomes the wind torn in pieces of air; It flies past everything that neither is on the earth, and, asleep, are focused and give her other nations and states. "

2.10 The road as a composite reception, which connects the head of the work.

The road is one of the spatial forms of connecting text. All heroes are divided into the road, the directed, which have a goal, moving and aimless. The person is alive only when he moves forward. Secondly, the image of the road performs the feature of the characteristics of landowners, which is visited by one by one chischik. Each meeting with the landowner is preceded by a description of the road, estate. For example, as describes Gogol, the path to Manilovka describes: "After driving two versts, we met a turn on a country road, but already two, and three, and four versts seem to have done, and the stone house in two floors was still not visible. The road in the village of Plushkin directly characterizes the landowner: "He (Chichikov) did not notice how he drove into the middle of an extensive village with a lot of wilds and streets. Soon, however, he gave him to notice this interlegal push, produced by a log pavement, in front of which the city stone was nothing. These logs, like piano keys, have risen that up, then down, and the needed ride has acquired or a bump on the back of the head, or a blue spot on the forehead ... some special imperiousness noticed on all rustic buildings ... "

The road in the scene composition of the poem is a rod, the main canva. And in the creation of her image, the roles and characters, and things, and events play. Life continues while the road stretches. And the author will tell his story throughout the path.

2. 11 The main language means of expressiveness characteristic of the poetic language when describing the road.

Imagine some of them:

1. Poetic syntax;

a) rhetorical questions:

"And what Russian does not like quick ride?"

"But what incomprehensible, secret force entails you?"

b.) Rhetorical exclamation :

"Eh, horses, horses, what kind of horses!"

c) handling:

"Rus, where are you going?"

d) Anaphors:

"The versts fly, the merchants fly to order on the irradiations of their kibilities, flies on both sides of the forest with dark buildings of fir trees and pines, with an ax of a top shik and a crow, flies the whole road to the disappearance of the distance ..."

d) repetitions :

"His soul seeking to turn, thoroughly, say sometimes:" Damn everything! " - Doesn't you love her soul? Her does not love when something enthusiastic is heard in it? "It seems that an unknown force picked you on the wing to himself, and you are flying myself, and everything flies: the versts fly, the merchants fly to towards the irradiation of their kibita, flies on both sides. Forest with dark buildings of fir trees and pines, with an ax, and a crow, flies the whole road ...

e) rows of homogeneous members:

"And again, on both sides of the post-part path, they went again to write the versts, station caretakers, wells, bridges, gray villages with samovars, women and a brisk bearded owner ...."

g) gradation :

"What a strange, and mounted, and carrier, and wonderful in the word: road! As wonderful she herself, this road: Clear day, autumn leaves, cold air ... "

I heard a familiar song from the embroidered, and the copper breasts strained together and, almost not toupes with the hooves of the earth, turned into some elongated lines flying through the air, and the whole inspired by God rushes!

z.) Inversion :

"Rus! Rus! I see you from my wonderful, wonderful last see you ... "

G) Parcel: Eh, Troika! Bird Troika, who invented you? To know, you could only be born in the mortgage people, in that land that he does not like to joke, but even smoothly thoughtful on half a hundred, and they go to count the versts until it fell into the eyes. Eh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Will the vortices sit in your maneers? Does the ear burn in any of your alkalo? The contemplator struck by God's miracle: Is it not zipper dropped from the sky? What does it mean a horror movement? And what kind of unknown power is in the unknown light horses?

2. Paths:

Elimination The author appeals to the road, as a living being: "How many times I dying, grabbed for you, and every time generously saved me!"the soul seeking to spin, thoroughly, say sometimes; the whole road flies;

Epitts metaphoric epithets: unknown force; inspired by God; torn in pieces of air; strained copper breasts; Topor knocks and a crow cry

Amplifying epithets which indicate a sign contained in the definable Word: "Are you not so, Russia, that a brisk-rigging troika rush?" (Ppm) - epithet briefly enhanced also epithet

Metaphor : How Saysuctively steal the Dunda ... What night is done in the embroidery ... nothing seduces the gaze ...


"Doesn't be herself here when there is a place where to turn around and walk to him?"

Comparison : Roads mocked how caught cancers

3. Lexical tools:

Spatrical : Know, the Boykone People could only be born ...; Not cunning, it seems, a road projectile; smoothly stated

Synonyms: Split, thug; Big rigony; lags and remains behind; ringing - song;

Antonyms : Sits - rushed; stopped - rushing; The contemplator is a span.

rushing, rushing, flies, flashes.

Antithesis "Straight" and "curve" road

Phraseologism: Bird Troika

Chapter III

Results of research

"Rus, where are you going?" - Here is a question that was disturbed by the writer, because in his soul there lived a limitless love for Russia. He believed in Russia, in her bright future.

Each value of the road in Gogol serves as a certain intention of the Great Master. It is diverse and multifunctional, which allows you to achieve the desired effect. Gogol artist did an impossible in his poem. He forced time and man to move forward, the road has yy values \u200b\u200bin the poem. Few writers succeeded. It is no coincidence that used this word 237 times in the poem.

The road is something exalted penetrated by Gogol patriotism, admiring Solu Rus - the people. Roads are also the question of the future. The path is a reality, this is what chicter passed through, and that he had to go through. This is how much meant for the author of the "Dead Souls" image of the road. He not only permeates the whole poem, revealing his various faces, but also passes from a artistic work in real life, to then return from reality into the world of fiction.

The road is an artistic image and part of the Gogol biography.

The road is a source of change, life and austerity in a difficult moment.

The road is both the ability to work, and the ability to know the true ("straight" path of the person and all mankind, and the hope that such a way will be able to open contemporaries. Hope, which Gogol passionately sought to keep until the end of his life.

Here is a comprehensive word - "Road"


Based on the study, we made a diagram

among students of the 9th grade to identify the symbolic meaning of the word "road" in the poem and came to the conclusion that is presented in the diagram.

The purpose of the study was to present the importance of using the word "road" in the poem "Dead Souls". The goal can be considered achieved, since the tasks set:

2) The text is analyzed in terms of ambiguity of the word

1. Semantics, etymology, and other properties of this word have been studied.

2. Created a guide to the meaning of this word in the poem and is presented in an application-booklet.

The means of expressiveness are analyzed to convey different verges of the meaningfulness of the word "road".

Thus, the study of the author's meaning of the word "road", which permeates the entire artistic text of the poem "Dead Souls", showed various aspects of the topic and implies other, new, new, maybe deeper and deeper interpretations. Practical significance is that the results can be applied in school in the Russian language and literature.


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« What a strange, and having, and carrier, and wonderful in the word: road "

Think just like a lot

Values \u200b\u200bin the word road

The image of the road in the "Dead Souls". Help) and got the best answer

Answer from Elena Ladinina [Guru]
The poem "Dead Souls" begins with the description of the road bright; The main action of the main character is a journey. After all, only through the traveler hero, through his wanders it was possible to fulfill the global task: "Arriving all of Russia." The topic of the road, the journey of the main character has several functions in the poem.
First of all, this is a composite reception that connects the head of the work. Secondly, the image of the road performs the feature of the characteristics of landowners, which is visited by one by one chischik. Each meeting with the landowner is preceded by a description of the road, estate. For example, as describes Gogol, the path to Manilovka describes: "After driving two versts, we met a turn on a country road, but already two, and three, and four versts seem to have done, and the stone house in two floors was still not visible. Here Chichikov remembered that if the buddy invites him to the village for fifteen miles, it means that there is a vert of thirty. " The road in the village of Plushkin directly characterizes the landowner: "He (Chichikov) did not notice how he drove into the middle of the extensive village with a lot of wilds and streets. Soon, however, he gave him to notice this interlegal push, produced by a log pavement, in front of which the city stone was nothing. These logs, like piano keys, have risen that up, then down, and the needed ride has acquired or a bump on the back of the head, or a blue spot on the forehead ... Some special imperiousness noted on all rustic buildings ... "
In the seventh chapter of the poem, the author again turns to the image of the road, and here this image opens the lyrical retreat of the poem: "The traveler is happy, who after the long, boring road with its cold, sludge, mud, non-lethal stationary caretakers, bryakany the bells, fixes, smokers , the blacksmiths and all kinds of road scoundrels finally seen the familiar roof with the lights that are carrying ones ... "Next Gogol compares two paths chosen by writers. One chooses the path that is beaten, on which he is waiting for glory, honors, applause. "The great world poet is called him, soaring high above all the geniuses of the world ..." But "there is no mercy of fate" for those writers who chose a completely different way: they dare to call out everything, "What is every minute before the eyes and that do not be indifferent The eyes are all the terrible, stunning Tin of the little things, entangled by our life, the whole depth of cold, fragmented, everyday characters, which our earthly, is sometimes bitter and boring road ... "Surgo, such a writer, because it does not understand the indifferent crowd, He is doomed to loneliness. Gogol believes that the labor of this writer is noble, honest, high. And he himself is ready to go hand over his hand with such writers, "It's overwhelming the whole huge life, to look around her through the visible laughter and invisible, unknown tears to him." In this lyrical retreat, the topic of the road grows up to a deep philosophical generalization: the choice of field, paths, vocation. The product is completed by the poetic generalization - the way flying the bird-triple, which is the symbol of the whole country. The problems affected by Gogol in the poem - it's not a specific question, and only in the final lines of the first volume of the "dead souls" clearly and clearly sounds: "... Russia, where are you going? "And we understand that for the author Rus is a triple, carrying on the way of life. And life is the same way, endless, unknown, with tops and drops, deadlocks, then good, then bad, then solid dirt, without beginning and end. In the "dead souls" the topic of the road is the main philosophical topic, and all the rest of the story is only an illustration to the thesis "Road is life." Completes Gogol to the poem with a generalization: he passes from the life path of a separate person to the historical path of the state, revealing their amazing similarity.

Answer from 2 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: image of the road in the "dead souls". Help)

Answer from Alexey Berdnikov[newcomer]
"On the road! On the road! .. at once and suddenly you will seem to life with all her silent crackles and puments ..." - so ends Gogol one of the most heartfelt and deep philosophical lyrical deviations in the "Dead Souls" poem. The motive of the road, paths, movements more than once arises on the pages of the poem. This image is multicotted and very symbolized.
The movement of the main hero of the poem in space, his journey along the roads of Russia, meetings with landowners, officials, peasants and city orders add up to us in a wide picture of Russia's life.
The image of the road confusing, running in the wilderness, not leading anywhere, only a circling traveler, is a symbol of a fraudulent path, the unrighteous goals of the main character. Next to Chichikov, it is invisible, then leaving the first plan there is another traveler - this is the writer himself. We read His replicues: "The hotel was ... famous kind ...", "What are these common halls - every passing knows very well,", "the city did not infuriate to other provincial cities" etc., Gogol is not Only emphasizes the typicity of the pictures of the phenomena, but also gives us to understand that the invisible hero, the author, is also familiar with them.
However, he considers it necessary to emphasize the incomprehension of the assessment of the surrounding reality by these heroes. The wretched atmosphere of the hotel, receptions from urban officials, favorable deals with the landowners are quite satisfied with Chichikov, and the author cause undisguised irony. When events and phenomena reaches the peak of the disgrace, the author's laughter reaches the top of mercility.
The reverse side of Gogol Satira is a lyrical beginning, the desire to see a person perfect, and the homeland is a mighty and prosperous. Differently perceive the road with different heroes. Chichiki is a pleasure from fast driving ("And what Russian does not like quick ride?"), It can admire the wonderful stranger ("Opening a tobacco and who smelted tobacco," says: "Nice Boyflika!"). But more often he marks the "thrusting force" of the pavement, rejoices with a soft ride on a dirt road or a dormant. Magnificent landscapes, rushing in front of his eyes, do not cause special thoughts. The author is also not seen seen: "Rus! Rus! I see you, from my wonderful, beautifully far away I see: Poor, scattered and uncompretable in you ... Nothing sends and will not charm the gaze." But at the same time, for him there is a strange, and having, and carrier, and wonderful in the Word: Road! ". The road awakens the thought of the Motherland, about the purpose of the writer: "How many wonderful ideas were born in you, poetic dreams, how many wondered impressions! ..."
The real road for which the chischik is rifled by turning the author to the way of the road as a life path. "In any case, he should not quarrel with his hero: it's not enough path and the road will have to go together in hand ..." This Gogol indicates the symbolic unity of two approaches to the road, their mutual addition and Mutual.
The Road Chichikova, who passed through different corners and the catches of the N-Skoy province, as if emphasizes his vigorous and false life path. At the same time, the path of the author, which he performs with Chichikov, symbolizes the harsh thorny, but the glorious path of the writer, preaching "love by a hostile word of denial."
The real road in the "dead souls", with her ughabs, bumps, mud, barriers, displetened bridges, grows to the symbol of "hugely carrying life", the symbol of the historical path of Russia.
On the pages ending the 1st volume, instead of the Chichikovskaya Troika, there is a generalized image of a bird-triple, which is then replaced by the bearing, "Inspirational God" of Russia. This time she is on the true path, therefore, the Zamuzgan Chichikovsky crew is transformed - a symbol of free, who has acquired the living soul of Russia.

Re-reading the classics.

E.N. Proskurin

House and road in the poem Gogol "Dead Souls"

The road and the space adjacent to it in its Russian manifold (fields, forests, villages, the provincial city) is such a topography of the "dead souls". We will be interested in the relationship of the road and at home.

According to the point of view established in the sprinkle, the road belongs to the leading place in the poem. She asks the genre features of the work, tying him with a romance-journey, as well as with an adventurous novel, she is the starting point of the author's lyrical thought, in a narrative plan the road is a link between the settlements in which, according to the writer's plan, it is necessary to be the chief hero Chichiku, etc. However, the house in the poem owns no less place, at least in terms of the frequency of the appeal of Gogol to the image of a different kind of landlord. It is fundamentally important and the fact that the main goal of Chichikov is to get a house, family, offspring. The "fantastic" "vesion" by them is not more than a means to achieve this goal. At the same time, the method of implementing the adventures with the "dead souls" is possible for the hero only through his personal contacts with landowners - the owners of the serfs. That is, the "road" is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bChichikov, it is necessary to enter into relationships with the objective, and therefore, by the advantage, a closed type of life, to be introduced into it and, causing trust, subordinate to himself.

However, despite the fact that the house in the "dead souls" is located in the Okol Trodnaya space1, that is, it would seem, should be susceptible to the trends of the road, after acquaintance with the Chikima "Road" idea, it shows sustainability towards it, and each in His kind.

So, the house of Manilova is located in several versts from the post road, "on Yuura ...

1 The most distant from the pole road, which moves the chicters, the topographic point is the house box. Located somewhere in an hour's ride ride of the Chichiki Bush on the "bad", which is rained land, he is perceived by the hero as "wilderness". We suggested us the time can be established by indirect instructions available in Gogol text: after a rapid night, the chisters woke up in the house of the box at ten o'clock. A difficult conversation with a "distinth" hostess, an abundant meal with pancakes, a pie with an egg, the time for booking the brush certainly occupied at least an hour. And at noon, the Chichikovsky crew was already on the main road.

Elena Nikolaevna Proskurin - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Sector of Literary Sciences Institute of Philology SB RAS.

open all winds "2. This "openness", symbolizing, at first glance, the perception of the owner to everything new, in fact, manifests itself no more than in the arrangement of the estate in the English manner and in the exotic names of his sons: themistocleus and alkid. Out of this "mixture" of English with Greek, the case is moving with difficulty: the Chichikovskiy offer to "convey, give up" to him "dead peasants" does not fit in the head of Manilov. Hearing "such strange and extraordinary things, what else did human ears ever heard" (19s), he "took out the instance of the Chubuk with a tube on the floor and how his mouth was risen, and remained with an open mouth in continuation of a few minutes" (196); "Finally ... lifted the phone with a lettuce and looked at the bottom of him [Chichiku] in the face, trying to inspect whether it was not visible to his smile on his lips, if he was joked" (196); "Then he thought, did not sleep anything wrong with the mind" (196). In continuation of the further conversation of Manilaov "confused", "prevents", "is completely lost" and calms down only after Chikchikova's assurances are that the duty for him is "the sacred business" and he "is not the law" (197). At the same time, however, "in the sense of the case himself, he still does not in any way." (197), but was "mentally" glad that "delivered a small pleasure to his guest" (199). "Pleasure" was the fact that Manilov did not take money from Chichikov for his "fantastic desire" and even took over the registration of the bug. That is, the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal benefit from the Chichikovsky enterprise also turned out to be Manilov inaccessible. And after the departure Chichikov, he again looked to reflections familiar to him:

"He thought about the well-being of a friendly life, about how well it was to live with a friend on the shore of any river, then through this river he began to build a bridge, then a huge house with such a high Belvedere, which can be seen from there even Moscow and There, drink tea in the evening outdoors and argue about any pleasant items ... The strange request, Chichikov interrupted all his dreams. The thought about her somehow did not particularly cooked in his head: no matter how he turned her, but he could not explain to himself, and he sat down and smoked the phone that stretched to the dinner himself "(199-200).

From the above examples can be seen, firstly, that the Chichikovsky idea, which

2 Gogol N. Dead souls // Gogol N. Selected Works: in 2 tons. T. 2. M., 1984. P. 186. Further, quotes from the text are given on this edition with the pages in brackets. Italics in my quotations - E.P.

nilov defined for himself as "unheard of" and "fantastic," and did not penetrate his consciousness, and secondly, she did not affect his established type of life, only gave a new reason for long rapid thoughtful.

Arrival to Nozdreva3 was not supported for Chichikov any road problems. Perhaps because he was driving with the nostril himself, which means that the road could not be thought and did not cope; And perhaps the fact that the Nosdreskaya village with a Baro house was located right at the main road. In any case, the hero goes "meanwhile", as if led by copyright reflections on the nosrevsky "type", that is, without difficulty, as if by the way, and from there, frightened by the reception of Nozdrev, jumps immediately "in the whole spirit", " All gapped. "

It should be noted that the housing itself is not much like a private space and is more suitable for the concept of "house at the road" 4, where the owner is ready to bring any, even an almost unfamiliar person, if only it was possible to realize his own "weakness and a breechness of character." In this regard, the nosd-roar belongs to the "road" type of people even more than chikchiki, for his adventurism is, it is possible to say, the state of the soul, while Chichikov's adventurism is more infusing vitality. The result of its company the latter sees the home of the hearth, while Nozder has no at least some idea of \u200b\u200ba personal future. Therefore, it is not at all by chance (and not at all unreasonable, as we know) Chichiki felt a danger in nostril destructiveness for his "case".

As for the nosdrevskaya reaction to Chichikovskaya "Nezenia", it fully corresponds to the type of character character. Nozdrev no more Manilov understands the essence of the Chichikovsky enterprise ("What do you think about you?" For these limits, his questions about dead souls do not go out), but feels some kind of considerable interest ("Well I really, I started something. Advance that "(231)) and by virtue of personal adventurism, as well as because of the card loss, it is trying to squeeze out of the idea of \u200b\u200bhis guest's own benefit: sells chikchikov everything that can be sold (horses, puppies, scarmer ...), starts to beat him in the cards, in checkers. That is, he wants to inflate Chichikova just as he poured to him many spaces, but at the same time, which is fundamentally important,

3 In this work, in connection with its own research tasks, we violate the sequence of visits to chikchiki landlords.

4 On the peculiarities of the "House of the Road" model, see: Proskurina E.N. Motive house at the road in the Russian literature of the X1X-twentieth centuries // Plots and motives of Russian literature. Materials to the dictionary of scenes and motives of Russian literature. Vol. 5. Collection of scientific papers. Novosibirsk, 2002. P. 148-171.

those methods that are included in the category of traditional "Barsky" entertainment. When his undertaking is not possible, the nostrils also use the habitual reception: trying to beat his guest by the forces of the yard people. And only the unexpected visit of the gendarmes prevents his venture. It should be noted that the type of behavior of the nostroid in the scene with chikchikov (inability to dwell on the subject of the conversation, jumping from one to another, etc.), with all the external decisions of its actions, indicates that he has more fun here, so to speak, Techite " The breedness of character "than carries out a commercial deal.

Thus, as well as Manilan, the nozzles after acquaintance with the Chikima idea remains faithful to himself. Despite the seeming interest, the idea of \u200b\u200bhis personal gain is truly as if it does not capture. And, it seems, by virtue of the same reason as Manilov: too unusual, "dear", that is, alien, it seems to him, with all his "weakness", the thought of the sale of "dead souls", and, without understanding How to treat it, he does not take it seriously. Although it does not work out here without the fact that the own unbridled nature, which is called, begins to beat the Nozdrev over the edge, and in passing, he misses the real possible possibility of extracting, albeit a small, sum of money in which not for a joke.

In the village of Plushkin, which in the poem is represented as "an extensive village with many of the Lords and streets" (258), Chikima falls invisible for themselves. It can be assumed that it is located in the immediate vicinity of the post road, otherwise they would be given itself to know the country inconvenience, like that "Interrogal impetus" on the log village of the village bridge, which brought out of the roads to our hero. The Plushkin's house was over several turns from the road, "where the cambage chain was interrupted and there was a wasteland of a vegetable garden or a cabbage, an obscured lowland, in some places I am broken by Correcto." (259). With such a common roadside position, however, both the village itself and the landowner's house leave the highest impression of sharpness, abandonment, destruction. The trends of the road associated with dynamism, changes, novelty, are not perfectly noticeable here. The location of Plushkin's house: on the wasteland, "where the wrong chain was interrupted", that is, in the farthest of the road, the point in this regard is undoubtedly symbolic.

The first reaction of Plushin on the Chichikovskih proposal almost coincides with the reaction of Manilov: "He, having staring his eyes, watched a long time" (267) on his guest, without comparing the creatures of his ideas. But completely calmed down after

rhenium Chichikova, that he is "ready for a loss" exclusively for the "pleasure" of the "honorable, kind old man." Such an almost children's naivety, which opened by the suspect of everyone and the whole plush, is once again talking about exclusivity, none-on-no-not-similar to the Chichik enterprise. However, after an unexpected guest takes "to his account" "even the costs of the bumpeakers," Plushkin immediately concludes that he "should be completely stupid ... With all that, however, however, he could not hide his joy .. . After that, he began ... to watch suspiciously on Chichikov. The features of such an extraordinary generosity began to seem incredible. " (268-269). All this complex Plushkin feelings palette testifies to one thing: absolute incomprehensibility for it is the meaning of the acquisition of dead souls.

Less than everyone surprised by the Chichikovsky proposal of Sobesevich. His reaction is extremely laconic and Delova: "Do you need dead souls? ... please, I am ready to sell ... "(250). At the same time, he climbs such a fabulously high price for them that the response to her Chichikov is akin to the one that shifts manilas or plush in relation to the subject of the bargaining:

"- in stu! - cried chischikov, having crushed her mouth and glancing to him [Self] in the very eyes, not knowing whether he heard himself, or the language of the companion in his hard nature, not so blinking, grunted instead of one other word "(250).

At the same time, however, Sobashevich no more than others understand the creature of the Chichikovskaya Vainya. He only "matches" that "the bidder, right, should have some benefit here" (250), and in the process of bargaining to the replica Chichikov about his "subject": "What is it worth? Who needs",

The vague philosophically answers: "Yes, here you buy, it became necessary" (252). And by virtue of personal "businesslikeness", trying to beat the maximum benefit for itself. However, this benefit is so to speak, one time. Chichikov in the House-Fortress of Sobevich - a pilot bird. As arrived - and left, leaving the owner in the same hermetically space in which he has everded that all his life. The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking trading dead peasants with its permanent "fishery", does not even arise in the head of the companion.

Attention should also be paid to the location of the house of this landowner. First, his village of Chichikov saw himself from the road. Also, the house located in the middle of the village was noticed immediately. When Chichikov leaves the estate of the companion, he turns "to the peasant sinks. So that the crew cannot be seen from the Lord" (256). That is, the postal road is well visible from the porch of the house of the Sobevich, that in this case it is not at all desirable chikchiku, intending

i will apply a pryskine visit. Therefore, he is forced to go to the detour.

Thus, in all cases we have given, the presented house is either in relative or in close proximity to the road. At the same time, however, the road has not yet been introduced and throughout the plot is not being introduced into the lifestyle of the landowners. Such different types of life supports, which are presented in Gogol Poem, are possible only in the case of isolation, the extreme privacy of the housekeeping. That is the road for Gogol landlords

Not more than a means of communication with the provincial city, while the relationship, by no means unwinding hermetic space of their life. All other functions of the road in the poem are either relate to the copyright plan, or are associated with the main hero.

Here, however, it should be specially highlighted on this character as a box, for it is to be, so to say, to knock off the "Meniation" of Chichikov. The hint of this feature of the character is concluded in the very history of the appearance of the hero at the door of the house of the box, where, having gotten up from the way during a thunderstorm, he captures Selifan's duplicate. The full name itself: Nastasya Petrovna box - has a sense-forming value in terms of the scene characteristic of the heroine: there is a double marking of the limiting closure of its consciousness and lifestyle. So, if Mikhailo Seed, Mikhailo Ivanovich, Mikhail Potapych, usually the name of the bear, then Nastasya Petrovna in them - the name of the Major. About "bearish", that is, the heavy, burgral life service of Mikhail Semenovich Sobesevich is repeatedly referred to in Gogol's work. The hint of the same type of housekeeping, only with an even greater degree of closure (remember that the house of the box occupies the furthest position from the road. See approx. 1 to this article), contains both the name of the heroine and its unusual last name.

However, there is no one else, as a box living in the "wilderness", with her inaccessible mind, is to destroy the plans of Chichikov. It is she who is the only one of all the heroes of the poem (however, as they, without understanding anything in the sense of the transaction itself), it is seriously afraid to guess in it, for what reason and chooses from their "villages" and goes to the city to find out, "how much go Dead souls and whether she missed, God, savor, to sell them, maybe, Scholdyshev "(311).

Thus, the Korbokorn "Bubble-Covery" turns out to be akin to Chichikovskaya Moenkalka (a hint of the relationship of these characters is contained in the episode of their morning conversation:

"And let me know your last name. I'm so confused. I arrived at night.

Box, college secretary.

Fuely thank you. And name and patronymic?

Nastasya Petrovna.

Nastasya Petrovna? Good name Nastasya Petrovna. I have a native aunt, my mother's sister, Nastasya Petrovna "(208)).

It is more than other "sellers", implements their interest here, performs its own "denomination." Moreover, a box suspects a certain reusable project in the Chichikovskaya idea, which is able to become one of the articles of its constant income ("right, this is such an inexperienced widower! Better I'll talk a little longer, perhaps the merchant, but applied to prices (211)). The benefit of Chichikov is not interested in it in this case, yes, and it's impossible for her mind, as evidenced by the scene of their bargaining. It is important for her first of all to not guess. It was the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal long-term benefits, stated in a conversation about state-term contracts, forces her to move from his own "wilderness" to the city "For a long time". It can be said that here the road "succeeds" to break the living space of the character, and even one that seems to be less than any other than any other changes.

A new "road" of Chichikov's created by the box, created by the box, conflicts Chichikov and the result destroys his plans. Thus, there is a transition of a heroine from one character of the characters - the characters of the house - to another: the characters of the road, which is now represented by three persions: Chikchikov, Nozdrey and Box. It is not by chance that this particular Trinity is assigned the main role at the end of the first volume of the poem. The complication of the "road" intrigue arising from the final events asks the ability to be new for the literature of the Gogolian period of the bourgeois in its essence of the conflict. And here in the text, or rather, in the subtext, the works arise new semantic intents associated with the motive of the road: in its sound appear "non-shuffle" to that sounds, detecting the possibilities of road chronotope as a dangerous space, fraught not only by positive changes, but also degradation , the destruction of the traditional lifeguard. Having aroused in the literature x1x century, in full force they will declare themselves in the literature of the century XX, which we have already had to write. In this semitly context, the Gogol House appears in a different Ipostasi for himself: as a space that opposes the destructive road and thereby acts as a stronghold and defender of original traditions.

As for the provincial city, after the revelations of the Nozdrev and the appearance of the box, he was in complete bewilderment. The meaning of the Chikchikovsky idea to his inaders is just as impossible as landowners:

5 See: Proskurina E.N. Decree. op.

"What is the parable, in fact, what is the parable of these dead souls? There is no logic in dead souls; How to buy dead souls? Where will the fool take it? And what blind money will he buy them? And at what end, what cause can these dead souls join? " (321) -

such was the reaction of the "inhabitants and officials of the city." As a result, the "Road" enterprise Chichikova brought them out of the usual carotid state: they all suddenly - in full compliance with the intrigue opened - were on the road:

"All Turiquians and Bayebaci got out of the holes, which were in-coiled in the coats for several years at home ... All those who have stopped all sorts of acquaintances ... In a word, it turned out that the city and Luden, and great, and inhabited . ... The streets appeared on the streets, unknown rules, rattles, chainsaws ... "(322).

The completion of this "road" the situation was the funeral of the prosecutor, which was released the whole city, lined up on foot, in cares and treated in an endless funeral procession, as if foreshadowed the completion of the established circle of life and the beginning of the following, coming with the arrival of a new governor-general and only intriguing His unknown.

However, such a "road" position was unusual for the inhabitants of the city N, because their lives still flowed in the atmosphere of "family education" and reminded the life of a big related home:

"Then everyone had a good people, lived among themselves in Lada, turned completely at a pleasant thing, and their conversations wore a stamp of some special simplicity and shortness:" Caverny friend Ilya Ilyich! ", Listen, Brother, Antipator Zhanharevich!" "You got together, Mommy, Ivan Grigorievich" ... in a word, everything was very familiar "(294).

In his city "family", the ordinary people were readily accepted by Chichikov, having decided to even marry him from his circle to make settlement in the city:

"No, Pavel Ivanovich! How do you want yourself, it comes out of the hut only to get out: on the threshold and back! No, you spend time with us! Here we are brought to you: is it not true, Ivan Grigorievich, marry him?

Bridegroom, groom! - picked up the chairman. - Oh, how do you touch your hands and legs, we are brought to you! No, father, got here, so do not complain ... "(290-291).

The word "father", with whom the chairman addresses Chikchiku, already says that he is introduced into the circle of the city "family", where everyone is called "brother", "friend", "mom", "father". After the consent of Chichikov to marry ("Why sort hands and feet," said, grinning, chikchiki,. Wasting bride "(291)) The chairman would happily rushes to him" in the outpouring heart "with the same related appeals:" Soul you are mine! My mammy! "" (291).

In such a "family" atmosphere, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe house truly masters the heart Chichikov, who "imagined himself already by the real Kherson landowner, spoke of different improvements: about three-field farms, about happiness and bliss of two souls" and even "began to read a message in vertery vertery To Charlotte "(291), unexpectedly resonating with" homemade "romantic citizens, where" Zhukovsky's chairman knew on the chamber ... And the masterfully read many places, especially: "Bor fell asleep, the valley sleeps" ... the mailmaster went down more In philosophy and read quite diligently, even at night, JunGs "Nights" and "Key to the sacraments of nature" EcCartSong, of which did very long extracts. " (294-295).

As you can see, the unhindered-easy inclusion of Chichikov in the circle of urban inarsts is due not only to his ability to like, the ability to mimicry and rumors about his million state, but also the inner readiness of Chichikov himself to become "its own."

At the same time, the provincial city, where the hero led the road, lives the lives that dozens of the same Russian provincial cities live: all the shortcomings of its inlays (theft, bribery, unscrupiance of officials, etc.) are typical for Russian life. Therefore, by taking Chichikov for "His", the inhabitants of the city see in it a typical "Mr. Middle Hand", that is, a clear, familiar, native in spirit and interests of man. A rumor about Chichikovsky millions only adds weight in society. The alienation of the hero from the circle of the city "family" does not occur due to the detection of its unscrupulousness, but when society fails to internally adapt the idea of \u200b\u200bacquiring dead souls.

As I remember, I can't get into consciousness, "what these dead souls could mean such dead" (317), the female half of the urban society agreed to the thoughts that "it's just fascinated only to cover, and this is what: he wants Take away the Governor's daughter "(318). In this purely female method of an alogichic explanation of incomprehensible - through the translating it into the area of \u200b\u200bthe usual - once again the thought is displayed about the unrestrain of the Chichikovsky idea itself. But since the danger of the governor's daughter's immune system is quite real, if you consider the Bachelor of Chikchikov and his readiness to marry, then the female part of society captured by this imaginary intrigue, including the governor who felt offended "as a family of a family as the first in the city of Dama" (323), immediately displays our hero from the category of people of their circle. As a result, the Swiss of the governor's house "Dan was

the strictest order is not taken at what time and under what kind of Chichikov "(323).

A similar technique was provided by the hero and the male part of the provincial city:

"All or not accepted it, or accepted so strange, such a forced and incomprehensible led the conversation, they were confused and such a secrecy was released from everything that he doubted the health of their brain" (340).

However, the "Male Party" Chichikovsky idea was not clearer than the feminine:

"All of them had somehow a draw, illegally, unbelieving, no one, nestroely, is not good, in the head of the Kutert, Sutol, the rigging ..." (324).

But at the same time, the men felt that "the main thing to pay attention to, there are dead souls, which, however, the hell knows what they mean ..." (324). Tied them with the appointment of the new governor and frightened by the consequences of their own official unscrupulousness, coating here Napoleon and the history of Captain Copeikin, the "Men's Party", but it was not able to approach the true essence of the Chichikovskaya "Meniation". That is, like women, the men of the provincial city are trying to comprehend the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying dead souls through the introduction of it in the circle of understandable life phenomena. But it turns out to be incredibly even the most paradoxical assumptions, as expected to escape Napoleon and the secret of its appearance in the city of N and the history of Captain Copeikin.

Thus, "His", "the usual", adopted by the city society as native chikchiki, turns out to be incomprehensible, foreign stranger. His dedication to the inhabitants of the city N from the category of "his" leaves him another exit, as with an uncertain sense to leave the city-house and go on to carry out its road enterprise.

Judging by the heads of the second volume of the "dead souls", Chikchiku succeeds in sufficiently successfully carry out its "denomination". However, not this road becomes its way to home. Crossing with the motive path in the first volume at the copyright level, in the future, in the second and third volumes of the poem's motive of the road, according to Gogol's plan, should increasingly get close to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe vitality of the hero, and, in his spiritual, reviving understanding . Thus, at the level of the plan's plan, the road's motive should change its vector direction: from horizontal to vertical. Combined as a result in the motive of the path-road, these two initially different motive set the new idea of \u200b\u200bthe house in accordance with the spiritual task that Gogol considered the main artistic creativity.

The image of the road in the poem N.V.Gogol "Dead Souls"
Roads are difficult, but worse without roads ...

The motive of the road in the poem is very multiple.

The image of the road is embodied in a straight, intolerable meaning - this is a flat road in which the Schichikov's spring is gently rides ("the horses stirred and suffered like a fluff, a gentle bicker"), then bumpy calams, and then the impassive dirt in which , getting to the box ("The dust lying on the road quickly kneaded in the dirt, and the horses became heavily harder to drag the branches"). The road promises a traveler a variety of surprises: heading for the Schemevich, the boxes turn out to be at the box, and before Kucher Selifan, "the roads were spread in all directions as caught cancers ...".

A completely different meaning receives this motive in the famous lyrical retreat of the eleventh chapter: the road with a barrice turns into the path for which Russia is flying, "and, asleep, the other nations and states give her the road."

In this motive - and the unknown ways of Russian national development: "Rus, where you are carrying you, give an answer? Does not answer ", representing opposition by ways of other peoples:" What are curved, deaf, narrow, impassable, who drive far towards the road chose humanity ... ". But it is impossible to say that these are the most expensive on which chikchikov worn: those roads lead to Russian people, maybe in the outstand, maybe in a hole where there are no moral principles, but still these roads make up Russia, Russia itself - and there is a big road, leading a person in a huge space, absorbing a person who eats it all. Running from one road, you get to another, you can not keep track of all the ways of Russia, as you can not collect back into the bag of caught cancers. It is symbolic that out of the outback of the box Chichiku indicates the road an illiterate girl Pelagia, who does not know where the right where left. But, choosing from the box, Chichikov gets to Nozdreva - the road leads Chichikova not to where he wants, but he cannot resist her, although it makes any plans for the future.

The living path of the hero is embodied in the way of the road ("But with all that it was difficult to be his road ..."), and the creative path of the author: "And for a long time, it is still a wonderful power to go under his arm with my strange heroes ..."

Also, the road is an assistant Gogol in creating the composition of the poem, which then looks very rational: the exposition of the story of the journey is given in the first chapter (Chichikov meets the officials and with some landowners, receives their invitations), followed by five chapters in which landlords are sitting Chichikov drives from the head to the chapter on his bunch, buying dead souls.

British of the main character is very important. Chichikov - the hero of the way, and the Brica is his house. This subject part, being undoubtedly one of the means of creating the image of Chichikov, plays a large plot role: there are many episodes and plot turns of the poems that are motivated just a bicker. Not only is Chichikov travels in it, that is, thanks to her, it turns out to be a possible story of travel; BRAKE Motivates the appearance of Selifan characters and three horses; Thanks to her, it is possible to escape from the nostroid (that is, the BRACK helps Chichikov); The bridge faces the governor's daughter's carriage and thus the lyrical motive is introduced, and at the end of the Poem Chichiki even appears as a kidney of the governor's daughter. BRIKA - Live character: She is endowed with her own will and sometimes he does not listen to Chichikov and Selifana, goes to his way and at the end pumped out the seeds in the impassive dirt - so the hero does not fall into the box, which meets his tender words: "Eh, father My, but you have, like a borov, the whole back and side in the mud! Where did you choose so? "In addition, a bridge as it is determined by the ring composition of the first volume: the poem opens with a conversation of two men about how firmly the wheel of the brush, and ends the breakdown of the wheel itself, because of which Chichiku has to stay in the city.

In creating the image of the road plays the role not only the road itself, but also heroes, things and events. The road is the main "Kanva" of the poem. Only on the on-site plots only on it. While the road goes, life is going; While life is going, there is a story about this life.

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